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Can the Vita been saved?

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#21 BobbyRiddle



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Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:09 AM

No, like an original, exclusive game. Personally, I think CrossBuy is killing the Vita. For one, why buy the Vita version when you already have a PS3? Not to mention the PS3 has a well-established library and is cheaper than the Vita. It's good for those that have both, but that's not even 5 million people. Sony needs to go all in, or kill it. A multiplat won't sell a system. Exclusives will. That's one reason I think the Vita isn't doing too well. Wouldn't be a bad idea to embrace the "Vita is a portable PS3" idea Sony put out before launch. Only a few games are CorssBuy, which isn't that great. Put all the PS3 games on Vita PSN. Sony needs to embrace what their trying to do instead of half-assing it.

Yeah I can understand why you feel that way.  Hopefully the fact that it gets Soul Sacrifice tomorrow and it's own Killzone and Tearaway in the not so distant future will help it's fortunes as far as exclusives.  The only thing that I'm not sure of in your post is about the "portable PS3" thing.  Handhelds are perfect for short burst gaming rather than attempting to simulate the console experience.  I think that is why Nintendo handhelds have always done so well.  I'd like to see more exclusive stuff like Super Stardust, Sound Shapes, Guacamelee, and Mutant Blobs done right on the Vita and less epic console like games.  I guess it comes back to what you said.....Sony doesn't really seem to know what they want out of the Vita yet and it's been on the market for a year and a half.

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#22 umegames


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Posted 29 April 2013 - 10:39 AM

Why not?  You didn't get P4 Golden or Guacamelee?  You aren't getting Soul Sacrifice?




#23 Scooter_Johnson



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Posted 30 April 2013 - 03:29 AM

had the vita for a few months a year ago but the games are fantastic but not many out


now if this gets a grand theft auto style game and a proper multiplayer game then its a day one buy from me

#24 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 30 April 2013 - 12:27 PM

If there is a definition of dead the Vita is it, there is just no games, what a waste of money if Sony's not even gonna bother, know wonder they are in debt up to thier eyeballs, I don't think Sony should bother with handhelds, they always get crushed by Nintendo anyway, compared to DS PSP was a flop of sorts.

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