Hello all, I'd appreciate your recommendations on one Wii U game to tide me over for the summer. I currently own no full retail games on the Wii U and since it doesn't look like anything is coming out until August (except Game & Wario which I don't care for), I want to go ahead and buy something now so I'll have plenty of time to put into it before the big releases of Q3 and Q4. I'm thinking of...
1) Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
2) ZombiU
3) Lego City Undercover
ZombiU has the advantage of being the cheapest but the reviews seem to be all over the place.
I like that MH3U has online multiplayer (is it pretty easy to find a party?) and I enjoy games that require a lot of critical thinking (finding out how to take down the monsters) as well as developing a character's skills and loot.
Lego City seems like it would just be an all-around fun game, and one that I could keep around for when my infant daughter is old enough to play.
I played the demos for ZombiU and MH3U and enjoyed them, though I doubt that either really gave a good idea of what the full version would be like.
What do you think?