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Females in over the counter jobs.

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#1 SoldMyWiiU



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Posted 27 June 2013 - 01:55 AM

Lately I have been trying to find myself a 2nd part time job, after about 50/60 places I have visited something has occurred to me. 99.95% of clothes/books/coffee/juice bars/super markets/music stores and bars have female workers, not just female workers but 80% of them were under 25.


Has anyone else noticed this while job hunting? I have only seen 2 males in about a week work of job finding and both of them owned the stores.


I went into 2 different super markets today and every single staff was female, most of them were young but some of them were in their 40s.



#2 Auzzie Wingman

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Posted 27 June 2013 - 02:38 AM

I think (and no, I'm not trying to sound sexist or discriminative to anyone), that females are generally more agreeable to have in positions where there is direct consumer/vendor interactions e.g. at a register.


You usually get more of a sense of calm when talking to a female attendant than a male one. I'm not saying that it is always the case; I'm already an exception to the case. I ooze charisma at my job compared to some of the girls I work with. (Nope, not gloating, I wouldn't say that if I didn't have the honest feedback to solidify that fact).


Men, being stronger in build and usually thinking about the clear objectives of a business, tend to better in manual labour or management/ownership roles.


Of course the times have changed and that stereotype doesn't hold up in every situation nowadays.

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#3 SoldMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 03:50 AM

All I know is looking for a job in the UK at the moment is utter poo :( there is litterally nothing.

#4 BnB


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Posted 27 June 2013 - 04:35 AM

Ehhh I hate to suggest this, but you might have to resort to fast food if you can't land anything else, depending on how bad you need a 2nd job.


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#5 Zinix



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Posted 27 June 2013 - 06:47 AM

I have been looking for work too, I've seen this. Everywhere I went to the majority of the employees were female.

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#6 Hunter



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Posted 27 June 2013 - 11:00 PM

There is a chinese restaurant near here where my friend got a phone interview for working at the front desk and they actually asked her "do you think you are pretty?". She answered yes and then got the job. True story.

I'm sure not all places are like that but i bet some are.

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