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how was the wiiu suppost to attract core gamers again ?

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#1 kingdomcode


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:27 AM

i just curious what was nintendos plan to get hardcore gamers on board on the wiiu?

#2 Plutonas



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:36 AM

more games... well, the games announced till to date, cover up most expectations, but the problem at this point, is that this games they should have come a bit earlier or at least announced a bit earlier... nintendo dig their own holes by hiding stuff.. it turns against them at the end.


Its a brand new system and it came with only some basics and lots of bugs... that was the problem.. I am watching it closelly, as wii U is the only system I am interested at, in this point.


I may buy it in JUNE... Till June, wii U will have a very good list of games released and I believe is going to be the best time to purchase one...  I also want all the updates to be pre-installed, including the june update...just to avoid this kind of.... bad things.


I am expecting to see if


1) call of Juarez will come to wii U

2) Star wars 1313

Edited by Plutonas, 17 March 2013 - 10:36 AM.

#3 Nollog


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:40 AM

I doubt they ever had a plan to do any of that.

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#4 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:45 AM

With the badass IPs we grew up with and loved. Plus the fact you don't have to use damn motion controls all the time.

I doubt they ever had a plan to do any of that.

What I said just now above this.


#5 kingdomcode


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 10:47 AM

hardcore gamers are already on board for the ps4 nintendo shouda made the gamepad more attractive to core gamers and advertise better once again nintendo fans will have to face yet another gen of ridicule by ps and xbox players because of nintendos inability to comprehend with the current state of gaming

#6 Nollog


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 11:33 AM

With the badass IPs we grew up with and loved. Plus the fact you don't have to use damn motion controls all the time.

What I said just now above this.

what does motion controls have to do with "core" gamers?

Are you confusing "core" gamers with silly ponys who need to shut the Wii up and die so they shut the Wii up about motion controls as there's no legitimate problem with them as a control scheme?

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#7 Keviin



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 12:57 PM

I'm a core gamer and the Wii attracted to me.. Why? I'm a die-hard Nintendo fan and want to play all main entries in their big IPs.

No sig.

#8 Cozmo


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:18 PM

they were supposed to get the big third party mature games by finnally upgrading to 1080 and having twin stick controls( my view), they also added a pro controller for devs that are to lazy to make a simple use out of the gamepad and for those of you who want a controller that you are accustomed to. this isnt happening due to mainly lac of sales and bad timeing in release and probably the late dev kits. (all my views) plus i think it wouldv sold a little bit more it it wasnt called the "wii"u. i really dont know what nintendo is doing to try to get the big games onto their system, but its not working to well. so far they got cod, ac3/4, watchdogs, and hopefully bf4 if ea isnt still butthurt. (my views of what are the biggest third party multiplat games) im not going to say what i think they should or shouldv done bc wev all repeated ourselves way too many times on that subject.

#9 Fig


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 01:29 PM

IF Nintendo had (has) a plan, I've yet to see it. It seems like their plan was/is "we'll release Wii U, let our dedicated fans buy it and enjoy Nintendo Land, NSMBU, and various third party ports." I sincerely hope they ramp up the marketing and games later this year to attract the general consumer and shooter/deep rpg snobs. Graphics whores are lost. PS4 & 720 will have better graphics. Even if they're slightly better, graphics whores will cling to it like white on rice. I hope they've got a plan to combat the PS4720 launches. I'm not sure why they (hopefully) held back their marketing, but they need a quality, effective campaign beginning late this summer/early fall.

#10 Eskimo_sam



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Posted 17 March 2013 - 02:29 PM

because iwata and reggie said so

#11 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 17 March 2013 - 03:05 PM

hardcore gamers are already on board for the ps4 nintendo shouda made the gamepad more attractive to core gamers and advertise better once again nintendo fans will have to face yet another gen of ridicule by ps and xbox players because of nintendos inability to comprehend with the current state of gaming

wtf is this^ lol. In no way shape or form is this true, Nintendo is leading the handheld and console market right now, and the tech in the Wii U is great for a next gen console as of now, time will tell if it has the strength to last as long as ps4. But your complaint about the gamepad is absolutely wrong. The gamepad is a standard controller with a touchscreen for more GAMING options. If a real gamer can't relize it's potential, idk who can. Just look at the ds and 3ds, games use that second screen in very meaningful ways.

IF Nintendo had (has) a plan, I've yet to see it. It seems like their plan was/is "we'll release Wii U, let our dedicated fans buy it and enjoy Nintendo Land, NSMBU, and various third party ports." I sincerely hope they ramp up the marketing and games later this year to attract the general consumer and shooter/deep rpg snobs. Graphics whores are lost. PS4 & 720 will have better graphics. Even if they're slightly better, graphics whores will cling to it like white on rice. I hope they've got a plan to combat the PS4720 launches. I'm not sure why they (hopefully) held back their marketing, but they need a quality, effective campaign beginning late this summer/early fall.

You know what it is, is I don't think they want to make a mistake of releasing a ton of hit games when competition isn't there. they are waiting for the right time ( this holiday) to really hit hard with advertising and major games. Another thing to note is that more third party games are being confirmed for wii u for this holiday because there will other next gen consoles to port from, making devs' jobs easier.


#12 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 17 March 2013 - 03:35 PM

I don't even know anymore, new games just keep missing the system, I'm optimistic that things will pick up, just look at the games I wanna get: The Amazing Spiderman Ultimate Edition, Injustice Gods Among Us, Pikmin 3, Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag, Watch_Dogs, Pokemon Rumble U if it comes to the west and the enevitable yearly DragonBall Z game if it comes to Wii U Namco Bandai like to put all thier games on as many possible consoles so I'm confident I will get my DBZ game this year.

#13 Socalmuscle


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 12:03 AM

i just curious what was nintendos plan to get hardcore gamers on board on the wiiu?

By having games like Watch Dogs and definitive versions of games like Need for speed on Wii U.

Third party ports that are the same as on old crusty consoles isn't going to do it. But games like the aforementioned will. And thats not factoring in Metroid, Zelda (not WW), or any Nintendo games.

If EA wasn't stupid and if The version of a crysis 3 they made for Wii U used the PC assets and DX 11 type of features, then having that on the Wii U would have been great as well, considering that's the type of game you want the best console to Play on.

There are many unannounced great games as well.

So Nintendo is doing what they need to. But the timing hasn't hit yet. Right now is what you call a traditional Nintendo post-launch drought. But There will be a deluge soon enough.

#14 CUD


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 02:09 AM

Pretty sure they were just relying on third parties to attract core gamers, they don't yet have that third party support they had hoped for and it may never come.

This statement is false. The previous statement is true.

RIP in peace Nintendo.


#15 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 02:54 AM

IF Nintendo had (has) a plan, I've yet to see it. It seems like their plan was/is "we'll release Wii U, let our dedicated fans buy it and enjoy Nintendo Land, NSMBU, and various third party ports." I sincerely hope they ramp up the marketing and games later this year to attract the general consumer and shooter/deep rpg snobs. Graphics whores are lost. PS4 & 720 will have better graphics. Even if they're slightly better, graphics whores will cling to it like white on rice. I hope they've got a plan to combat the PS4720 launches. I'm not sure why they (hopefully) held back their marketing, but they need a quality, effective campaign beginning late this summer/early fall.

true graphics whores left consoles years ago and went to PC, console gamers are the people who are ok with spending 300$ for a dedicated gaming console every 6 years that they know will play everything, but will have crappy graphics when compared to modern high spec rigs.


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#16 GAMER1984



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Posted 18 March 2013 - 03:15 AM

Nintendo is about to drop the hammer in a couple of months. Exclusives the like of wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, New IP's, and some relationship people didnt think they would be possible. really look at whats going on? does Nintendo seem worried about the Wii U's so called crisis and low sales? No they know software drives hardware sales and they know they have bombs that will shake the industry and make haters bow down and respect the console.  this is not a fanboy post even though i love them just take my word on this one. the coming months leading up to E3 is gonna be fun to watch as a nintendo fan. they are making strides in the right direction and is gonna be exciting to see thm share those things with the gaming world.

Edited by GAMER1984, 18 March 2013 - 03:16 AM.

#17 Shogo


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 05:05 AM

They have done a terrible job.  Why they show Ken Levine at E3 2011 praising the Wii U and 2 years later we aren't getting Bioshock Infinite.  I am tired of misssing out on so many games that appeal to me.  I am getting a PS4 for the triple AAA games and my Wii U for the ocassional good game that might come its way.

Edited by Shogo, 18 March 2013 - 05:12 AM.

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#18 alan123


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 07:47 AM

the simple answer is Nintendo didn't know how to attract core gamers & they still don't, you are not going to get some one from their PS3 or X360 from playing BF4, CoD, GT, Forza etc to spend £300+ on a WiiU so they can play either multi-platform games they can already get on their PS3, X360 or Mario World, or Mario Kart.

#19 Jason777123



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Posted 18 March 2013 - 09:04 AM

     I can honestly say that I don't believe Nintendo will ever get back the "core" gamers, because the reality is that Nintendo now has the reputation of being a company for kids/families. Even though they aren't and never really were just for kids/families, "core" gamers are still going  to think that they have to play PS/Xbox in order to get the "mature" games. If the Wii U keeps getting more third party games though, maybe people will change their minds, but we can't really tell at this point.

#20 Penguin101


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Posted 18 March 2013 - 10:17 AM

You mean COD players kingdomcode? Ummmm I guess they bought out Black Ops for the Wii U. But as far as first party FPS? Um nothing, unless Metroid Prime 4 comes out and it's a full on online multiplayer death match extraviganza experience. Then they've done a lot. Especially if the visuals are photorealistic. That'll get a lot of adolescent 360 fanboys hard,

Edited by Penguin101, 18 March 2013 - 10:21 AM.

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