If you want to add your own to the selection, you can either reply to this thread with a sig you made, or if you're very proud of it, start your own thread about it over in The Museum, and I'll add it to this post. Any submitted signatures must be 600x200 pixels, or I will not add them to this post!
Note that I'll re-host all "approved" signature images on s.thewiiu.com. As these images will be getting shown on other sites, loading them from there will have a slight performance gain over doing it through the forum attachment system.
Without further ado, the signatures!
TheWiiU.com Signatures
"Wii U Forums" by Guest
"TheWiiU.com" by AMAC
Wii U Go Signatures
"Wii U Go" by AMAC
"Wii U Go Forums" by GunGoomba