I probably already posted unnecessary abbreviations, but seriously the problem is getting out of control. I heard someone abbreviate "curfew" the other day and just said "curf". When I heard that it made my soul vomit. My english professor wrote the statement "awk" on my essay (abbreviation for awkward). Some people argue that abbreviations like "Totes" (totally) "Perf" (perfect) and "adorbs" (adorable) are just easier to say and saves time. But in reality, saying the actual word takes pretty much the exact same time to use the abbreviated version. It also just makes you sound more educated by saying the full word. What these unnecessary abbreviations are, is just a silly act of laziness.
So I encourage you, people of America in 2013, to break the chains the laziness! Reclaim your power as a Native english speaker! Reclaim your educated "swag".