I know it's trending to bash on Nintendo, but hell, it seems like whatever they show people wont be satisfied. I didn't want a DKC neither, but come on, its one game.
I'm not a basher at all. I was really hyped after one of their last Directs. I watched Apple's Keynote and was very happy with it. I liked the Xbox and Playstation keynotes too. But when watching the Nintendo keynote I didn't really become happy. Actually I was a bit sad. That's just how it made me feel. I never was that deep into Smash Bros, played a Mario 3D on 3DS and expected Nintendo to show what WiiU was capable of with the new Mario and Mario Kart and showing off how the gamepad could be used.
But actually Nintendo seems to struggle with what they can use the gamepad for. Last but not least I expected Retro to be busy with something that would blow the fish out of the water....our e3 surprise. Yet neither of that happened. Now I have slept and look at the list, I think its more than enough to spend my money on. But looking back I think they could have done better.
We are not only fans...we are customers who invested in a system, payed for it. Expecting Nintendo to deliver us fresh games and innovation. Maybe it's in there....but they have not shown us.