Bought a Xbox 360 console. Realized how much superior it is in many ways
Posted 07 November 2013 - 03:44 AM
Posted 07 November 2013 - 10:24 AM
When it launched? youd remove pretty much everything on your bullet point list, except notifications, and people were still playing halo 2.
This entire gen has been a steaming pile because of the focus on this kind of garbage and the not good fixation on aaa one and done games with bolted on multi.
Are you really surprised? It's consumers that are encouraging it. If it wasn't profitable, they wouldn't do it. We screwing ourselves out of good games.
Posted 09 November 2013 - 06:59 AM
Yes and no.... I dont think its so much these people are actively encouraging it, so much as they have been heavily, HEAVILY conditioned into it by gigantic advertising blitzes that were completely unprecedented.DexterousGecko, on 07 Nov 2013 - 2:24 PM, said:
Are you really surprised? It's consumers that are encouraging it. If it wasn't profitable, they wouldn't do it. We screwing ourselves out of good games.
But all that paid for hype will only last for so long without substance to back it up. And the guilding has slowly but surely been slowly wearing off to reveal the terd underneath. Massive advertising budgets are no longer enough to meet sales predictions (AAA is actually just a bracket identifier for games with the largest advertising budgets, and highest predicted sales forecast, they have nothing whatsoever to do with quality, i can just imagine the cartoony villain laughs coming from the marketing department when they managed to get the games media to brainwash their reader base into thinking AAA= Must have super high quality game)
People are starting to wake up, and go, wait a second, this sucked more and more. Used to be a year after the fact, people would make rttp threads, disenfranchised at how lame the game they thought was so amazing actually was, then, it was within months, already the glamour of bioshock infinite, re6, halo 4, and many others has worn off. People are now starting to question games that arent out yet, as what they are seeing isnt matching up with what they are being told to think.
The media, which is by and large nothing more than bought pr mouthpeices (this is why nintendo has completely bypassed them with nintendo directs) is in a panic trying to regain control of the consumer base. Currently they are attempting to ridicule them back into submission, but its backfiring, and i am all to happy to throw gasoline on this fire.
Posted 09 November 2013 - 07:10 AM
- A genuine message system that does not have stupid limitations and run through another application (Miiverse).
And i could keep on going. All these are features that the Wii U does not have.
All the Wii U's features, its like they all run on seperat applications, and not really working togehter, if you understand what i mean.
Well done.
Nintendo software is rainbow though, it's so disjointed and horsing not good that it's pretty much a mess all the time.
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Posted 09 November 2013 - 08:18 AM
When it launched? youd remove pretty much everything on your bullet point list, except notifications, and people were still playing halo 2.
This entire gen has been a steaming pile because of the focus on this kind of garbage and the not good fixation on aaa one and done games with bolted on multi.
Have you even used an Xbox 360? The ONLY thing I can think of that the Xbox 360 did NOT have at launch was party chat. You have always been able to message and chat with each other WITHOUT A GOLD SUBSCRIPTION, from day one, even when you are in different games. This is exactly the things I have been complaining about since day one with Wii U, I expected Nintendo to at LEAST come close to this functionality but they aren't even as good as what the PS Vita can do and even that has a similar clunky system of everything in their own app.
Its clear Nintendo have no clue how to deal with online stuff, just look at Swapnote/Letterbox. What kind of a company disables their messaging system because it can be misused to groom kids? No other platform has had to do that. You implement parental controls so it can be limited, not disable the whole damn system. One step fowards, two steps back.
We clearly are never going to agree because this generation has been by far my favourite, far more games I could enjoy than ever before. I'm not a big fan of Mario but I can enjoy some of the games and became a fan of Zelda very late. No matter what platform though, how can it POSSIBLY be a bad thing being able to chat to your friends when playing games?
Edited by Alex Atkin UK, 09 November 2013 - 08:29 AM.
Sheffield 3DS | Steam & XBOX: Alex Atkin UK | PSN & WiiU: AlexAtkinUK
Posted 09 November 2013 - 12:16 PM
Have you even used an Xbox 360? The ONLY thing I can think of that the Xbox 360 did NOT have at launch was party chat. You have always been able to message and chat with each other WITHOUT A GOLD SUBSCRIPTION, from day one, even when you are in different games. This is exactly the things I have been complaining about since day one with Wii U, I expected Nintendo to at LEAST come close to this functionality but they aren't even as good as what the PS Vita can do and even that has a similar clunky system of everything in their own app.
Its clear Nintendo have no clue how to deal with online stuff, just look at Swapnote/Letterbox. What kind of a company disables their messaging system because it can be misused to groom kids? No other platform has had to do that. You implement parental controls so it can be limited, not disable the whole damn system. One step fowards, two steps back.
We clearly are never going to agree because this generation has been by far my favourite, far more games I could enjoy than ever before. I'm not a big fan of Mario but I can enjoy some of the games and became a fan of Zelda very late. No matter what platform though, how can it POSSIBLY be a bad thing being able to chat to your friends when playing games?
Ive had a 360 since launch, its currently sitting, unhooked, unplugged, next to my og xbox (which coincidentally, IS plugged in and hooked up) and no, practically nothing was working at launch. We had to wait until the shutdown of live (it was shutdown like a day or two) until xbox live silver emerged.
The Nintendo 3ds HAS, and HAD parental restrictions, with password lockout. And there was no 'grooming' It was child pornography of an 11 year old. Yeah, shut the $%^& down, I can only imagine the only people who would have a problem with this are people who are upset about not recieving their naked pictures of 11 year olds.
When I want to talk to my freinds, I will pick up the phone and call them, people i 'meet' online playing video games ARE NOT FREINDS, THEY ARE STRANGERS. But you are changing the subject. The SUBJECT was, the focus on constant distractions, and and flashy games with no substance, and overhyped multiplayer is conditioning the user base to want vapid 6 hour games, that all play exactly the same, and prioritize multiplayer which can reuse assets and codebases. This greatly streamlines the creation pipeline, and the short instantly forgettable games they are conditioned to enjoy keep them in constant need of wanting to buy new games. This is why 99% of ps360 games are ten bucks two months after release.
These games this gen are garbage. The large majority of these games all play the same, look the same, have the same multiplayer, and have been basically done since the ps2/cube/Xbox generation. And thats EXACTLY the way publishers want it, and want to keep it.
Posted 13 November 2013 - 03:56 PM
I agree that games which ONLY focus on the multiplayer are a complete failure, I am a single player gamer at heart with only a few games having any merit for multiplayer to me. But I still value a lot of the social functionality and find it severely lacking on Nintendo platforms.
My real-life friends rarely call me on the phone. They use Skype, PSN or Xbox Live, because that is MUCH easier and cheaper than using a telephone, even moreso if arranging to play a game online on that console.
There are many occasions I end up playing a game because I see one of my "friends" is currently playing it, even single player games. That again ties into how I like achievements for their competitive element.
Sheffield 3DS | Steam & XBOX: Alex Atkin UK | PSN & WiiU: AlexAtkinUK
Posted 14 November 2013 - 05:04 AM
Alex Atkin UK, on 13 Nov 2013 - 6:56 PM, said:
I agree that games which ONLY focus on the multiplayer are a complete failure, I am a single player gamer at heart with only a few games having any merit for multiplayer to me. But I still value a lot of the social functionality and find it severely lacking on Nintendo platforms.
My real-life friends rarely call me on the phone. They use Skype, PSN or Xbox Live, because that is MUCH easier and cheaper than using a telephone, even moreso if arranging to play a game online on that console.
There are many occasions I end up playing a game because I see one of my "friends" is currently playing it, even single player games. That again ties into how I like achievements for their competitive element.
There IS NO COMPETITION, because there IS NO CHALLENGE, its fake, faux, an illusion. Challenge indicates that your interactions mean something. Meaningful challenge in videogames is very very hard to do. You have to have top notch programmers, that can be lead and directed by a top notch leader. Gameplay needs to be changed, often, when it doesnt work, or the mechanics conflict with other aspects. Gameplay changes are time consuming and expensive, so they dont happen in most streamlined to hell AAA productions. BUt any moron can write a story. The player wants to FEEL like they were challenged, so what did they do? They faked it. They present the player with amazing on screen happenings, you are doing bad ass ninja flips and combos, you are killing a god, you are single handedly taking out an entire legion.... On screen, in reality, you are playing the most boring repetitive, simplistic moronic garbage that can possibly be conceived, you can LITERALLY accomplish the tasks by slapping your genitals across the controller.
THis is a mitigation, not a fix, the conflict between whats happening on screen and what you are actually (not) doing still exists, and is weakening the work.
The unicorn tongue obsession with 'cinematic gaming' is a dead end. It should be a small classificartion, a genre, like it used to be, NOT THE ENTIRE DAMN INDUSTRY, videogames will NEVER catch up to cinema, or books, because cinema and books are a much MUCH better platform for telling an authors story. The player existing inherently destroys that, because the player has their own agency. Unless you turn the player into a vapid moron. If all you ever strive for is a core that can be done better via other mediums, if you insist on making the core of videogames authored drama, then videogames will continue to stagnate, as their strengths are thrown away in favor of a wild goose chase, which is this entire garbage worthless generation.
VIdeogames are NOT a traditional storytelling medium. The player is an agent of chaos, making the medium ill equipped to convey a pre crafted narrative with anywhere near the feectiveness of cinema and books. A videogame is a box of possibilities, the best stories told are those that arise from the player expressing his own agency within a functional believable gameworld. Or something along those lines from Steve Gaynor.
This garbage generation has done everything in its power to nueter player agency.
All games teach, even the bad ones. What is this generation teaching gamers? Its teaching them, conditioning them, into mentally fat lazy morons. Its the junk food of gaming.
Producers have abandoned challenge, intruigue, accomplishment, in favor of hooking them on cheap meaningless 'rewards', they just put them on a treadmill, and as long as the vapid thoughtless player stays on that treadmill, they will be 'rewarded'. Rewards can also be good, they can be like food, sustaining the player and strengthening them to want to play more.
Or you can take the cheap way out and make them like drugs. A mindless substanceless addiction. Which is this generation of filth., and complete exploitation of the player.
All games teach. What does this garbage teach?
It teaches:
You are a schlub who has nothing better to do thansit around performing boring repetitive actions.
Skill and shrewdness count for nothing, all that matters is how much time you sink in.
You dont need to do anything exceptional, because to feel good, you just have to stay on the treadmill like everyone else.
-Jonathan blow 'Games need you'
These things take root subconciously, like advertising and brand identity, people identify with their activities, they are a product of their origins, and thier environments. You are a perfect example.
When millions of people buy these games, publishers are pumping a mental substence intot he mental environment.
Yes publishers, yes you are. You are turning people into mentally bloiated lazy apathetic gamers with your videogame junk food.
And you Alex, are a perfect example. So mentally conditioned, that when confronted with the challenge of learning something new (motion controls), despite CLEARLY knowing nothing about them, how to use them, or how to make them work, your only capacity for thought was to seek out 'problems', that for anyone who actually KNOWS how to use motion controls know they do not exist, you were COMPLETELY incapable of attempting to think of the merest solution to your 'problems', and despite having NO knowledge or practilcal experience on the subject, argued tooth and nail with those who did, simply so you didnt have to leave your conditioned comfort zone, for a solution that would be superior. It was like talking to a wall.
So yes, this generation is garbage, trash, filth, and its near destroyed an entire generation of gamers. Your little 'acheivments' and distractions are simply treats on the treadmill, a guilding for a rotten, rotting core. The nicities are completely irrelevant to me, because they are being stuck into a steaming pile of crap that is the core of the experience. I will GLADLY sacrifice an ornament, to get a christmas tree thats not made of poop.
Posted 14 November 2013 - 07:03 AM
3dude just went ham. but when i think about it, it does explain Y i mostly played online multyplayer games this gen, and only play the hardest mode on the single player games i do get this gen.
Posted 14 November 2013 - 07:07 AM
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