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Is The Pikmin Series That Good?

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#21 Gamejunkie



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Posted 10 March 2013 - 02:41 AM

tried and just couldnt get into them. maybe im just not good at RTS games.

Same here. I tried Pikimin 1 and 2 but just couldn't get into them. Then again I'm not into RTS or turn based strategy games so that may be it. I also couldn't get into Advance Wars or Fire Emblem. I wish I could as look like fun games to play.

#22 Smertrius



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 06:58 AM

i love rts games number 3 is Availability Release Date: 26 April 2013 and u can play prevoius games as wii games and still a Availabile to buy

#23 3Dude



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:00 AM

Its an RTS/action game hybrid.

Pikmin are basically ants. You control an army of ants and use them to take down large predators and find treasure.

Its heavily streamlined rts gameplay, to the extent that its super gamey, arcade style gameplay. You really cant play it lioe an rts, rts is detached, like you are an invisible overlord calling the shots, pikmin is hands on, you are down there with them.

The l button blows a whistle, that brings all pikmin nearby to you, the left analog stick controls your character, and the formation generally follows behind.

The right analog stick controls the formation/selected pikmin seperately from your main character. Using this you have precision control pathfinding ai cant manage.

You can use it to swarm over enemies (as opposed to throwing one at a time), turn your formation into a single file line to cross narrow openings, cross narrow paths to treasure you cant reach, avoid enemy attacks on your swarm.

Despite being an rts, the game controls like an action game, and the action happens much much faster than an rts.

You dont send your pikmin out and sit back until the job is done, you have to actively have them attack, call them back, dodge, and then attack a weak spot and repeat, or you will quickly find your pikmin army eaten.

There is also tons of exploring, with returning to earlier levels with new pikmin powers to open new areas, and miyamoto style puzzles to solve.

Its pretty dang good, and oozes charm.



#24 Portal



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Posted 15 March 2013 - 09:25 AM

Yes it is. I got NPC! Pikmin about two months back and really like it. The only thing I don't like is the daily time limit. I'd have beaten it by now if it weren't for that thing. Personally, I find that it discourages me from wanting to get back into it. I haven't played Pikmin 2, but it looks pretty similar outside of the time limit being gone. As for Pikmin 3, heck yeah I'm getting it!

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#25 xile6



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 03:29 PM

Yes it is. I got NPC! Pikmin about two months back and really like it. The only thing I don't like is the daily time limit. I'd have beaten it by now if it weren't for that thing. Personally, I find that it discourages me from wanting to get back into it. I haven't played Pikmin 2, but it looks pretty similar outside of the time limit being gone. As for Pikmin 3, heck yeah I'm getting it!

The time limit is part of the game. It has always added to it to me. Sometimes it sucks when your running out of time. Bt just means your gotta plan things out better.

I believe I beaten 1 three times and 2 two times. Can't wait for 3.
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#26 Alianjaro



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Posted 18 March 2013 - 08:11 PM

So I heard about Pikmin 3 at last year's E3 conference and I just want to know if the Pikmin series is as good as people say it is? What is the gameplay supposed to be like? I'm sorry if I am asking a really dumb question to some people but this is going to be my first Pikmin title so i'm new to the series.

Really challenging. Those puzzles you get to solve, those complex maps... Its truly a masterpiece IMO. That third game is aiming a lot higher than the first two. Gonna be interesting.
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