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Have you ever taken an animal to an animal center?

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:03 PM

I never had a pet but I did have cats around my neighborhood, I remember this bald out of shape guy with his wife having  alot of carts, he's a freak and I'm glad my landlord chared $100 for every cat he had and in a couple weeks he moved out, now we have this overweight guy who does nothing but hang out his porch not interacting with the neighbors. And I witnessed their kittens born unexpectedly.....3 times.


The first I remember I was coming home with my mom picking me up from Elementary school and it was about to rain, we saw a cat in our yard and we chased him away since they always soil our yard, I was watching TV and then I heard something outside, it kept repeating over and over until I went in my yard, there were new born kittens crying for their mom, they were so adorable. So my mom got a box for them to not get wet and we told my brother to take them to the animal center to take care of them.


The next batch of kittens were on my neighbor's backyard, we got a big white box and gave them blankets to not get cold, they were so fluffy, I was with my neighbor and his dad and I remember them doing something odd, while driving his dad was like 'Hey check out that beauty!' In spanish, it was a fancy car and they were like 'OOWOOOH! OOWOOO!" sounding like some kind of dog howl or something, Its their way of saying 'I really like that thing' While we were in the animal shelter we checked out the dogs....It was disgusting and I never want a dog ever again.


The last time was in my other neighbor's yard, some still had their cord and one even scared me while I was close to them going 'KHH!!' Jumpscaring me while holding the box they were kept, I almost dropped them but it was enjoyable seeing them snuggling each other for warmth, sadly, they didn't make it, neighbor's family thought they can take care of them because the mom didn't come back, I heavily don't like seeing animals die infront of my eyes so I didn't get to witness them not breathing. I don't know why they didn't take them to the animal shelter but everything lives and dies.



#2 Zinix



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:05 PM

I haven't, but I feed the local cats in our neighborhood. 

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#3 aaron



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 06:49 PM

I've never taken an animal to a center, but I have gone along with my father  to get them spayed/neutered; mainly so because a few years ago a few cats showed up at our house a few years ago, it makes me so sad when they die.

I remember one time I crawled under my porch to get a mewing kitten that was stuck under it, though it died later since I hadn't gotten it soon enough (it had been under for a few days, but I hadn't realized it's mother hadn't been caring for it).

by chance

#4 Blake



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Posted 18 May 2013 - 07:49 PM

I remember that one time I skinned my cat to prepare for that Lady Gaga concert.

#5 Guy Fieri

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Posted 18 May 2013 - 09:32 PM

There was a cat in front of our door a few weeks ago. It was raining, but he took shelter under a tree. We fed him, only to have him disappear a few hours later. We were going to take him to a center, but I'm assuming his owners came by and picked him up.

#6 Tsuchinoko


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 03:29 AM

I have never done it personally, but I have called the animal shelter many times to come pick up animals and take them away since I used to work at a pet shop. People would always ditch their animals and leave unexpectedly or bring in strays they found and leave them even after we told them we don't handle that type of thing and that they should do it themselves. Damn idiots can't do nothing for themselves and once they know they have to take time out of their lives they suddenly don't care about the animal that they saved or found or whatever the case may be,

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#7 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 19 May 2013 - 02:02 PM

Nope but I can tell you one thing, here in the UK we have the RSPCA they alway come on TV asking for donations and help and whatever, but every single time that anyone I know has found a stray animal or an animal in need we phone them up and all we get is someone saying "there is nothing we can do it's not our problem you found it you look after it"  The RSPCA are useless hopeless idiots and they will never see a penny from me.

#8 Elric


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Posted 20 May 2013 - 09:30 AM

I have taken birds to rehabilitation centers. 


I have taken a duck with a growth on it's leg to a rehabilitation center. There was also an owl on the side of the road that had brain damage (probably from flying into a car), but it did not end up making the car ride to the rehabilitation center. I have also taken a hawk there that had a broken wing. 

Edited by Elric, 20 May 2013 - 09:31 AM.




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