If the Wonderful 101 sells go south could this break up the relationship Nintendo and Platinum have?
1. Nintendo only shipped 30 thousand copies in Japan... This game should be selling over 500 thousand in japan easy. That is a very bad sign.
2.If TW101 sales dont go anywhere I could see the game going to Xbox One or PS4 as a Directors cut in the future... Unless Nintendo owns the rights. Its not that far fetched. Lets say people who have an Xbox or PS4 want to play TW101 but dont have a Wii U. If this happened many will go get it due to how good Nintendo fans said it was or just in spite of Nintendo losing exclusive rights.
And with the Directors Cut tag that would mean enhanced controls added content and more features.
3.If Platinum gets mad enough Bayonetta 2 could lose its exclusive rights and be announced at next E3 that it will be multi plat-form
its not to late for this to happen considering that Bayonetta 2 is no where near the release.
Nintendo has to get their 3rd party games to sell better or they wont be getting any support period Splinter Cells community only has 3000 people in it right now and that is a flat out joke considering how beastly good it is. *If you haven't got Blacklist yet do it its amazing*
Gamepad integration automatically upgrades every game and that is why I chose to get all of Ubisofts titles on this console.
I guess it might really be true that people get Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games but I would love to have my cake and eat it to.
*Rant Over*