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Would a Chatbox be out of the question?

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#21 Waller


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Posted 29 June 2013 - 05:53 PM

If Wii U Cafe has taught us anything, it's that Shoutbox is a terrible, terrible thing that should not be used.


Wii U Cafe just taught us what happens when a forum has incompetent staff. Shoutbox had nothing to do with it.


I agree but at the same time isn't like 99.9999999999999% of the internet immature? Just how things are dude, it shouldn't ruin things for the people who actually are mature...


Which means 99.99% of the internet is not fit to use a chatroom. Don't see the logic there.


The problem is that chat drama frequently carried over to the forums and ruined the experience for the 99% of users who didn't care about the chat.


#22 Nollog


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Posted 29 June 2013 - 06:50 PM

This is so stupid. If people feel need to talk about others behind there back then yeah the chat should not be brought back.

Welcome to human nature.

People will always talk about others behind their backs, good or bad. Nothing to do with maturity or this website, just a way of letting off steam.



But you also have to learn from your previous mistakes so that you don't repeat them. At the moment, this forum is "peaceful" precisely because of the absence of a chatbox, bringing it back would only rekindle all of the old issues we had with it. The forums aren't any more mature than they were 2 months ago.
Moderating a chatbox is WAY too much work, and thinking that just a couple of extra mods would do the trick is too unrealistic. Updating the rules would be an exercise in futility, considering everyone was already breaking rules left and right.



Make all the excuses you want "oh ipchat is so hard to moderate wah wah", but when certain members are berating others right in front of you and you do nothing, you're not doing your job.

Edited by Nollog, 29 June 2013 - 06:52 PM.

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#23 Chaos


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Posted 17 July 2013 - 06:20 PM

I don't really like shoutboxes... it's harder to keep track of who's talking to who and so on.

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