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No E3, but chance for a better E3 Nintendo Direct?

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#1 DéliopT



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 03:21 AM

We all know that the usual E3 Nintendo conference has been cancelled and that, in return, we will get a ND in it`s place.


For me, that`s a loss.

As i write i`m watching last year`s presentation and already we are missing funny things like Miyamoto calling Bill Trinnen and make him walk to him in a funny way. Or having Miyamoto faking throwing a Pikmin to the crowd!  :)


As you see, this kind of stuff will never happen at a ND.


So how can ND be a good compensation?

I got a few ideas:


Why not put Reggie, Shibata and Iwata in a room and make them do the presentation?

Why not use some Nintendo character animations to embelish the presentation? It´s not a live presentation, so you can do whatever you want.


How would you like this E3 ND to go? be creative! ^_^



#2 Mewbot


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 04:36 AM

They have the option to do heaps of things that they couldn't do at E3, it's not really a loss for me, because I wouldn't be able to go to the E3 presentation anyway so I would watch it online. Nintendo directs seem to be a lot more polished to me, so I'm happy.

Also, did you hear that Valve isn't going to E3 at all? Nintendo is going, but Valve isn't.


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#3 Chrop



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:35 AM

the E3 conference is funny, but thats it, it doesn't change the fact that the games are better or worse then they would have been on a ND. I watch E3 for the games and thats it, so am honestly not bothered that there not doing a Giant conference in E3. 

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#4 Keviin



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:40 AM

It's not that we get "a" ND in return. We'll get multiple ND's. Maybe they will have an entire Direct for the new SSB for example. Iwata also said there will be other forms of sharing information through the media.

No sig.

#5 Mewbot


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 05:47 AM

It's not that we get "a" ND in return. We'll get multiple ND's. Maybe they will have an entire Direct for the new SSB for example. Iwata also said there will be other forms of sharing information through the media.

Entire direct for smash bros.? YES PLEASE!


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#6 Gamejunkie



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 06:04 AM

I think people are making way too much of this. Nintendo's E3 press conferences haven't been that good in a long time anyway. I think having multiple Nintendo directs through out the year is far more productive for them. People say that the average gamer doesn't know about the Nintendo directs but they are available to watch on both the Wii U and 3DS. The average gamer has no clue about E3 or will not watch the press conference streaming on their computer, tablet, phone etc. At the end of the day Nintendo needs to do a much better job promoting the Wii U and getting the message out there telling people what it is and why they should buy it. They also need much better third party support too.

#7 DéliopT



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 06:42 AM

ND or E3 isn`t just about what you presente but how you present them. They are only as good as the games they show.

I`ll miss the whole style of the presentation, but there are other things that we won`t get - like the ones i mentioned above - because the style of presentation has changed. And because of that i wish Nintendo could take the opportunity and make this a special ND or NDs.


That`s why i asked what everyone would like to see in this/these ND(s) during E3.


I think people are making way too much of this. Nintendo's E3 press conferences haven't been that good in a long time anyway. I think having multiple Nintendo directs through out the year is far more productive for them. People say that the average gamer doesn't know about the Nintendo directs but they are available to watch on both the Wii U and 3DS. The average gamer has no clue about E3 or will not watch the press conference streaming on their computer, tablet, phone etc. At the end of the day Nintendo needs to do a much better job promoting the Wii U and getting the message out there telling people what it is and why they should buy it. They also need much better third party support too.


But the average gamer does know what E3 is, bcause every year there`s a ton of written and visual coverage from E3 by both the specialized media and generic channels. More than once i have seen reports about E3 on TV channels. That will never happen with a ND.

They have the option to do heaps of things that they couldn't do at E3, it's not really a loss for me, because I wouldn't be able to go to the E3 presentation anyway so I would watch it online. Nintendo directs seem to be a lot more polished to me, so I'm happy.

Also, did you hear that Valve isn't going to E3 at all? Nintendo is going, but Valve isn't.


Don`t know if i heard anything. I know 2K isn`t going.

That`s a surprise! Weren`t they going to show it`s console?



#8 Julio93


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 06:45 AM

They should broadcast their direct if they want sales, I mean I haven't seen any Wii U advertisement on TV commercials anymore. Look at the Wii, sold millions and was all over TV commercials everywhere.I know we shouldn't be moping since we haven't seen what they are planning but hopefully this will change everyone's minds.



#9 Alph


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 06:55 AM

Hopefully it isn't just Iwata in front of a white screen talking fractured English.

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#10 tboss



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:01 AM

from what i heard E3 is split into 2 mini confrences, likly reiterating things showed in ninty directs. 


i have no issue with reveals before E3, aslong as there are still E3 reveiles, they should have kept the one big E3 show though. 

#11 DéliopT



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:13 AM

from what i heard E3 is split into 2 mini confrences, likly reiterating things showed in ninty directs. 


i have no issue with reveals before E3, aslong as there are still E3 reveiles, they should have kept the one big E3 show though. 


It`s basically one meeting for partners and another for "a small group of the media" to play the games.


My guess is that the multiple NDs will reveal games that this second event will allow to play with.



#12 Soul



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 07:38 AM

Why do you say the conference is canceled? They didn't cancel it, they just changed the way it is going to be. They won't present to fans watching all over the world they'll present to everyone there. They will also have two mini conferences and some NDs.


I'm pretty sure the ND's and the mini conferences will drop a whole bunch of titles. Then the other conference will tell the people cool things about the Wii U and what they will be able to play.

#13 dante👌


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 08:35 AM

Multiple ND's would be fine with me, Just having a single subject for each one, Maybe 2 subjects per ND. 

#14 DéliopT



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:36 AM

Why do you say the conference is canceled? They didn't cancel it, they just changed the way it is going to be. They won't present to fans watching all over the world they'll present to everyone there. They will also have two mini conferences and some NDs.


I'm pretty sure the ND's and the mini conferences will drop a whole bunch of titles. Then the other conference will tell the people cool things about the Wii U and what they will be able to play.


The usual conference was cancelled. It will be replaced by two events: one for business partners and other to a group of media. The usual news/conference will be replaced by multiple NDs. 

And that`s exactly my point: the usual on stage presentation is no more. Which to me was a loss and i asked here how people would like these multiple NDs to be.



#15 Azure-Edge


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 09:50 AM

I don't really care. At the end of the day, E3 is nothing more than a way to advertise upcoming video games and hardware while also doing a giant monkey dance in front of people and trying to make stuff seem larger than life. I don't give a damn about you talking sales, specs, or Usher dancing. Just announce some games, give me the details, show me some gameplay, etc. and then go away. 


#16 DéliopT



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:09 AM

I don't really care. At the end of the day, E3 is nothing more than a way to advertise upcoming video games and hardware while also doing a giant monkey dance in front of people and trying to make stuff seem larger than life. I don't give a damn about you talking sales, specs, or Usher dancing. Just announce some games, give me the details, show me some gameplay, etc. and then go away. 


But the press conferences did give us some funny moments. Aren`t you afraid that NDs will miss that special moments like crowds laughing, and screaming, Miyamoto`s entrances, Reggie`s remarques, etc.?



#17 Alianjaro



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 10:22 AM

Problem is... There will be E3. The conference has been cut into two pieces, and the one for the medias is the one we usually get.............

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#18 umegames


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:04 AM

nintendo @E3 will be awesome.


IMO the nintendo directs have already become better than E3, because they're random, we get a ton of info, and they're more frequent than 2-3 game shows a year.


so at this E3, i have NO DOUBT the nintendo directs will be even better.


wish everyone would see that what nintendo is doing, is the future of what publishers are aiming to do. Direct feed, vs time consuming expensive conferences. 

#19 Azure-Edge


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Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:07 AM

But the press conferences did give us some funny moments. Aren`t you afraid that NDs will miss that special moments like crowds laughing, and screaming, Miyamoto`s entrances, Reggie`s remarques, etc.?


Not really. Fact is, those crowds have just moved on to watching it digitally. How much people or laugh or scream does not make any difference on the games.If I want to laugh, I'll watch stand up. If I want to scream.....why the hell would I want to scream?


#20 DéliopT



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Posted 28 April 2013 - 11:40 AM

Not really. Fact is, those crowds have just moved on to watching it digitally. How much people or laugh or scream does not make any difference on the games.If I want to laugh, I'll watch stand up. If I want to scream.....why the hell would I want to scream?


To me all those things were part of the show and that only made it better. It was always cool to see the people there laughing and whatnot.



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