While the Pokémon franchise has been a phenomenal success worldwide since its debut in 1996, with the vast majority of the world being able to enjoy the games, Pokémon Trading Card Game and anime, one area that has seen a clear divide has been merchandise. In Pokémon's homeland of Japan, there are seven dedicated Pokémon Center stores full of everything from figures, to plush toys to eating utensils, while America used to have a Pokémon Center that is now the Nintendo World store.
Today, The Pokémon Company International's marketing director Anthony Cornish told MCV that the next 12 months will be the biggest in the franchise's history, with new games, a new TV series, a new movie and new toys—all of which leading into the highly anticipated worldwide launch of Pokémon X and Y on the Nintendo 3DS this October. The company has also stated that is has "cleared the decks" in regards to licensing and have brought in Tomy, with the huge promise of ensuring that everyone in the world gets the same toys as the ones in Japan.
Remember back in the 90's when Pokemon merchandise was everywhere in the west? looks like we could see a repeat later this year.
Edited by VGCrasher, 12 April 2013 - 04:12 PM.