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What do you think Nintendo should do after that horrible news of 7-31-13

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Poll: What do you think Nintendo should do after that horrible news of 7-31-13 (18 member(s) have cast votes)

Their goal is to reach 9 mil units sold by the end of the year.

  1. PRICE DROP TIIIIIIIIME! (10 votes [55.56%])

    Percentage of vote: 55.56%

  2. Buy Atlus! Other companys can't touch Persona! NO ONE! (5 votes [27.78%])

    Percentage of vote: 27.78%

  3. Pay more money for exclusive content for some of the multiplat games. (1 votes [5.56%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.56%

  4. OH OH! *Raise hand* I have an idea! (2 votes [11.11%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.11%

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 31 July 2013 - 09:58 PM

160K units sold since April to now......Ouch. Also their goal is to have 9 million units sold by the end of the year, so that's like 5 and a half million units more. Look I know some of you are die hard fans of Nintendo and lovers of the Wii U, but there is no lie that they really did screw up with the console, big time. And the only thing that saved them is their handheld. They should have gotten a killer exclusive at launch like they did with Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and Super Smash Bros Melee. (super close to the launch of the GC)


They'll have a huge advantage of having more units sold just like the 3DS when it had a price drop when the Vita was released.

Atlus making awesome games for Nintendo platforms, I mean look what happened to Monolith Soft, they are doing amazing when they were bought by Nintendo.

it wouldn't hurt to pay a little bit more money for 3rd party exclusive stuff like Sony did with the PS3....Mostly pointing towards Nintendo cameos like wearing a Mario hat in Watch_Dogs.


Or if they don't do anything, they can just commit suicide...........That's always the right answer.






Edited by Julio93, 31 July 2013 - 10:05 PM.



#2 GAMER1984



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Posted 31 July 2013 - 10:36 PM

knowing Nintendo they probably wont do anything drastic. Im totally split on this becuase im a single player gamer. i only play multiplayer just to try it out and then i never touch it again. i cant justify at the same time though paying full prcie for a game when one of its major gameplay modes is missing. sell the Wii U version for 30 or 40 bucks and i can reason with that. it is what it is though par for course being a nintendo only console owner.... this gen and everyone one before it.... Im built for it but i know others arent.

#3 Hunter



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Posted 31 July 2013 - 11:04 PM

Buying atlus isnt going to do anything. They need games that appeal to the west, not Japanese rpgs.

I had never even heard of atlus until recently.

#4 Alph


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 12:51 AM


Fire the advertisment team. Spend a bit more time and money on TV adverts because no one knows what a Wii U is in the UK.

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#5 nbond3040



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 01:16 AM

They are not going to get 9.5 million units sold by the end of this year but I think that they will get 7.8ish million because they have got a pretty good Christmas line-up with 3D world, pikmin,wind waker,and wonderful 101 plus next year mario kart 8, X, Smash Bros but lets say it still isn't selling after that like they are still under 10million units by the end of 2014 then they should be worried but right now I'm really not worried about the WiiU because even if the WiiU is a complete flop like it sells only 10 million units this entire generation Nintendo still won't be dropping out of the "console wars"

#6 Happy Monk

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Posted 01 August 2013 - 01:41 AM

A price drop would achieve something, but people really are just waiting for the games.

So what Nintendo should do is continue there plans for this year (the games coming out for Christmas), introduce new bundles - one with Mario 3D World would sell well - and advertise the thing! They need to advertise and show people that this new generation is already here because I'm pretty sure no-one in the UK has the foggiest what a Wii U is.

Bring the noise.

#7 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:27 AM

Price drop, buy atlus, I don't give a sh** about 3rd party games on a Nintendo console, and my idea is start advertising the damn thing. Put adds up on Cartoon Network, nickelodeon, whatever else their audience watches, advertise it!


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#8 Portal



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:55 AM

Buy Atlus and get straight to work on porting whatever console games they're working on to Wii U. Getting a hold on that niche market would be good. Get the people who made that Pikmin 3 and 3DS commercials and have them make 30 second spots showing off games and explaining Wii U. For the holiday season, put a couple bundles out there. Put NintendoLand with the Basic set. Put SM3DW with the Deluxe set. Put NSMBU with the black Basic set. Put WWHD with the white Deluxe set. Keep all of these at the same $299 and $349 price points and have the bundles out for up to the end of January. If there's any loss, the 3DS can easily make it up with Pokemon.

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#9 Hank Hill

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Posted 01 August 2013 - 06:43 AM

Uh...they could actually start releasing games.


Buying Atlus wouldn't hurt either. Some money to be made there.


I'm still not worried. People be like "OOOH ONLY 160K UNITS IN 3 MONTHS" well, yeah, that'll happen when there's hardly any worthwhile releases in that time period. Once games actually start coming out, I'm sure things will be fine.



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#10 DéliopT



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 07:09 AM

10.000 in Europe is beyond bad. It can`t go any lower.

No wonder there have been so many price cuts.

It can`t be that no one wants one. So, either this is a really bad sign for XB1 and PS4 (economic crisis) or Nintendo really messed up really, really bad in Europe (worse than in Japan and the States).


Still, there`s signs of hope: Pikmin 3, from what i read, did really well in the UK for a "deadish" console. So, i suspect it can do the same in Europe and a more steady release of games can do it aswell and uplift the Wii U.


Iwata once said that Nintendo lost an opportunity with GC by not cutting the price after sales started declining. I don`t think a price cut will help them in the medium to long term.
That said, th best option is really to start again: change everything about the console, whether it is design, boxing, logo, etc.. Want to keep the name? Ok, but change everything and start anew.

That, to me, is the best solution for the immedeate and future times.



#11 Rockodoodle


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 07:32 AM

It sounds like the industry as a whole is contracting- didn't capcom and EA Sports have awful quarters as well?. As bad as the quarter was, they still managed a net profit during the slowest part of the year AND with no new games.  There will be a healthy roster of games by Nov./Dec. with more to come the following spring.  With over $11B in cash/assets, they will likely at least build on that over the next three quarters.  they can withstand a total Wii U bust, which isn't a given. They will have to adapt if this business model doesn't work. 

#12 DéliopT



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 02:31 PM

It sounds like the industry as a whole is contracting- didn't capcom and EA Sports have awful quarters as well?. As bad as the quarter was, they still managed a net profit during the slowest part of the year AND with no new games.  There will be a healthy roster of games by Nov./Dec. with more to come the following spring.  With over $11B in cash/assets, they will likely at least build on that over the next three quarters.  they can withstand a total Wii U bust, which isn't a given. They will have to adapt if this business model doesn't work. 


Financially, yes. But the consequences on a market perception level would be immense for the following generation, as in: we knew it all along that Nintendo would fail - as doomers would put it.


How would a company who would "finally" prove that it failed, be able to start over when doing what it does bad best failed badly and lost its touch with the hardcore since the SNES, turn it around?


Nintendo can not do bad this generation. Not after leaving the hardcore to Sony and MS with the Wii.



#13 Soul



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 02:39 PM

Advertisement and games. That's all they need.

#14 Mitch



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 03:03 PM

10.000 in Europe is beyond bad. It can`t go any lower.





#15 Aiddon



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Posted 01 August 2013 - 03:25 PM

....really? HORRIBLE news? They still turned a profit despite that fact that Q2 is historically a lean period for gaming in general. Calm the hell down. Furthermore, what makes you think they HAVEN'T got plans even well before those results?

#16 Rockodoodle


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 04:51 PM

It would be hard, but not impossible for Nintendo to withstand a bomb of  console. I don't think it will happen tho.  However, companies reinvent themselves all the time.  McDonald's, Apple, Ford, IBM- several others..... It's possible that all three consoles do very poorly and they all have to rethink the way they do business and distribute software.  I think that's why Nintendo added the gamepad and sony wanted to integrate Vita  and then MSFT wanting to be an entertainment hub.  I think the gamepad positions Nintendo well for the next console- would imagine that it will have multiple, slimmer gamepads that might serve as more than gamepads.  I also think that software distribution will go the way of Zen Pinball- by a basic pack online and then pay up for levels.  You might still buy stuff retail, but it will be some sort of code.  


That said, I still don't think you count out Nintendo.  30m handhelds- and yes, I know that they have no significant competition, but they, or a good portion of them, still have to like nintendo to buy that.  Sales will come with the software.  




Financially, yes. But the consequences on a market perception level would be immense for the following generation, as in: we knew it all along that Nintendo would fail - as doomers would put it.


How would a company who would "finally" prove that it failed, be able to start over when doing what it does bad best failed badly and lost its touch with the hardcore since the SNES, turn it around?


Nintendo can not do bad this generation. Not after leaving the hardcore to Sony and MS with the Wii.

Edited by Rockodoodle, 01 August 2013 - 04:51 PM.

#17 YoshiGamer9


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 05:00 PM

I smell a Wii U ambassedor program this can only mean one thing.....



GAMECUBE GAMES ON WII U ESHOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by YoshiWiiUGamer9, 01 August 2013 - 05:00 PM.



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#18 Lightning_Ninja


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Posted 01 August 2013 - 07:00 PM

They really should do a price drop.  Even 50 dollars would go a long way considering the lineup the rest of this year.


If they can, they should also buy Atlus, and do a little bit of the third option. 



#19 Keviin



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Posted 02 August 2013 - 02:27 AM

My dad said he'd buy this thing for 250 euros with a game included, so if even my dad says this a pricedrop should help. Personally I'd pay 300 with a must-have game included (like Mario games or Zelda, not Nintendoland or ZombiU)

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#20 DéliopT



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Posted 02 August 2013 - 07:14 AM

It would be hard, but not impossible for Nintendo to withstand a bomb of  console. I don't think it will happen tho.  However, companies reinvent themselves all the time.  McDonald's, Apple, Ford, IBM- several others..... It's possible that all three consoles do very poorly and they all have to rethink the way they do business and distribute software.  I think that's why Nintendo added the gamepad and sony wanted to integrate Vita  and then MSFT wanting to be an entertainment hub.  I think the gamepad positions Nintendo well for the next console- would imagine that it will have multiple, slimmer gamepads that might serve as more than gamepads.  I also think that software distribution will go the way of Zen Pinball- by a basic pack online and then pay up for levels.  You might still buy stuff retail, but it will be some sort of code.  


That said, I still don't think you count out Nintendo.  30m handhelds- and yes, I know that they have no significant competition, but they, or a good portion of them, still have to like nintendo to buy that.  Sales will come with the software.  


True. Games will sell the console. But at the same time that`s not enough. Otherwise GC and Xbox would have done better.

It might happen that the market feels satisfied with one console (PS1 and PS2) that not even great games will offset that perception. And in today`s world - what i was trying to say - Nintendo`s consoles have that stigma of being bought just for the 1st party games (with 3rd party games belonging to other consoles). And if Nintendo fails at that, it will be really hard to turn it around without some deep changes.


Unlike 3DS, Wii U doesn`t seem to have that appeal to it. Even at it`s lowest, 3DS sales weren`t as bad as Wii U`s sales. And that`s worrying.
Thankfully, Nintendo changed pretty much everything from shape of console, price, steady release schedule to advertising, in a time where it`s competition was doing even worse than 3DS did.


That`s the kind of move Wii U needs (except price) before the competition arrives as i don`t see them doing worse than PS3 and X360 did.



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