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Critics of The Wii U Are Way Off Base !

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Posted 23 September 2013 - 03:30 PM


I find it appalling that critics are bashing the Wii U! When you have critics stating that Nintendo does not even know how to deal with or what to do with their own Game Pad and cite Pikmin 3 as prime example of this, you know these people have no idea what they are talking about.

To begin with Pikmin 3 uses for the Game Pad are excellent. You can play using the Wiimote & Chuck to control your character while at the same time use the Game Pad as not only a map, but also to review your inventory of Fruit & Data Chips collected. In addition to that, you can have the characters move to point on the map by initiating it on the Game Pad, then watching them move there on the TV Screen. The Game Pad is also used to receive "In Game Transmissions" from other characters within the game itself. You also use the Game Pad to take in game photos by pointing at the TV, using the pad screen as a view finder, then snapping a pic and the posting that pic with a comment on Miiverse. You can also play the game entirely on the Game Pad without using a TV.

Critics point out how confusing it is ... one minute you use the Wiimote, then you have to put it down and pick up the Game Pad to continue .... Obviously, these critics are not real gamers and have no business reviewing anything even remotely related to video games at all.

I am the proud owner of a Wii U and I have never second guessed my decision to buy one. As with all Nintendo Systems, I wait until I hear of a game announcement for a game I really want, then I buy the system. For me, it was the footage of Super Mario World 3D that made me want a Wii U. I went to GameStop and tried out SMBU and that was the clincher ...I loved how it looked and played so I ordered my Wii U and have never looked back!

Having owned many video game home consoles dating back to the Colecovision TelStar Pong System, I can honestly say that the Nintendo Wii U is not only the best video game home console Nintendo has made, but is the best video game home console I have ever owned.

People don't like the Wii U because they have never played the Wii U and they are reading negative statements about it by uninformed critics or non gamer critics and they are basing their dislikes about the system on what those idiots have said and not on their own experiences with the system.

Why do I like the Wii U so much? For one thing, I love the controller. It feels great and it works great too. There is no lag, the touch screen on it is the perfect size, the Z buttons are perfectly placed, switching from analog stick to the D pad is smooth, the D pad offers tight control unlike many other D pads on other controllers, it has a headphone jack, its own volume button, you can use it to play console games without the use of the TV, and you can even video chat on it. My God, does it get any better than that?

Some people mock the Control Pad saying its only used for maps and item screens ... I personally do not care if its use goes beyond those two things ... Those two things alone are huge in my book ... and after using the pad in those ways, I would cringe if I had to pause a game go into an onscreen menu, and bring up a map. Its like having Air Conditioning, you don't know how much you need it until you have it and once you have it, you can't live without it!

The Control Pad & The System were made at the same time with each other in mind 100% They were a team from the get go and that has its advantages. Every Wii U owner owns a Game Pad, that means any game for the Wii U can provide its use without risk. Not every PS4 or XBox One owner will also own a PS Vita / Tablet, that means it is risky to develop for a second screen as a developer for those platforms ... that means, the best dual screen integration will occur on the Wii U.

I love the internet browser on the Wii U. If you have not really tried it, boot it up, you may find you love it as much as I do. Make sure the move around the analog sticks ..... you can scroll or zoom in and out with them. Hands down, the internet browser on the Wii U is the best internet browser on any game system to date and will more than likely be better than what is offered on the PS4 / XBox One ... simply because of the Wii U Game Pad.

I love the control options ... some say Nintendo has too many different types of controllers out there but in my opinion, that is one of the best features of the system. You can use the Wii U Game Pad, the Wiimote, the Chuck, the Classic, Classic Pro, and Wii U Pro Controllers with the system. The fact is, different games play better with different types of control input devices. Therefore, in many cases, you have a choice of what type of input device you want to use to play a game. The only type of controller the Wii U is missing is a paddle controller ... and I sure wish they would come out with one and a slew of great brick breaking / racing games to use with it.

Graphics are the icing on the cake ... Many people are saying that the PS4 / XBox One will blow away the graphics on the Wii U. For me, the graphics are icing on a cake ... if the inside of the cake is not that great, the icing may help but the cake is really not that great after all. Let me get a little deeper on this statement. I just got Puppeteer for the PS3 ... it looks great and even has an interesting game mechanic, the use of scissors, but the gameplay itself does not hold up, making it a not so great game. The icing (Graphics) helps the game be appealing but can not compensate for its lack of great gameplay. Now if you asked me, which game is better, Super Mario Bros 3 on the NES or Puppeteer, my answer would be SMB3, which has far inferior graphics but far superior gameplay. In my eyes, Nintendo is serving up the most tasty dish of all .... Tried & True, solid gameplay and gameplay mechanics along with the icing on the cake too .... New HD Graphics. I love Super Mario Wii U, it looks and plays great! And the beauty is, that was a release title, so future games are going to look even better!

I honestly think that people just say ... Nintendo is for kids ... have either never played a Mario Game or have not played one recently ... They are not only very fun, addictive, & graphically beautiful, but they are also very challenging if you want to find all the 3 special coins and secret exits too.

I feel sorry for people who will never play the Wii U, they will never know what they are missing ... and that is a damn shame in the world of gaming, it really is.

Edited by RETROBLAST, 23 September 2013 - 06:29 PM.

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

#2 Dharmanator



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 05:06 PM

Holy Jesus. I read only one quarter of it. But I am convinced. VIVA WII U!

#3 Colinx



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 05:58 PM

To comment, from what I know Pikmin 3 does not use the Gamepad to best of its ability. They really could have made the game utilize touch and physical controls. Using the stylist to aim and back bumper/trigger to throw and switch Pikmin types. Just as an option though.


Also, "I can honestly say that the Nintendo Wii U is not only the best video game home console Nintendo has made, but is the best video game home console I have ever owned."

Are you serious? Its way to early to say the Wii U is the best home console you've ever owned, an opinion or not. 

Edited by Colinx, 23 September 2013 - 06:00 PM.





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Posted 23 September 2013 - 06:16 PM

Colinx, on 23 Sept 2013 - 9:58 PM, said:To comment, from what I know Pikmin 3 does not use the Gamepad to best of its ability. They really could have made the game utilize touch and physical controls. Using the stylist to aim and back bumper/trigger to throw and switch Pikmin types. Just as an option though.
Also, "I can honestly say that the Nintendo Wii U is not only the best video game home console Nintendo has made, but is the best video game home console I have ever owned."Are you serious? Its way to early to say the Wii U is the best home console you've ever owned, an opinion or not. 

Do you own Pikmin 3 ?

I have owned the Coleco Telstar, Atari 2600, Intellivision, C64, Tank, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Turbo Duo, N64, CG, Game Boy Player, PS1 & PS3, Wii, and now the Wii U, and yes, it is the best system so far, Retail success or not, as a system, I like it the best.

Edited by RETROBLAST, 23 September 2013 - 06:18 PM.

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

#5 Kokirii



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 06:21 PM

Great post!

Games of The Moment

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

#6 Rockodoodle


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 06:28 PM

the problem with the Wii U is that it doesn't have the killer app.  It might not ever get that one must have game, but it will have several must have games.  I bought mine in April and have really enjoyed it- so much so that I also decided to get a 3ds b/c I like Nintendo products so much.  I think Mario 3d, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Pikmin, Sonic & Mario Olympics, Wii U Party- will all combine to make for a great system- not to mention W101, Bayonetta and Zelda etc.  Maybe some folks will want to upgrade to the new Bowling, Tennis and Boxing too.




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Posted 23 September 2013 - 06:33 PM

I really have this feeling Myamoto is working on a 1st Person Shooter that makes heavy use of the pad ... can't wait for that


"I actually do kind of want to make a first-person shooter," he told me in Los Angeles last week, "but I don't have time."

Someone, please give him some time.

Shigeru Miyamoto has never made violent video games, at least not in the blood-and-guts sense we see with most modern first-person shooters. Violence in terms of a plumber stomping on top of cartoonish turtles? Sure. But not the kind of violence one associates with Modern Warfare or Battlefield.


Not surprisingly, it doesn't even seem like Miyamoto's dream FPS would be particularly violent—or that violence would be the focal point of it. He seems more enamored by the experience of seeing a new world through gaming's favorite camera angle.

"Rather than necessarily the question of 'What kind of weapon do I have?' in a first person shooter or 'What kind of effect does that have on an enemy?', I think that the structure of a first-person shooter is something that's very interesting," he said through a translator. "Having that 3D space that in theory you are in and being able to look around and explore that—particularly being able to do that in conjunction with another person—is very interesting."


The topic of Miyamoto making an FPS emerged accidentally during our interview at E3, sprouting from a question I posed to him about why Nintendo felt it was important to announce at the big show in L.A. that this fall's Wii U would support two of its screen-based GamePad controllers.

In a wonderful bit of gaming-mastermind synchronicity, it just so happens that the co-creator ofDoom, John Carmack, was at E3 to showcase a head-mounted display he's programming for first-person shooters. Miyamoto's and Carmack's concepts are similar.

Miyamoto initially thought I was really wondering why Nintendo would state that the machine could "only" run two. "I don't think we're ever going to be at a point where we'll say it will support four GamePads, but two gamepads is something people wanted," he said.

Edited by RETROBLAST, 23 September 2013 - 06:44 PM.

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

#8 meitantei_conan



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 06:47 PM

I feel sorry for the people that aren't playing wonderful 101. That game is just so GOOD! FANTASTIC! MAGNIFICENT! WONDERFUL! DIS GAME MAN! DIS FREAKIN GAME!  

#9 Colinx



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 07:00 PM

Nope, I don't own Pikmin 3 yet, but I've watched plenty of gameplays and reviews and lots of reviews cite that the gamepad could have been used better. But what relevance does me not owning the game have to my argument.


Thanks, I didn't ask for you to list the consoles you own, that's just a very bold statement considering its only been out for a year and has only a few decent exclusives.


#10 LinkKennedy


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 07:25 PM

I feel Nintendo has not really done anything with the pad outside of maps and storage which is cool but that's not enough to justify it. I think zombiU is the only one to use the game pad and make it useful outside of the norm but that game ain't that good imo.

Also people who say Nintendo are for kids and don't play their games are missing out. I do think Nintendos demographic are for children simply because they never put an emphasis on story or mature stories. Still why would any one miss out on the last Zelda or Mario galaxy's now that is just ludicrous; it's like this Pixar makes cartoons that are for children but there just so good adults can enjoy them too.

#11 nbond3040



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 07:55 PM

I'm going to write a topic right now on what I dislike about the wii u because now that I look at it I don't like a lot of things about it and I kind of regret my purchase for now on I am not buying consoles at launch same goes for handhelds but when I write the article I will link it here




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Posted 23 September 2013 - 07:57 PM

Colinx, on 23 Sept 2013 - 11:00 PM, said:Nope, I don't own Pikmin 3 yet, but I've watched plenty of gameplays and reviews and lots of reviews cite that the gamepad could have been used better. But what relevance does me not owning the game have to my argument.
Thanks, I didn't ask for you to list the consoles you own, that's just a very bold statement considering its only been out for a year and has only a few decent exclusives.

Owning Pikmin 3 has a lot to do with it ... creating wonky uses for the Game Pad is pointless, want motion controls, thats what the Wiimote and Chuck are for in the game ... its really the perfect blend of contols, the Wiimote / Chuck and Game Pad compliment each other perfectly in the game and you need to experience it first hand.

I am letting you know what home game consoles I have owned since 1976 because it shows I have experienced many consoles .... and in my opinion, the Wii U offers the best features and best set up that I am looking for in a system.

Edited by RETROBLAST, 23 September 2013 - 07:59 PM.

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

#13 nbond3040



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Posted 23 September 2013 - 08:21 PM

I'm going to write a topic right now on what I dislike about the wii u because now that I look at it I don't like a lot of things about it and I kind of regret my purchase for now on I am not buying consoles at launch same goes for handhelds but when I write the article I will link it here


here is the link

#14 Rockodoodle


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Posted 23 September 2013 - 08:26 PM

I actually went back and looked at some of the reviews at launch- and comments from users.  For the most part they were positive, tho of course a few were critical.  I think the problem was that a lot of the games that were supposed to come out in spring, are now just coming out. And also, the lack of sales kinda gave it a dogpile mentality- kick'em when they are down, not to mention the announcements of the more powerful systems from MSFT and Sony....

#15 Alex Wolfers

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Posted 24 September 2013 - 07:10 AM

Most Wii U reviewers were fairly positive with the exception of biased ones like The Edge, The Verge, Wired, Gamespot, and some IGN reviews but they have always been known to overhype games with tons of promotion like COD and GTA but not Nintendo much due to the fact they don't promote will. Sounds like payola to me.


#16 LinkKennedy


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 07:21 AM

Let's not get ahead of our selves the WiiU has problems a ton of them and I think it's only right for people to complain about them. Like not having accounts like the ps3/360 and next gen consoles or really not having any games that distinguishes what the system/gamepad can do.

#17 Colinx



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Posted 24 September 2013 - 11:03 AM

Owning Pikmin 3 has a lot to do with it ... creating wonky uses for the Game Pad is pointless, want motion controls, thats what the Wiimote and Chuck are for in the game ... its really the perfect blend of contols, the Wiimote / Chuck and Game Pad compliment each other perfectly in the game and you need to experience it first hand.


Yea, but that is subjective. I'll say that the Pikmin controls used in the Nintendo Land game were very good and could work similarly. There was no reason why they couldn't offer another way to utilize the gamepad. I never suggested motion controls. People bought a Wii U to play with the gamepad. Having the best control scheme be with a Wii remote is rather confusing. Owning the game has nothing to do with my suggestion, as I never said anything bad about the existing controls, just that they could have created more uses for the gamepad.


#18 alan123


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 11:43 AM

the tiny number of games is one problem & another is the Nintendo HD ports of old Nintendo games.


i have had a WiiU since launch & i am still disappointed buy it, it is like a Apple product where everything is a closed system, the second screen is ok but saying it is easier & better for maps etc well it's not because you still have to pause the game & then the map is tiny, may as well just pause for a few seconds & have the map on the big TV, it is pretty good for Splinter Cell with the snake cam but then the controller is tied to the wall because it has to be plugged in because of the poor battery life.


everyone is saying the WiiU is great & that W101 is GOTY but nobody is buying either, ok W101 is pretty good as is Pikmin 3 but it is not enough & if i didn't already have a WiiU i wouldn't buy one now not with the PS4 & X1 only weeks away, Nintendo said the WiiU had full support, but it doesn't & the odd Nintendo game & a few indie games is not enough.




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Posted 24 September 2013 - 05:37 PM

Colinx, on 24 Sept 2013 - 3:03 PM, said:Yea, but that is subjective. I'll say that the Pikmin controls used in the Nintendo Land game were very good and could work similarly. There was no reason why they couldn't offer another way to utilize the gamepad. I never suggested motion controls. People bought a Wii U to play with the gamepad. Having the best control scheme be with a Wii remote is rather confusing. Owning the game has nothing to do with my suggestion, as I never said anything bad about the existing controls, just that they could have created more uses for the gamepad.
Colinx, on 24 Sept 2013 - 3:03 PM, said:Yea, but that is subjective. I'll say that the Pikmin controls used in the Nintendo Land game were very good and could work similarly. There was no reason why they couldn't offer another way to utilize the gamepad. I never suggested motion controls. People bought a Wii U to play with the gamepad. Having the best control scheme be with a Wii remote is rather confusing. Owning the game has nothing to do with my suggestion, as I never said anything bad about the existing controls, just that they could have created more uses for the gamepad.

You can play the entire game using only the the game pad, you can play the game on the game pad with the TV off or use the game pad as the only controller while having the game up on your tv.

Since I have beaten the game using the wiimote and chuck, on my next play through, I am only going to use the pad, not the wiimote and chuck, and I will have the game displayed on the TV when I play.

alan666, on 24 Sept 2013 - 3:43 PM, said:the tiny number of games is one problem & another is the Nintendo HD ports of old Nintendo games.
i have had a WiiU since launch & i am still disappointed buy it, it is like a Apple product where everything is a closed system, the second screen is ok but saying it is easier & better for maps etc well it's not because you still have to pause the game & then the map is tiny, may as well just pause for a few seconds & have the map on the big TV, it is pretty good for Splinter Cell with the snake cam but then the controller is tied to the wall because it has to be plugged in because of the poor battery life.
everyone is saying the WiiU is great & that W101 is GOTY but nobody is buying either, ok W101 is pretty good as is Pikmin 3 but it is not enough & if i didn't already have a WiiU i wouldn't buy one now not with the PS4 & X1 only weeks away, Nintendo said the WiiU had full support, but it doesn't & the odd Nintendo game & a few indie games is not enough.

I agree that the system needs more games, that is a given, I can say that I am happy with the system, as a system, so far, and think it can only get better in time. I may be happier than those that bought it at launch, I picked it up in June, after the system update that speeded things up a bit, and just when Nintendo was begining to roll out some games, starting with pikmin 3.

Those that got the system at launch may have developed some hate for the system because it was slower and games were not being released regularly.

Now is the time to own a Wii U, a year or more from now will be the time to own a PS4 / X1

I'v Been Playing Video Games Since The Days Of Pong & It Looks Like I'll Be Playing Them 'Till The Day I'm Gone !!!

#20 Nollog


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Posted 24 September 2013 - 10:54 PM

Why do people even want unique gamepad features?
off-tv play is ten million times better than having to point the stupid thing at your tv and do stupid things with a touch screen.

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