We all know that the usual E3 Nintendo conference has been cancelled and that, in return, we will get a ND in it`s place.
For me, that`s a loss.
As i write i`m watching last year`s presentation and already we are missing funny things like Miyamoto calling Bill Trinnen and make him walk to him in a funny way. Or having Miyamoto faking throwing a Pikmin to the crowd!
As you see, this kind of stuff will never happen at a ND.
So how can ND be a good compensation?
I got a few ideas:
Why not put Reggie, Shibata and Iwata in a room and make them do the presentation?
Why not use some Nintendo character animations to embelish the presentation? It´s not a live presentation, so you can do whatever you want.
How would you like this E3 ND to go? be creative!