Summer Update!
Posted 16 May 2013 - 05:56 PM
Posted 16 May 2013 - 05:57 PM
Super mario Wii U will shut me right up about what I think about Wii U...
And then I Saw what the game looks like... holy carp crap it's gonna suck a lot of balls...
Edited by YoshiWiiUGamer9, 24 June 2013 - 02:16 PM.
Add me on Wii U if you want to settle it in Smash
Posted 16 May 2013 - 06:01 PM
What do you want to see in the next update, do you think it will be shown in the Nintendo Direct tomorrow?
Hope they mention it. More improvement in MiiVerse, features. Perhaps another speed in performance although now it is much better then how it was in regards to the OS
Edited by Sorceror12, 16 May 2013 - 06:01 PM.
- gronik likes this
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 16 May 2013 - 06:02 PM
Please expand the damn drawing space instead of a small rectangle! Like the Link artwork they showed off when the Wii U was announced!
- Happy Monk, Abcdude, Guy Fieri and 6 others like this
Posted 16 May 2013 - 06:10 PM
Posted 16 May 2013 - 06:11 PM
They haven't even released Flipnote for 3DS and it has been years, I don't think they will add a detailed art program yet. Too bad, there are so many good artists on MiiVerse.
Yeah and I find it pretty amazing the quality of artwork done with virtually no tools, just black and white.
- gronik likes this
PA Magician | Busiest PA Magician | Magician Reviewed | Certified Magic Professionals

Posted 16 May 2013 - 06:24 PM
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Posted 16 May 2013 - 08:51 PM
I would like folders, video uploading to Miiverse and better in game loading times, that's about it really.
- Structures and gronik like this
Posted 16 May 2013 - 10:41 PM
Cross game chat.
- Structures, Mewbot, TheDoritoKing and 1 other like this
Posted 16 May 2013 - 10:52 PM
Colors for miiverse and a larger drawing space would be god send.
If there's anything else I want, it's folders and chat rooms on the friend list.
I know i'm expecting way too much now, but the #1 thing I want is an open account that I can access and buy things from it on my PC, other wii U systems and 3DS and sync my purchases to it, but i'm expecting way too much.
Posted 17 May 2013 - 06:17 AM
Since the Spring update made it that you could download games and updates while the Wii U is off, wouldn't it be cool if they had the store online on your PC and when you bought stuff on it, it would download to your Wii U even if you aren't home and the Wii U is off? I think that would defiantly be "next gen" and will bring the eshop into full use. What do you think?
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Posted 17 May 2013 - 06:52 AM
1. Support for 2-4 gamepads at a time
2. Youtube app
3. Ability to watch 3D movies
4. 3D glasses support for movies and games
5. 3D Graphics for Games, where video game characters pop out of the screen
They already have a Youtube App. And no need for 3D, that's what a 3DS is for.
- gronik likes this
3DS Friendcode: On my profile
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Posted 17 May 2013 - 06:52 AM
Since the Spring update made it that you could download games and updates while the Wii U is off, wouldn't it be cool if they had the store online on your PC and when you bought stuff on it, it would download to your Wii U even if you aren't home and the Wii U is off? I think that would defiantly be "next gen" and will bring the eshop into full use. What do you think?
I would love that and use it a lot, at school just chilling and reading about this new indie game that just came out, oh that looks cool! Bought, now I can instantly play it when I get home :3
Posted 03 June 2013 - 08:47 AM
i received a wii u update last saturday it maybe a small one but every update counts so it wont big when its comes to big one at the july or august
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