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What if Final Fantasy 7 was on the N64? Thoughts?

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:02 PM

I know this might have been the fault of the former Nintendo president that really changed what other companies thought of Nintendo until Iwata stepped in in the Gamecube & GBA Era, but what if the greatest RPG of all time was on a 64 bit console? Instead of......The disaster that lead into Square Enix's near death.



#2 Gaymer


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:24 PM

The greatest RPG of all time? :(


Anyway, I don't know, maybe the game would've looked better than it did on the PS1.

#3 Byakuya Togami

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:34 PM

It still would've sucked. Everything about this game was just a terrible mistake.

#4 Tom


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:36 PM

Considering that Final Fantasy 7 was 1.32GB, and an N64 cartridge can only hold at maximum 64 MB...


It would look much, much worse, despite the N64 being more powerful.


#5 Gaymer


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 05:42 PM

Considering that Final Fantasy 7 was 1.32GB, and an N64 cartridge can only hold at maximum 64 MB...


It would look much, much worse, despite the N64 being more powerful.

Well, there was this. Even though it's a tech demo, it looks so much better than the one we got. If only that deal with Sony hadn't fallen through. :P


#6 Joshua West

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Posted 03 April 2013 - 06:23 PM

1. Chrono Trigger is the greatest RPG of all time not ff7

2. the game would've either had to have been sold on like 4 different N64 cartridges or been a niche 64DD title

3. would've looked marginally better and may have sold a few more 64's but overall prob wouldn't have been worth it for square

#7 NocturnalLodestar


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 08:10 PM

If Final Fantasy 7 was on the Nintendo 64, I would definitely have it already. ^_^


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#8 Socalmuscle


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Posted 03 April 2013 - 08:11 PM

FFVII was something Square wanted to do.

They even had 3D models testing.

Graphically, the game would be siperior on n64.

The 3d portions It looked ok on Playstation. But only where there were no textures and lighting only. The textures left a lot to be desired. The n64 could have texture "blurriness" in cases where the textures were overly compressed to fit in a small cartridge rom. The mop-mapping would then make them look worse instead of smooth them out. On a cd, the compression would need to be so extreme. The n64 was begging to have a cd drive. Heck even as an add on it would be great. But no... Nintendo had to over implicate with the 64dd vaporware...

The best looking portions of the game were static 2D backdrops that nearly could be done on snes...

The reason square didn't bring the game to n63 was because Nintendo wanted to use cartridges.

They had extremely low storage vs. cd.

Ff7 gas lots of fmv and static 2d shots. It needed storage. N64 cartridge would have been wiped out before it could finish the opening scene.

If Nintendo would have included a cd drive in the n64 like they should have, Playstation would have been toast. N64 was far better hardware. Tons more ram (lol) and 90 MHz vs 33.

The lack of a cd drive hurt n64 badly at a time when fmv and massive soundtracks were the rage on pc and console.

Square didn't want to artistically butcher their game just to fit it in a tiny cartridge rom. So they didn't.

Nintendo didn't learn when they put the small GameCube disc in the spec for the gcn either.

They are learning now.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 03 April 2013 - 08:20 PM.

#9 Dwarphkin


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 08:25 AM

TBH, And I know this has nothing to do with the topic(?), but I honestly would play FFVII is it wasn't turn based. It just makes it boring to me, and that is why I prefer Zelda over Final Fantasy. 

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#10 DéliopT



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Posted 05 April 2013 - 10:17 AM

Well, just talking what FF VII would do for N64, yeah, it would have changed N64`s overall perception and level of success.
FF VII did a lot of good to PS1.


Of course, it helped that PS1 was a disc based console.



#11 Socalmuscle


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Posted 05 April 2013 - 12:49 PM

if ff7 was on n64, the 3d portions would shame the ps version (which looked pretty bad actually), but fmv would be stripped out and 2d backdrops would be compressed beyond recognition to fit them in the tiny cartridge memory.


The best parts of ff7 graphically were the 2d backdrops and fmv. the 3d scenes and characters were not the greatest.  they looked ok when it was stright lit polygons, but any sort of texturing was terrible.  the backdrops and fmv would get destroyed by compression and probably would end up requiring complete removal of fmv.


the only way it could work is for it to be bundled with a cd add on.


The n64 had better hardware, but not enough game storage. It was a horrible achilles heel.  Nintendo thought they were saving cost then (as well as forcing devs to pay more for locking into the cartridge), but in reality, the system would have sold WAY more and killed off the ps if they included a cd drive.  and people would have gladly paid more for it. I still remember seeing how ambitious Zelda: Ocarina of time was, then seeing the textures absolutely destroyed by compression so much into a 512 mbit cartridge.  not MB - megabyte. Mb - MegaBIT.  tiny, useless storage for something so epic.  Nintendo used some 2D backdrops then too (like in Link's tree home) that would have looked awesome, but instead looked like a puddle of mud due to overcompression to fit in the cartridge.  stupid decision back then.  then Gamecube got it right.  But by then, Nintendo was being called "kiddy" because the thing looked like an elementary school lunch pale with a Barney the dinosaur color scheme.


FF7 on N64 would have rocked.  but it NEEDED optical storage to be done right.


Heck, even if they remade it for Wii U, it would sell like hotcakes.  It is the best FF ever made.  I don't know what the heck there were thinking with 13 and on.

TBH, And I know this has nothing to do with the topic(?), but I honestly would play FFVII is it wasn't turn based. It just makes it boring to me, and that is why I prefer Zelda over Final Fantasy



The entire premise of Zelda is better.  And the gameplay of Zelda is sweet.  Pretty much every Zelda game on a Nintendo console has been sweet.  


Now, take the gameplay, story, etc. of Zelda and combine it with the production values of Final Fantasy and you have Utopia.


Hopefully the rumors are true and Nintendo is doing exactly that.


Zelda is worthy of so much more than Nintendo has ever given it in terms of production value --- althought Skyward Sword seems like it was going for the gold.  Seriously impressed that Nintendo went that far into making the game insanely great.  story, mechanics, art, production values... wow.


But PLEASE, PLEASE, no more speech bubbles.  Get some stellar voice acting!!!  

#12 3Dude



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:04 AM

The 3d parts would have looked much much better.

The rest of the game would look like absolute doo doo, as the level of compression required for tge sheer number of bitmap backdrops on the tuny n64 cart would be ridiculous. That would also transfer over to the fmv's, including the in game scene change fmv's that made ff7 so flashy.

An d witgout all that flash, ff7 is just a cheap knock off of ff6... So no one would rember it.



#13 Julio93


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:16 AM

Wow guys, I never knew a quote would leave you so butthurt, I'm saying what others are saying, not my decision, just go by the results on what others think, if you think differently, good for you. I don't care, its not written in blood as factual.



#14 3Dude



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 09:26 AM

Actually i didnt read the op, i was just responding too ff7 on n64, and assumed the n64 tech demo would be linked too.

But yeah, i dont think we agree on whats the greatest rpg of all time.



#15 GhostDrive



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Posted 09 April 2013 - 12:01 PM

If it was on the N64 then it would have been an N64 game. All sarcasm aside, I don't have many thoughts. Either way I wouldn't have been able to play it at the time of release.

#16 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 09 April 2013 - 02:55 PM

The N64 would have probably got it if it wasn't for the cancelation of the N64 Disk Drive.

BTW I'm downloading FFVII for the Vita tommorow.


#17 Penguin101


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:06 PM

Final Fantasy 7 needs to come out on Wii U, imagine the touch screen functionality.


Not even a remake just port the Playstation game to the e-shop for £4.99 shove in some gamepad and touch screen extras and allow off tv mode

Edited by Penguin101, 09 April 2013 - 03:06 PM.

#18 Robotnik


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Posted 09 April 2013 - 03:14 PM

It would have a lot less content and would probably look worse due to the N64's limited cartridge space.


On the bright side, the load times would be quick!

#19 Alii



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Posted 10 April 2013 - 11:57 AM

Unless you want a crappy watered down version,

And half of the actual game,Then they should of put it on a N64 cartridge.


#20 Dwarphkin


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Posted 15 June 2013 - 04:14 PM

I think voice acting would ruin it for me, then again, there were alot of words in Ocarina of Time that I can never ever pronounce. Knowing how they are pronounced would be awesome. Back to it having voice acting though, waiting this long to put voice acting in a series would kinda kill the vibe don't you think?




Edited by Dwarphkin, 15 June 2013 - 04:19 PM.

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