What would you do if the Wii U is Nintendo's last console. Nothing after that, no handhelds, no home consoles, they had to make games for other consoles. What would you do? I guess I would stop gaming altogether, the Xbox and Playstation doesn't interest me at all.

What will you do if the Wii U is Nintendo's last ever console?
Posted 17 March 2013 - 05:45 AM
- Robotic Sunshine Commander and Dragon like this
Posted 17 March 2013 - 05:48 AM
Well I already play other consoles, so I wouldn't' be too bothered. Only disturbed that the console market will have very slow innovation, as Microsoft and Sony usually wait to see what Nintendo do, then copy and improve on the idea. Now all we'd end up with is Sony and Microsoft never changing generation because why bother when you can make money out of the generation you're already in? Why take the financial risk innovating new gameplay ideas when we can just sit on our asses and just pump out the same old carp that people keep buying.
Yes I know Nintendo do like to pump out the same old Mario occasionally, but they seem the most innovative when it comes to sequels to their software and hardware
However I feel that the Wii U will sell at least 65, 000, 000 - 75, 000, 000 consoles during its lifetime setting up a large consumer base, and further third party trust ready for the next Nintendo console.
But i don't think Nintendo's next console will be out any times soon. There's no point unill 4k TVs become popular (there's NO point in another 1080p console, the Wii U is fine at doing that) and all possibilities have been tried and done to death with the gamepad.
Edited by Penguin101, 17 March 2013 - 05:55 AM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 05:52 AM
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:08 AM
I love how the comments pretty much disregard the question and just say that it won't happen. As for me, I would probably move to pc gaming.
- Alph likes this
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:15 AM
Well, I wloud be on Sony gameing if it wloud have more non-shooter and mature games, but I think i wloud go to PC
Hello! My name is Kao and I am a Kangaroo! If you can see my kicking picture there, you can see me riding one of mine friends! I am quite popular in the area because I saved alot of animals turning in to women accsesories. It was quite painfull on the way, but I liked the experience! I plan on buying a plane with all my money I got and going on an adventure on the isles. My first adventure was when that Mcguffin Hunter cought me, but I escaped, and I don't want to let any animal in pain! What's your story, mate?
-Kao the kangaroo
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:23 AM
Rather than move to Xbot or Sonydrone country i'd probably move to PC or just give up gaming period :|
Edited by VGCrasher, 17 March 2013 - 06:24 AM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:45 AM
I usually own all the different consoles. I would miss them tons, but I would still be gaming as I normally do. I don't see this happening in the near future. If anything I could see them going handheld only. They already made statements on working on the 3DS/Wii U successors.

Check out my video game collection blog at http://genesaturn.blogspot.com/
Feel free to add me as a friend on your 3DS and Wii U as well - Friend Code = 1289-9502-7134 / Nintendo ID - Tricky
Posted 17 March 2013 - 06:46 AM
What would you do if the Wii U is Nintendo's last console. Nothing after that, no handhelds, no home consoles, they had to make games for other consoles. What would you do? I guess I would stop gaming altogether, the Xbox and Playstation doesn't interest me at all.
If Nintendo are making games, and they appear on the Praystation or Xsocks, why would you not be interested in them?
I already do my non-console gaming on pc so nothing would change for me, except I'd hope Nintendo would release on steam.
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Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:24 AM
I'd just continue gaming on other platforms. Why isn't there an option for all of the above? It implies that you have to be a fanboy and move exclusively to one.
- Penguin101 likes this
Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:25 AM
I think it probably will be their last console, not because I think they'll drop out of the industry, but because I think the idea of traditional "game consoles" is going to be phased out over the course of the 8th gen and going into the 9th gen. Hardware is likely going to become a lot more open, more customisable and such, so it'll be interesting to see how Nintendo adapts to that.
But if they did drop out of the industry all together, I don't think much would change for me. I already use the PC as my main platform, PlayStation for most multiplats, and Xbox for the few good MS exclusives.
- Robotic Sunshine Commander likes this
Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:35 AM
Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:35 AM
I'll play Animal Crossing 3DS until I die.
End of story..... However, if I lost my animal crossing 3DS and there's no way to get it back or to play 3DS again.. Well... I'll kill myself. JK.
I'll probably play Minecraft on this stupid PC.
Edited by Omarsonic9, 17 March 2013 - 07:36 AM.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 07:40 AM
i dont like the poll because im a pc gamer and a nintendo gamer
Posted 17 March 2013 - 08:16 AM
I would be devastasted from an emotional point of view. From a more pragmatic point of view, it's something I could live with as long as Nintendo's IPs stay alive and exclusive to Nintendo as the publisher.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 08:30 AM
I probably wouldnt bother with anything. I really only play Nintendo consoles because I enjoy their IPs the most and for nostalgia. If they ended up going software-only then their games would probably end up declining in quality. I'd possibly buy one of the other consoles cheap second-hand but I wouldnt pay £300+ for a console I will only use for a few games. Unlike most on here I dont really play games religiously (besides Zelda and a couple of other games).
Posted 17 March 2013 - 09:42 AM
I'd move to Sony but there would be really few games that I'd really want tbh.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 09:46 AM
I'd just continue gaming on other platforms. Why isn't there an option for all of the above? It implies that you have to be a fanboy and move exclusively to one.
I was thinking that but then I forgot. Besides, next gen consoles will be expensive.
Hi, my name is Alph. I live on a planet named Koppai. I am famous for saving my planet from starvation. My best friends are Brittany and Captain Olimar, NOT Captain Charlie. I like surfing the KopNet and playing Kopetball.
Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:05 AM
dude, sony has more financial issues to fight than ninty, so im not worried about them dieing off. but i expect this generation to be even longer than the last.
- Alex Wolfers likes this
Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:16 AM
I find it kind of funny how no one voted Micros$oft so far. The point is I cant see this being Nintendo's last system but in a make believe situation I would give up gaming and go to college so I can redeem fantasy gaming.
I think it probably will be their last console, not because I think they'll drop out of the industry, but because I think the idea of traditional "game consoles" is going to be phased out over the course of the 8th gen and going into the 9th gen. Hardware is likely going to become a lot more open, more customisable and such, so it'll be interesting to see how Nintendo adapts to that.
But if they did drop out of the industry all together, I don't think much would change for me. I already use the PC as my main platform, PlayStation for most multiplats, and Xbox for the few good MS exclusives.
I certainly hope not Deadly. Of course I can't see how a telephone or something with a phones OS can kill a gaming system.
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