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Can the Vita been saved?

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:32 PM

The Vita has been out for about a year and three months. 


Since its release, there's only been have a few quality games. Currently, the Vita is hanging on a few strings, and Sony doesn't seem to care. I haven't seen any advertisements or promotion for the Vita, besides launch period. It seems like Sony has given up, it's a shame really. The Vita has a lot of promise and potential, yet they seem to be more focused on the PS3 and PS4 right now. I want to buy a Vita, but it just doesn't appeal to me yet. Hopefully Sony somehow manages to turn this around, and the Vita can compete with the 3DS. 


So what do you guys think? Do you Sony could "save" the Vita, or will it end up being discontinued within the next two years? 

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#2 Colinx



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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:37 PM

Don't think it can. I don't really think it has anything to do with the price or the amount of games it has. The audience that the PSP has made sense because people couldn't get those types of games on phones. Now with the iPhone the demographic that the PS Vita is aimed at can get plenty of similar if not satisfying enough experiences on their Apple and Android devices and more!


#3 Julio93


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:54 PM

With so many console ports, I don't think it even has a year at this point. Developers show that they don't want to work with the thing besides Sony forcing their triple A developers who worked on their console work on the Vita. The Vita has over 10 console ports that everyone already played on their Ps3. Bioshock Vita would have interest me but Irrational Games flat out said they weren't developing it. Yet. Sony didn't even reveal scheduled Vita games at last year's E3 and still haven't. Which tells me that they don't want to talk about it anymore and focus on their next console.



#4 Gaymer


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 07:57 PM

I personally see it being discontinued or something. Even though I wouldn't want to. I love the Vita, but is it even profiting Sony at this point? They seem to just be bleeding money.

#5 AndyG


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 11:15 PM

There still is a chance that the Vita can regain some footing in the handheld market, but it's going to be a long uphill battle to get to that point.

What they need is a new Monster Hunter game along with a onslaught of advertisement as well as a price drop.


However if Sony continues to show as much support as they are now than we probably wont be seeing the Vita for too much longer, the system has so much potential so it is very much a huge shame.

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#6 cannonshane


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Posted 27 April 2013 - 11:35 PM

I think it can be saved, all it would take would be 2-3 really really great exclusive games.

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#7 BKSmash


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 12:13 AM

#8 DéliopT



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:01 AM

It can be saved. The question is: will it be saved?


With PS4 coming at the end of this year, Sony will once again lose money. They can`t afford lowering the price on Vita worldwide and add more losses.

Maybe Sony is just sacrificing Vita for the time being.


Unfortunately, the more Vita remains irrelevant to the market, less are it`s chances to turn things around.
It`s been more than a year and all it still hasn`t reached 5 million sales, despite having gone through 1 holiday season and a half (this one only in Japan, at launch).

And as a consequence, developers don`t see a market for their games on Vita, which leads to a vicious cycle.


Honestly, i`m surprised Sony`s franchises remain absent from Vita. And people talk about no 1st party games for Wii U.



#9 Mewbot


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:38 AM

Of course it can be saved. But it probably won't. Sony just doesn't seem to care or notice that it's failing terribly.


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#10 Gamejunkie



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 06:29 AM

The Vita has been out for about a year and three months. 
Since its release, there's only been have a few quality games. Currently, the Vita is hanging on a few strings, and Sony doesn't seem to care. I haven't seen any advertisements or promotion for the Vita, besides launch period. It seems like Sony has given up, it's a shame really. The Vita has a lot of promise and potential, yet they seem to be more focused on the PS3 and PS4 right now. I want to buy a Vita, but it just doesn't appeal to me yet. Hopefully Sony somehow manages to turn this around, and the Vita can compete with the 3DS. 
So what do you guys think? Do you Sony could "save" the Vita, or will it end up being discontinued within the next two years?

I disagree with your notion that there have only been a few quality games. If anything there are just as many quality games on the Vita as there are on the 3DS if not more. I also don't think Sony has given up on it. They are trying hard but what they're doing for whatever reason isn't working. One thing they do need to do is reduce the price of the memory cards. They seem to be trying to integrate it with the PS4 as well as promoting its cross buy, cross save, cross play etc. features with the PS3 and eventually the PS4. I don't think the Vita is going anywhere. Sure its struggling but it won't be discontinued anytime soon and Sony will continue trying to make it a success.

#11 Hank Hill

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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:32 AM

I'm...not sure that it will. A great deal of the games on the system can be gotten on the PS3...which is actually cheaper than the Vita. o-o...


Not to mention that one of the main pieces that kept the PSP afloat is 3DS-exclusive now, that piece being Monster Hunter.


Will it be discontinued? Hard to say...Sony can be rather boneheaded about these kinds of things, regardless of the money they're losing.


But as it is right now, the system simply costs too much. $250-300 plus another $20-100 for a mandatory memory card is...well, a little high by most people's budgets.



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#12 Azure-Edge


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:32 AM

Anything is possible, but at this point it's all up to Sony, and I think all of Sony's attention for the next 2+ years will be directed solely on the PS4. That being said, I get the impression that Sony thinks they're better off just leaving the Vita as is and letting it run its course as a means to save face rather than cancelling it. They know that if they kill it off at this point, they'll never be able to re-enter the handheld market, which is also a the majority of the Japanese market. 


#13 Alianjaro



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:24 AM

It will start selling when they announce how the VITA can be played with the PS4. Just like how the Wii U will get more ads once competitors arrive.

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#14 umegames


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:02 AM

i dont think so. at this point, its turned into a wii-u gamepad that's also portable.


when i eventually get a ps4, i plan to use my vita as the controller, as well as off-screen gameplay.


game wise, even with the free PS+ games, i havent used it all year. 3ds has exploded this year, and is only getting better.

#15 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:56 AM

I disagree with your notion that there have only been a few quality games. If anything there are just as many quality games on the Vita as there are on the 3DS if not more. I also don't think Sony has given up on it. They are trying hard but what they're doing for whatever reason isn't working. One thing they do need to do is reduce the price of the memory cards. They seem to be trying to integrate it with the PS4 as well as promoting its cross buy, cross save, cross play etc. features with the PS3 and eventually the PS4. I don't think the Vita is going anywhere. Sure its struggling but it won't be discontinued anytime soon and Sony will continue trying to make it a success.


I can't believe that you are the only one on here with hope.  LBP, Ragnarok Odyssey, P4G, AC:L, Sound Shapes, Super Stardust Delta, Guacamelee, the best handheld Mortal Kombat, Soul Sacrifice tomorrow, Tearaway on the horizon, and Killzone on the horizon.  I play my Vita way more than my 3DS, and in fact, think that the lineup is way better.  The Vita will never sell as much as the 3DS though, but with a price drop on the handheld and a price drop fro the memory cards it can stay in the game.

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#16 BrosBeforeGardenTools


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:58 AM

Only quality RPGs could save the Vita at this point.

#17 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 05:58 AM

i havent used it all year. 


Why not?  You didn't get P4 Golden or Guacamelee?  You aren't getting Soul Sacrifice?

Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

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#18 Portal



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 06:39 AM

I think it can, but it would take quite a bit of work. First and foremost, the console and its memory cards need a price drop. Wouldn't be bad to bring out a few bundles either. Games aren't too much of a problem. There are some quality games on the system, even if you gotta look for them. I know I'd be a bit of a sucker for a Vita if there was a Ratchet and Clank game on there. Maybe even a Sly Cooper game...

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#19 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 07:34 AM

I think it can, but it would take quite a bit of work. First and foremost, the console and its memory cards need a price drop. Wouldn't be bad to bring out a few bundles either. Games aren't too much of a problem. There are some quality games on the system, even if you gotta look for them. I know I'd be a bit of a sucker for a Vita if there was a Ratchet and Clank game on there. Maybe even a Sly Cooper game...

The new Sly Cooper is on Vita.  Actually it's a cross buy with the PS3 version.

Currently playing: AC 3, ZombiU, BLOPS 2, Nintendoland, NSMBU, Nano Assault Neo, Halo 4, Darksiders 2, and Far Cry 3

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#20 Portal



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 08:22 AM

The new Sly Cooper is on Vita.  Actually it's a cross buy with the PS3 version.

No, like an original, exclusive game. Personally, I think CrossBuy is killing the Vita. For one, why buy the Vita version when you already have a PS3? Not to mention the PS3 has a well-established library and is cheaper than the Vita. It's good for those that have both, but that's not even 5 million people. Sony needs to go all in, or kill it. A multiplat won't sell a system. Exclusives will. That's one reason I think the Vita isn't doing too well. Wouldn't be a bad idea to embrace the "Vita is a portable PS3" idea Sony put out before launch. Only a few games are CorssBuy, which isn't that great. Put all the PS3 games on Vita PSN. Sony needs to embrace what their trying to do instead of half-assing it.

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