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De-Hyping E3

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#21 Envy



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Posted 27 May 2013 - 08:45 PM

I couldn't find it on this blog, but here there is an email sent out by Nintendo that clearly confirms Mario Kart U and Super Mario U as being planned to be playable at E3, but that SSB is still early in development and not much could be said of how they would reveal. Considering that Iwata has said "screens" and Sakurai has said "footage", it just isn't logical to believe it will be playable. We'll be lucky to get a trailer.




#22 Mitch



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Posted 27 May 2013 - 09:26 PM

Debby Downer Thread of the Year!!! :(

#23 Socalmuscle


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Posted 27 May 2013 - 10:17 PM

E3 is just around the corner, and as is expected, the hype train has rolled out. But I think, as Nintendo fans, we need to de-hype the conference in light of the conferences of the past few years. Nintendo has the opportunity to blow us out of the water. And I really think they will. But just to make sure our expectations are low, I think we should list a few possibilities that would make this conference lackluster. I'll start with a few:

1. Only screenshots of the next Smash Bros shown
2. Pikmin 3 delayed until Christmas time
3. Retro's game isn't shown
4. We come to find "X" was a tech demo that Monolith was using to test the hardware. Has been canned and a new project is now just being started on
5. To follow in the footsteps of their competitors, the summer update removes Wii mode to ensure backwards compatibility isn't a "backwards" thought process

The last two were pretty far-fetched, but you never know!

Tell us your lackluster possibilities!

Actually, all of those are plausible. But x isn't a tech demo. It does represent an effort started before the tools were fully baked though. I'll actually be surprised if anything more than screens are shown of ssb.

Retro's efforts will be revealed in some fashion.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 27 May 2013 - 10:18 PM.

#24 AndyG


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 01:07 AM

-No Zelda footage is shown, instead were left with a useless (but beautiful) piece of artwork that literally tells us nothing of the game.

-Pikimin delayed..again

-X won't be finished for another 3 years

-We see only get to see a CG trailer on SB

-Smash brothers graphics are very dummed down in order to allow interplay between the 3DS version (seems quite likely after MH:U)

-Reggie says his body isn't ready, resigns and joins micro$oft

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This is where it ends

#25 Envy



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 02:21 AM

It's sad that many of these predictions look feasible - if not downright probable - considering the last two E3's.




#26 Chrop



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 04:06 AM

I couldn't find it on this blog, but here there is an email sent out by Nintendo that clearly confirms Mario Kart U and Super Mario U as being planned to be playable at E3, but that SSB is still early in development and not much could be said of how they would reveal. Considering that Iwata has said "screens" and Sakurai has said "footage", it just isn't logical to believe it will be playable. We'll be lucky to get a trailer.

Ya i was looking at the wrong thing, they said it was going to be showed before E3, no idea how i got "To be played at e3" from that.

lhKtSmX.png?2 Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.

#27 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 04:21 AM

One, sort of expected. Maybe a CGI video, that's it. Two, I'd be mad but okay (BUT THEY JUST ANNOUNCED THE DATE). The rest is far fetched.
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#28 Envy



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:27 AM

Okay, now for my turn:


Reggie comes out on stage and revs up the crowd for what he describes as a super exciting surprise and then announcement. The super exciting surprise is that Cammie Dunaway, despite having retired from the gaming industry, is coming back to Nintendo, and will be joining Reggie on stage along with the rest of the E3 2008 crew. Wii Music U is announced, and GIF-worthy hilarity ensues. And then at the end of the Wii Music U presentation Reggie takes the stage back to happily announce "You've probably heard about us teaming up with a great game developing team for a super secret project. Today we at Nintendo are proud to announce that we have teamed up with Retro to develop Wii Music U."




#29 Viridi


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 07:34 AM

Okay, now for my turn:


Reggie comes out on stage and revs up the crowd for what he describes as a super exciting surprise and then announcement. The super exciting surprise is that Cammie Dunaway, despite having retired from the gaming industry, is coming back to Nintendo, and will be joining Reggie on stage along with the rest of the E3 2008 crew. Wii Music U is announced, and GIF-worthy hilarity ensues. And then at the end of the Wii Music U presentation Reggie takes the stage back to happily announce "You've probably heard about us teaming up with a great game developing team for a super secret project. Today we at Nintendo are proud to announce that we have teamed up with Retro to develop Wii Music U."



Edited by Viridi, 28 May 2013 - 07:34 AM.


"Nice shot if I do say so myself! Good riddance, human scum! The world's better off without you!"

#30 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 03:28 PM

You just stomped on my heart twisted your foot and spat on it OP, that hurt that really hurt :(

#31 Alianjaro



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 04:20 PM

That's not a dehypement procedure, that's the APOCALYPSE.

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#32 Elem187



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Posted 30 May 2013 - 10:05 AM

I thought it was actually confirmed that only screenshots of SSB4 would be shown.


The game didn't even start production in January... We will be lucky if they even have screenshots for more than 5 characters ready.


Anyone expecting a trailer, or a demo is absolutely delusional... even more delusional are the people that think the full game it will be ready to release this year or next


Expect a 2015 release along side of Zelda HD.

Edited by Elem187, 30 May 2013 - 10:06 AM.

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