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Should Nintendo stop making Mario games?

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Poll: Should Nintendo stop making Mario games? (40 member(s) have cast votes)

Mario be retired? or put in the chest of memories?

  1. Keep him (34 votes [85.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 85.00%

  2. make him retire atleast 2 or 3 years. (6 votes [15.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.00%

  3. I'm tired of seeing him, no more Mario games. (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

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#21 Kyle1503



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Posted 25 May 2013 - 01:34 AM

You can never get rid of Mario! Its the game that makes Nintendo more like Nintendo. Getting rid of him would be a huge mistake!

#22 Chrop



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Posted 25 May 2013 - 02:12 AM

If you say no to mario for 3 years, then there is no mario party, mario kart, mario golf, paper mario, 3d mario, 2d mario, mario mini on the moves, mario and sonic, Mario and Luigi etc and people are excited over these

Mario is not just nintendos mascot, but GAMINGS Mascot, if you ask a random person on the street for a gaming character, odds are they will say mario, He deserves to be in so many spin offs

He makes tons of money for nintendo with his main games selling 12-10 million each. 

He only makes 1 main game once every 2-3 years anyway, the rest of the games are just spin-offs

Mario 64 (1996), Sunshine (2002), Galaxy (2007), Galaxy 2 (2010) and now his next game in the end of 2013 or 2014, 

5 games in 17 years, Why the hell do i want mario to not have another game for another 3 years, The main games isn't even being milked (Ya Mario as a character with all his spin-offs is, but not his MAIN GAME)

Am definitely saying no. He makes his main games on average 4.5 years apart. If people think this is milked then they are crazy.

Edited by Chrop, 25 May 2013 - 02:27 AM.

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#23 Nollog


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 04:27 AM

Mario will always be called "milked".

He's a powerful character Nintendo use to sell such a wide-variety of gametypes.


There's nothing wrong with people thinking he's milked, because his face is.

The gameplay in each of his games is always different to the ones released the year before. Nobody seriously compares Mario to Call of Duty.

Most people who think Mario is always the same thing over and over have only played NSMBW and DS and assume it's always like that.

2D Mario's ARE indeed the same thing, give or take a few key items to platformers such as level design and powers.

They happen on a 2-year cycle, not 1 though. Last year the 3DS and Wii U versions came out in the same year though.

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#24 GhostDrive



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Posted 25 May 2013 - 04:37 AM

Hmmm should Nintendo get rid of the most recognizable character in video game history?






My thoughts exactly.

#25 Alph


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 05:14 AM

It's there best selling franchise, of course they won't!

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#26 Hank Hill

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Posted 25 May 2013 - 05:52 AM

Yes to all of the above..... Even if Master Chief is Halo, not CoD





The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.





#27 Happy Monk

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Posted 25 May 2013 - 06:34 AM

Should Mario retire? What kind of a silly question is that?

Not only does Mario fund Nintendo, each one is fun and unique in different ways. The New Super Mario series is purposely made to be simple and straight up 2D Mario platforming, the New! series really helps fill the time between the 3D adventures everybody loves so much and are every part as much in the 'main' series of games as any other one - not including spin-offs.

Nintendo has said they want to release one New! Super Mario Bros on every console they make, as a safe and secure benchmark game that will sell, yet they still provide fun, and lots of it.


All in all, Mario is Nintendo.

Bring the noise.

#28 MorbidGod


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Posted 25 May 2013 - 10:53 AM

I'm sorry, is this really being asked? Reading your post, I see where the question is coming from.

But this is the House of Mario. Nintendo giving that up is like Activision giving up Call or Duty. Microsoft giving up Halo. Or Sony giving up God of War. These things just aren't likely to happen.
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#29 Portal



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Posted 25 May 2013 - 03:31 PM

The last thing Nintendo should do is kill off Mario. I'd really like it if they took a 2-3 year break though. There has been a crapton of Mario games the past few years, and while they're great and I love them, they're getting kinda boring. :/

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#30 DexterousGecko


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 07:03 AM

Mario will always be called "milked".

He's a powerful character Nintendo use to sell such a wide-variety of gametypes.


There's nothing wrong with people thinking he's milked, because his face is.

The gameplay in each of his games is always different to the ones released the year before. Nobody seriously compares Mario to Call of Duty.

Most people who think Mario is always the same thing over and over have only played NSMBW and DS and assume it's always like that.

2D Mario's ARE indeed the same thing, give or take a few key items to platformers such as level design and powers.

They happen on a 2-year cycle, not 1 though. Last year the 3DS and Wii U versions came out in the same year though.

I agree, no one can deny that Mario is milked. If you had a 2d platformer and it was identical to a mario game but it had a different main character (insert ridiculous Russian instead of Italian) I guarantee it wouldn't sell like a Mario game. I wouldn't say i like the idea of people milking something, but it's totally understandable. My first game was a Mario game, as well as many of you I'm sure, and Nintendo knows this and uses this.

#31 Nollog


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 09:03 AM

I agree, no one can deny that Mario is milked. If you had a 2d platformer and it was identical to a mario game but it had a different main character (insert ridiculous Russian instead of Italian) I guarantee it wouldn't sell like a Mario game. I wouldn't say i like the idea of people milking something, but it's totally understandable. My first game was a Mario game, as well as many of you I'm sure, and Nintendo knows this and uses this.

Not to mention that his name implies quality.

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#32 Doc


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Posted 26 May 2013 - 09:10 AM

How about make fewer mario spin off games, and instead return some of the other IPs. Like Star fox or F zero or sumting. 

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#33 TheSparrow87



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Posted 26 May 2013 - 04:02 PM

Mario is often a showcase for what the console can do,

in terms of gameplay by use of a new controller and graphics. 


The use of a joystick to travel in a 3d gaming environment with Mario 64.

Using analog triggers and a second joystick to control camera and FLUDD in Sunshine.

Motion control integrated with physical button control and a stunning visual appearance with Galaxy.


Having a familiar face help you explore the possibilities of a new console is not a bad thing.

All previous major Mario's have done this fantastically and there is no reason to not continue this trend.

#34 Envy



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Posted 27 May 2013 - 04:57 AM

I'm not necessarily tired of Mario. I'm specifically tired of Mario on the 3DS. In the beginning I was like "Okay, the 3DS really needs games", but then every other game that was being released was Mario games. And then Mario games were getting announced and released long before E3 2010 title Animal Crossing New Leaf even had a title and release date. New Super Mario Bros. 2 especially ticked me off. I got the 3DS mainly for New Leaf, not version 1.3 of a game that was only worth playing through once.


However, when it comes to the Wii U I have a different opinion. The reason being that the Wii U has no games to begin with. It's in the same situation that the 3DS originally was in. Plus, the Wii U is a clean slate. I look forward to the 3D Mario not only because it's an actual game on the console, but because it has the potential to be great, and it's really one of the very few games they could announce and release at this point that I would be excited for since almost all of the rest of my favorite franchises have recent releases.


Plus, there's a personal reasoning for me... I don't have wireless internet at my house, but I do have a USB adapter to plug in my internet to my Wii. Assuming this works the same for the Wii U, that means once I have a Wii U I get to be actively online again. And I enjoyed Mario Kart Wii a whole bunch because I had it online. So now I really look forward to the new Mario Kart because I will likely get to actually play it online, unlike the 3DS which you have no way of getting online unless it's wireless. =/




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