The Wii U should have been as powerful as the Xbox one.
Posted 21 June 2013 - 03:22 PM
Posted 21 June 2013 - 04:54 PM
Gameplay wise it wont matter what u have. Graphics will be different but still overall good allround. So only comes down to who has what + installbase. Graphics will matter most to the early guys
It is always a generational thing, where games are simply not possible on the previous platforms from a gameplay perspective. Look at Wii vs PS360.
Now, we have this situation where the games, in motion, are not really giving this drastically different experience. If you play Battlefield 3 or COD 3, you are not really looking around and comparing graphics (if you are, the game is too easy to be immerse the player).
This is more general banter not directed at you Tboss:
On the Wii U, we know, on paper, we have 3 PPC cores w/ lots of cache, a lower clock, a highly custom GPU with edram, and a gig of memory dedicated to memory. On the PS4 front, we, again, have 8 mobile AMD cores, god only knows what exact GCN gpu (I suspect the 6670 rebrand), and 7 gigs of gddr 5. The XBONE, which recently dropped the controversial DRM measures, is in between, yet has a similar architecture to the Wii U on the GPU front, and a closer, if not identical cpu relationship with the PS4.
Next year, when we have a similar install base for each, why does anyone think the Wii U will not handle versions of the PS4 or Xbone games? You do realize this is like a scalable PC spec generation, right? (
Posted 21 June 2013 - 05:31 PM
Not going to flame for this, but here's a few points.
1) Xbox One is coming out a full year after Wii U. By default it can't be as powerful
2) Wii U doesn't need raw power as much as it needs polish in the Channels/Apps interface and seamless integration with online services. On this front Nintendo did blow it.
Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:02 PM
The PS4 is more powerful than the xbox one if I remember, and god, why can't people just ****ing focus on games over graphics
Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:09 PM
The Wii U should have been the Gamecube.
Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:09 PM
The Wii U should have been the Virtual Boy.
"...A well written villain is a hero in his/her own world..."
Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:44 PM
I'm shocked Desert Punk hasn't tried to spin this around again yet.
He'll show up eventually.
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Posted 22 June 2013 - 09:45 PM
What's going on in this thread?
Posted 23 June 2013 - 06:56 AM
Can we just please close this thread or something? Desert Punk, Djlewe and that other dude keep on coming back for their weekly beatings.
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Posted 23 June 2013 - 12:22 PM
I'm shocked Desert Punk hasn't tried to spin this around again yet.
He'll show up eventually.
I've never put a spin on anything. The point is this is a Nintendo forum and many people here believe what they want to believe with a strong bias towards Nintendo. I argued before that the wii u is a weaker specification than people realise based on a huge amount of evidence but the whole argument is pointless now as the wii u simply isn't going to be getting those games anyway due to poor sales. It's like a discussion about blu-ray vs hddvd. Until the wii u starts selling in numbers so modern game engines are converted to it and games are released its all pretty pointless. Apart from watchdogs which I'm convinced will end up graphically the same as 360/PS3 there isn't much left to debate about. It's clear the big upcoming games for ps4, xbox one and PC simply won't be avaliable for wii u. Its likely even where there are 360 and PS3 versions there won't be a wii u version most of the time.
Clearly as a wii u owner though I hope Nintendo manage to have a successful relaunch and perhaps after christmas big publishers will come back to wii u but it will be sometime before those games hit the shelves.
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