hes clearly stuck in the 90s and has no clue what modern gamers are or what their interested in nintendo needs to get rid of it stubborness its habit of rehasing games its family friendly image and its reluctance to graphics and third partys the gaming industry does not take nintendo seriously and its to the point where people only by nintendo consol for first party games iwate is blind to what goes on in the gaming community and needs to step down and allow someone new to bring nintendo up to modern times and make nintendo the respectable company it once was

iwata seriously needs to step down
Posted 19 March 2013 - 08:48 PM
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:45 PM
Was that really just one long sentence? There's something called punctuation.... Just saying.
- Gruff, Keviin, Gamejunkie and 13 others like this
Posted 19 March 2013 - 09:50 PM
...........How is he negative again? your excuse makes zero sense and how you didn't out any punctuation in your somewhat paragraph, its like you want them to be more like Sony, Iwata is a better example to lead Nintendo, he gained trust to many developers in Japan and fixed the issues that the last president did a really hateful scene with Square and really changed the way Nintendo was looked upon. You do realize that MANY parents look at Nintendo as the right gaming company to trust for what their children should play instead of Call of Duty or Dead Space.
Aaaaaaand let the hate comments begin.
Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:11 AM
He's clearly stuck! In the 90s? And has no clue what modern gamers are or what their interested. In Nintendo needs, to get rid of it, stubborness? It's habit!!! Of rehasing games, its family friendly image and its reluctance to graphics. And third partys - the gaming industry... Does not take nintendo seriously and its to the point?
Where people only, by Nintendo consol, for first party games "iwate" is blind. To what goes on? In the gaming community and needs. To step down and allow. Someone new to bring Nintendo up, to modern times and make Nintendo the respectable company. It once was!
- TheSparrow87, routerbad and BrandonsBeard like this
Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:35 AM
Kingdomcode, I've briefly looked through your posts and usually it's nothing but bashing the system and the company, something tells me you're either 1) A Troll, or (2) Paid by Sony or Microsoft to post in forums professionally. If you're being paid, you're not doing a good job. I've was paid during my Uni days by Eidos to monitor forums and get market research on what gamers wanted as well as bash other rival games, and you're not being subtle enough. It's an art I tell you.
Edited by Penguin101, 20 March 2013 - 02:36 AM.
- Robotic Sunshine Commander, Dragon, BanjoKazooie and 2 others like this
Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:49 AM
Nintendo keeps putting out games people love. Iwata even managed to open up the gaming market to non gamers with NDS and Wii.
He makes a few mistakes and now he has to go because he´s no good for the company.
People seeing Nintendo`s consoles just for 1st party games, is something that started with the N64 and kept getting worse. Wii sure didn`t help by being more of a Nintendo core and casual/non-gamer console. But it`s nothing new.
3rd parties would be more than happy if their games sold on Nintendo consoles. But the last time that happened it was probably with the N64.
Wii U will see good 3rd party support. It`s up to Nintendo gamers to set the example and buy 3rd party games on Wii U. Because if not even they do it, why should others who don`t have Nintendo consoles as primary console?
Posted 20 March 2013 - 03:54 AM
There are places for people like the OP
Posted 20 March 2013 - 04:20 AM
hes clearly stuck in the 90s and has no clue what modern gamers are or what their interested in nintendo needs to get rid of it stubborness its habit of rehasing games its family friendly image and its reluctance to graphics and third partys the gaming industry does not take nintendo seriously and its to the point where people only by nintendo consol for first party games iwate is blind to what goes on in the gaming community and needs to step down and allow someone new to bring nintendo up to modern times and make nintendo the respectable company it once was
I don't get how EA, Activision, and others can rehash the same game over and over yet Nintendo does it (and does it better than others) and somehow Nintendo is wrong.
- Hank Hill, Robotic Sunshine Commander and ThatGuy like this
Posted 20 March 2013 - 12:09 PM
- Robotic Sunshine Commander likes this
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ordeal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I die with no regrets~Ikaruga Prologue
Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:07 PM
Stop complaining kingdom code. ALL you do is complain about everything Nintendo does and you still insist on staying on this forum. I have no clue why you are even still here if all you do is be a pessimist and get other people down. Iwata is great at what he does, don't let anyone tell you differently. Ever since he has stepped up in the company all you have pretty much seen is money flowing from Nintendo's pockets.
Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:09 PM
Kingdomcode, I've briefly looked through your posts and usually it's nothing but bashing the system and the company, something tells me you're either 1) A Troll, or (2) Paid by Sony or Microsoft to post in forums professionally. If you're being paid, you're not doing a good job. I've was paid during my Uni days by Eidos to monitor forums and get market research on what gamers wanted as well as bash other rival games, and you're not being subtle enough. It's an art I tell you.
Where can i find one if these jobs!!!! Sign me up for this
- storabajskorven likes this
Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:09 PM
He's clearly stuck! In the 90s? And has no clue what modern gamers are or what their interested. In Nintendo needs, to get rid of it, stubborness? It's habit!!! Of rehasing games, its family friendly image and its reluctance to graphics. And third partys - the gaming industry... Does not take nintendo seriously and its to the point?
Where people only, by Nintendo consol, for first party games "iwate" is blind. To what goes on? In the gaming community and needs. To step down and allow. Someone new to bring Nintendo up, to modern times and make Nintendo the respectable company. It once was!
Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:11 PM
"reluctance to graphics"
Uhhh... what? This entire post made no sense whatsoever, what that definitely jumped out to me.
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunit.../id/ThatGuy3333
3DS Friend Code: 0946-2437-3230
Wii U NNID: ThatGuy_33
Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:29 PM
Where can i find one if these jobs!!!! Sign me up for this
I'll PM you some details
Posted 20 March 2013 - 01:35 PM
hes clearly stuck in the 90s and has no clue what modern gamers are or what their interested in nintendo needs to get rid of it stubborness its habit of rehasing games its family friendly image and its reluctance to graphics and third partys the gaming industry does not take nintendo seriously and its to the point where people only by nintendo consol for first party games iwate is blind to what goes on in the gaming community and needs to step down and allow someone new to bring nintendo up to modern times and make nintendo the respectable company it once was
Lol at your choice.
96 million Wiis+30 million 3DSs+Nice Suits+150 million DSs= Iwata
When you come under pressure at least 1/16 of his then you can talk.
Edited by Ghost, 20 March 2013 - 01:37 PM.
Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:11 PM
What are you saying no to?
Posted 20 March 2013 - 02:30 PM
I seriously think the op is just a major troll,
All you ever do is bash without any constructive criticism. :I
Posted 20 March 2013 - 04:34 PM
Kingdomcode... you are a disgrace to Nintendo, this forum, and gamers worldwide. You don't belong here... you belong someplace else.
"Let's dance, boys!"
- Bayonetta
Posted 23 March 2013 - 04:03 AM
hes clearly stuck in the 90s and has no clue what modern gamers are or what their interested in nintendo needs to get rid of it stubborness its habit of rehasing games its family friendly image and its reluctance to graphics and third partys the gaming industry does not take nintendo seriously and its to the point where people only by nintendo consol for first party games iwate is blind to what goes on in the gaming community and needs to step down and allow someone new to bring nintendo up to modern times and make nintendo the respectable company it once was
I suggest you come back when you can use proper grammar and punctuation. Just because this is a forum and you're not writing an essay or paper doesn't mean you should post nonsense like that.
As for a response to your post even if Iwata were to leave it wouldn't make any difference in the way Nintendo does business or the decisions they make.
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