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Microsoft is in damage control mode right now: MS Employees ambushing Nintendo

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#21 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 07:41 PM

If this is true, it's just sad.  They know they can't touch Sony so they try to make Nintendo look bad. 


Look MS, I like your operating system just fine and Microsoft office is nice, but your games business is effectively over.

#22 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 08:08 PM

Wow, this is bad, aparantly from what I've heard, Microsoft is breaking advertising standards and advertising the Xbone illegally cos' they are not stating to some consumers "not in the know" about it's restrictions, also some people internationally are worried as thier countries have policys against the ones Microsoft are putting in now, specifically Norway, from what I hear it would be illegal to sell the Xbox One over there cos' they have strict ownership policies.

#23 magiciandude


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Posted 13 June 2013 - 10:39 PM

I feel compelled to go back to Best Buy on Saturday for the event. Just to tell any possible Microsoft employees "I don't need a cable box that's always connected online with a Kinect that spies on me and won't allow me to play used games". Microsoft is so desperate that it's funny. 

I'd just tell them "Xbox go home!"

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#24 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 14 June 2013 - 03:26 AM

I'd just tell them "Xbox go home! You're drunk!"



Trophy Cards are classy too! LOLZIGZAGOON



#25 Mewbot


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 03:51 AM

I almost feel bad for Microsoft


despite them being backwards twisted money whore... they are still part of the gaming family


And to see them stray down this path saddens me :(


Hopefully one day the prodigal son will return... Or they will crash and burn and shrivel up and die and Nintendo and Sony will pee on their grave stone....


They either need to change or die...thats all there is to it

Microsoft only joined the gaming industry expecting to crush the other manufacturers and make a lot of money.


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#26 Socalmuscle


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 05:34 AM

Ya it is. They are calling Nintendo bad. I say its fake tho, BC why would microsoft need to do this to sell consoles? It would just make them look bad and the CEO of Microsoft isn't that stupid.

That's the same CEO who threw a journalists MacBook pro on the ground after the guy was comparing ms products to Mac products.

The same guy who laughed at the idea of iPhone and thought it would be cool to say the Zune "squirts" songs...

And it's not the first time ms goes guerilla.

Songs no angel either. Remember a certain "reporter" giving favorable reviews to Sony products until it was discovered that person didn't exist and was a surname for a sony employee...

These people don't have morals. To them, anything goes so long as you don't get caught.

#27 grahamf


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Posted 14 June 2013 - 05:37 AM

I'd just challenge him or her to a game.



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