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Advice on a Gaming YouTube Channel?

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#1 Phanto



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 08:18 AM

Hey everyone,


I just started a new YouTube channel, it's all about Nintendo and various games/news/random information I feel like vlogging about. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on improving the videos? Anyone out there have a YouTube that is fairly successful? Any tips?


Just looking for some friendly info. Thanks in advance, link is in signature.

#2 ThePopiPenguin


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 08:50 AM

DrasticSwipe aka TriplePower here on the forums is one of the best video editors we have on here. You could visit his channel and take an example from him.

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#3 Tom


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 09:01 AM

My only suggestion is to not scream like a girl, or have 30-second intros.


#4 TriplePower



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 09:16 AM

DrasticSwipe aka TriplePower here on the forums is one of the best video editors we have on here. You could visit his channel and take an example from him.

Thank you, though my channel is far from being successful.  :D In fact, I could use a tip or two.


The first and probably most important thing you should consider is getting a good capture card because a lot of people would simply walk away when they see a gaming video filmed with a camcorder. I recommend the Elgato, it is what I'm currently using and I don't think there is currently a better alternative. If you want your channel to grow successfully, you can't ignore that.

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#5 JoshZebra



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 09:34 AM

Also if you're swimming more towards LP'ing, you wanna take lots of notes before hand.  The last thing you wanna do if lose your trail of thoughts and ideas half way thru your game because you forgot to do your homework haha.  Other than that.  I've read that a few youtuber's are having problems with Nintendo recently about showing and are arguing that showing footage for the purpose of entertainment or review is allowed.  I don't know the full story but you might wanna look into it.  (:

#6 Phanto



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:03 AM

DrasticSwipe aka TriplePower here on the forums is one of the best video editors we have on here. You could visit his channel and take an example from him.


Cool. Thanks.

Thank you, though my channel is far from being successful.  :D In fact, I could use a tip or two.


The first and probably most important thing you should consider is getting a good capture card because a lot of people would simply walk away when they see a gaming video filmed with a camcorder. I recommend the Elgato, it is what I'm currently using and I don't think there is currently a better alternative. If you want your channel to grow successfully, you can't ignore that.


Is there a capture device that doesn't need to be installed into my computer? Maybe something that can record to an SD Card or flash drive, so I can then copy the video to my computer and edit later.

#7 TriplePower



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:18 AM

Is there a capture device that doesn't need to be installed into my computer? Maybe something that can record to an SD Card or flash drive, so I can then copy the video to my computer and edit later.

I haven't heard of one but keep in mind that HD quality almost always comes with big size and 1 SD card of USB drive may not be enough even for one gaming session. Though if you don't have a laptop I see how this could be a problem. If there is a long distance between your PC and TV you just need to buy a longer HDMI cable.

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#8 Phanto



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:27 AM

I haven't heard of one but keep in mind that HD quality almost always comes with big size and 1 SD card of USB drive may not be enough even for one gaming session. Though if you don't have a laptop I see how this could be a problem. If there is a long distance between your PC and TV you just need to buy a longer HDMI cable.


My concern is that I use Ubuntu Linux, and they never make those things with Linux software. There are workarounds, but I just want to plug it in and make it work, not mess around with virtual OS and other crap. So... I just need something that records to any device that isn't a PC, so I can just copy the raw video to my hard drive and be done with it.

Edited by Phanto, 30 August 2013 - 10:27 AM.

#9 Chrop



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:43 AM

Depends on the videos, if you're vlogging then make sure to NEVER have a awkward silence (unless it's for comedic sake), This is where jump cuts come in, where you cut to a point where you start talking again (only once every 7-10 seconds or longer). Make sure to remove any bloopers you make. Only add background music when things start to get more intense, and make it quiet so we can still hear you. (Make sure the music isn't copyrighted). After watching your video, i'd say get some light on your face (lamp or something), remove the "Um"s and DEFINITELY DEFINITELY Make a script before hand, so you know exactly what to say, when to say it and to make sure you don't miss anything out when talking. just place the script near your camera, learn the lines then look at the camera and say it. then just edit out all the useless stuff.

Tiny things to fix when you feel like are to get a better camera and put some posters up behind you.


If you want to do a voice over a game when talking about news n stuff, then just do the same as above but remove the music.


Also don't quit after a few months, some of the biggest youtubers don't even gain their first 1000 subs in their first year of making video's. 

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#10 TheUltimateWaddleDee


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 11:40 AM

Make sure your microphone quality is good, as well as using a capture card. I can't really give examples of what to use, but Google should help. If you are going for scripted content, make sure you have a script and memorize it. If it's unscripted like a Let's Play, be sure to have things to talk about. Know the game inside out and sideways. Show respect to what you are playing, so don't skip cutscenes or dialog unless they are repetitive things such as tutorials or if the same cutscene happens all of the time. Practicing your game before recording, and don't be afraid to do more takes. Make sure you know how and when to edit, and if you are going to use an intro, make sure it's a decent length. 10 seconds at most. Lastly, make sure you tell people to like, subscribe, and share with your friends. Even very successful Youtubers like Josh Jepson still do this.

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#11 ThePopiPenguin


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 06:41 PM

Never be like SammyClassicSonicFan.

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#12 NintendoReport



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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:09 PM

  • Less is more / always leave your audience eager for more videos
  • stick to a topic
  • be yourself
  • don't over edit the video / over produce
  • make sure quality of sound and video is solid
  • have fun

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