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eBay Germany suggests Wii U as better solution to Xbox One

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#21 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 03:17 PM

I'm sorry but anyone getting angry at this HOLD ON! It's true lol! This was hilarious :D

#22 MorbidGod


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 03:53 PM

They are claiming that cloud computing will give them 3x the storage and compute of the console itself, and that it will enable better looking and performing games. Unfortunately for them it isn't just unlikely, it's ludicrous to try to get people to believe that somehow resource sharing is going to make gaming better, when all it is in actuality is a way to get your info to third parties and track your usage.

There was a story about a German privacy specialist (whatever that means, prolly works for an Information Assurance company) that called the xbox one a "Twisted Nightmare"

Nice. Lets buy a Twisted Nightmare. ^_^ Lok
Whovian12 -- Nintendo Network ID.

#23 cannonshane


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Posted 28 May 2013 - 05:34 PM

Its as simple as this, cloud gaming will not work here in aus. Our internet speeds are not capable of it at the moment, and I'm sure there are other parts of the world the same.

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#24 routerbad



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Posted 28 May 2013 - 08:10 PM

Its as simple as this, cloud gaming will not work here in aus. Our internet speeds are not capable of it at the moment, and I'm sure there are other parts of the world the same.

Pffft.  Like Microsoft cares, you Aussies aren't dudebro enough for the One anywayz. 

#25 Desert Punk

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Posted 29 May 2013 - 04:34 AM

Using the cloud for processing requires dedicated servers for that purpose and lots of them. You are basically hiring remote processing hardware and this won't come cheap. It's unlikely to be free on xbox live unless you get a certain number of free hours. Effectively its an additional revenue stream that Microsoft can make a lot of money out of. It's possible Sony will do the same as the ps4 ages and even Nintendo could do this to enhance the performance of the wii u. Even low performance hardware like Ouya can do this. The trouble is you pay a premium for it, you have to have a good internet connection and many games may stutter or kick you out of playing if there is an internet problem.


In the long term I'm sure its viable and will be reasonably priced but at the beginning its better just to have offline capable hardware. Yes you pay more up front but better that than huge monthly payments to keep playing games using the cloud.

#26 DexterousGecko


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Posted 29 May 2013 - 06:56 AM

Who cares what Germany thinks? This is Microsoft we're talking about. There are 313 million people just waiting to buy the Xbox One ^^ Not including weirdo foreigners.

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