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Ask Elric

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#1041 Elric


    The Golden Wizard

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Posted 03 August 2014 - 09:31 PM

What's your favorite fruit?

What's your favorite animal and why is it a fox?

Why did Brazil lose?

Have you ever backed a kickstarter?

Favorite documentaries?

Why am I a pervert?

Why is tour de France in England?

Do dogs deserve to live forever?

Is Ridley too big?

mmmm LOL <3 pizza?

What's your ethnic background?

I've never been a big fan of fruit, to be honest. If I had to choose though, I enjoy apples. 

I've always like ravens among other species of birds. Not really sure why. Ravens are really smart. Foxes are pretty cool too. 

They made too many mistakes or they were just unlucky. 

I haven't ever backed a kickstarter.

I don't know. 

I'm pretty sure they go through France though? Not too familiar with the tour de France. Never really watched it. 

Everything has a time to die. It's the natural order of things. Nothing should be able to live forever.

I don't know who Ridley is. 

I like pizza, kind of get sick of it if I have it too often though. 

I'm mainly Czechoslovakian and Welsh. 


What colours would your Magic Deck be if you played?


Probably the dark deck. 




What do you think of Tokyo Ghoul?

Do you still swim?

What year do you/did you start college?

What's your GPA?

I like it so far, it's one of those shows I don't have to think too hard about to enjoy. 

I swim occasionally, just not as intensely as I used to. 

I start college in August. 





Why have I neglected to ask a question in this thread after all this time?


Good question. Possibly laziness, or pure neglect. 




Have you ever ran with scissors?





#1042 NintendoReport



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Posted 02 February 2015 - 05:00 AM

Who is your daddy and what does he do?



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#1043 Elric


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Posted 06 February 2015 - 04:30 PM

Who is your daddy and what does he do?




My Dad was in the Special Operations for the Airforce and flew helicopters for 22 years. He now works in the aerospace industry. 




#1044 Zok



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Posted 18 October 2015 - 11:35 PM

What is your favorite deli meat?

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