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Beyond Good and Evil 2 isn't coming to Wii U because it's "Current-Gen"

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#1 BlueBlur


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 12:06 PM



"I think [on current platforms] Beyond Good & Evil 2 was possible, but it'd be painful. It's always possible to do anything on any kind of console, but sometimes you need to spend your energy not on the optimizations or things like that. Now that we have the [new] consoles around the corner we're working on them. We're trying to see how we can get the power out of those consoles because there are still things we need to understand on those consoles, but yes, Beyond Good & Evil is a project I always have in mind and I hope good things will come for this project very soon." - Michel Ancel


Seeing how Ubisoft views the Wii U as current gen i guest we can rule this out as well, the list of games not coming to the Wii U is getting longer and longer -.-

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#2 Doc


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 12:10 PM

N64 ,Gamecube and Wii all over again.

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#3 TheDoritoKing



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 12:11 PM

*sigh* It's less about power and more about "We're making this for x86 and don't want to bother with PowerPC", they just need to admit it. 

*sigh* It's less about power and more about "We're making this for x86 and don't want to bother with PowerPC", they just need to admit it. 

#4 Goodtwin


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 12:48 PM

Beyond Good and Evil is a cult classic, not a maintream success.  Basically the cost in creating cutting edge graphics on the current gen console, and even Wii U would require more work than on PS4/X1.  When you dont need to optimize your game code very much this cuts down on development time and recourses needed.  Ubisoft isnt going to fund a huge budget for BG&E, and they will get more bang for their buck by targeting PS4 and X1.  Even if they arent really pushing those consoles, they will still get better results than would be possible on Wii U or current gen consoles.  With all that said, if Wii U really takes off later this year, then Ubisoft may make the choice for BG&E to also be on Wii U, even if that required a second team to port the game to Wii U.  This could easily happen if Rayman Legends were to sell very well on Wii U. 

#5 LinkKennedy


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 12:56 PM

Kinda expected this but I also don't think BG&E will come out.

#6 Keviin



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Posted 02 July 2013 - 01:44 PM

N64 ,Gamecube and Wii all over again.

But GC got BG&E.
No sig.

#7 Penguin101


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 01:56 PM

When Wii U sales pick up companies will change their mind

#8 Nollog


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 02:13 PM

http://www.gamereact...ld be painful"/


Press ctrl+f and search for the term "wii", you get 2 results, the sections.

He didn't mention the console at all.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/HTMLPurifier/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer.php:133) in /home/thewiiu/public_html/ips_kernel/classAjax.php on line 328

#9 AndyG


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 11:07 PM


Ubisoft, first you pledge full support to WiiU, than you make Rayman Legends a multiplat whilst leaving many of your games to never see the light of day on the WiiU yet you expect Nintendo to sell more unit's. I know that Ubisoft has gone the extra mile to help the platform but unless you truly pledge your full support than you can expect to receive good sales. Laziness will not be rewarded. I know from a business perspective it would be a poor move to support the WiiU in it's current financial state but they can't expect to make money with the this attitude.

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#10 3Dude



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Posted 03 July 2013 - 03:45 AM

What is this garbage, misleading title, that has nothing to do whatsoever with anything thats been said.

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