It doesn't matter if you have 0 videos on your channel. If you still want people to know that you have a channel post here

(I'll try to stay in alphabetical order.)
New List:
003mg - 0003mg: I do 100% LP and the occasional challenges with commentary. I am currently doing Paper Mario and Super Mario Galaxy 2
Agent000 - BreakfastBAGELL: My gaming Youtube channel
Agent000 - Porcellusstudios: my personal hacking & music channel
AuzzieWingman - AuzzieWingman1991: "I don't make videos, I just comment on them."
Bartman 2 - SUPERNERD7755: I mostly watch and comment on videos, but I have a single good one of my frind doing the dance from Napoleon Dynamite.
Brian6330 - Brianbelize: To publish videos of me playing songs on the piano. (No schedule/deadline. Pretty random times of when I upload.)"
CaptainBravo1 - MrCaptainBravo: I play Mw3, Black ops and towards the end of this year I'm going to start LPing. But right now my channels on Hiatus because I'm going to police academy soon and I also need to get a better computer. ^.^
elviswjr - elviswjr: I post Vocaloid related videos and whatever else I feel like.
Exile - ExileAbyss Studios: it really doesn't have anything but it's planned for devlogs, trailers, animations, and movies that my Studio is making. Might have some Lp's idk.
F-Zerowii - Nintendoismylife4:
Feld0 - Feld0:
GeneralCraezy - generalcraezy
Hyp - Lukasnotluke
Juanpa899 - Juanpa899: "I just sometimes upload videos, but i hope to make LPs soon."
Kurtiss - iKurtiss: Make and publish 3D videos.
Kurtiss - KurtissThePony: I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this channel.
Lady Rarity Pony - fxnavarro: Ponies
Lucaren - Lucaren70227: Well i do lets plays,reviews and some wifi matches on pokemon white.
Marc - kickstartavalanche: My YouTube channel has no uploads, but plenty of likes, favs/subs

Martoparto - martoparto12: I do walkthroughs of games
MicroRed - MrMicroRed: Vidya game covers and occasional Minecraft videos or whatever i feel like uploading.
Merchiodos - MrMerchiodos: Its nothing Nintendo... but I have a youtube page (had it for a while) and now you can see ma sexy face and voice.
MetaHelghan - MetaHellghan:
Mesan3 - Mbw3914:
Nin10dude712 - Nin10dude712: Don't do much uploading on YouTube. Just random things. Might do a collection video eventually, and some gameplay/ show AC towns, etc.
Nintendo 3DS - Koopatroopa200:
nintendofreak247 - nintendofreak247: My videos range from music videos, to YouTube Poop, to fan-made movie trailers and miscellaneous video game videos.
Nub cakes! - Superka70: I upload w/e I want to upload. Lol.
Oath2Dario - EmperorsNewnewGroove: This is one of my YouTube accounts. It is dedicated to uploading videos revolving around the game "The Emperor's New Groove", my favorite video game from my childhood.
Pit - Pito100Best
Shiranui - Crimzoid21: I upload music (classic rock). I do mainly albums with just the picture of the album but also I will make original videos with a bunch of pictures and such
SnobbishTurban - TheLizardBlast:
SPG - superpaIkiagalaxy: I make video walkthroughs and Let's Plays(some have commentary others don't)
Startgrrl24 - Starrgrl24: I will be uploading myself playing piano. Both classical and video game music.
SuperDarkYoshi - SuperDarkYoshi
TerrorX932 - mrgameandpeng: I just subscribe, favorite and comment on videos. I don't make my own but I used to.
Waller - JohnMacclincto: Yes, I do absolutely NOTHING with it.
Wertvile - Wertville
Wii8461 - Wii8461: Just some random vids. My only good video is Barbie Girl Lyrics.

Zix - TheZixGamer
Last update: 21/04/12 (DD/MM/YY)
Edited by Brian6330, 21 April 2012 - 06:59 AM.