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Can Mario&Sonic survive the PS4 launch? Can Zelda&Mario survive the X1 launch?

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Poll: Can Mario&Sonic survive the PS4 launch? Can Zelda&Mario survive the X1 launch? (7 member(s) have cast votes)

Nov.15th Will the PS4 destroy Mario & Sonic at the sochi olympic games?

  1. It has no chance, Ps4 will outshine it. (6 votes [85.71%])

    Percentage of vote: 85.71%

  2. It has a chance somehow (1 votes [14.29%])

    Percentage of vote: 14.29%

Nov.22nd Will the Xbox One destroy Super Mario 3D World and A Link Between Worlds?

  1. It has a good launch line up to get some attention. (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. No. Mario & Zelda are better than the Xbone. (7 votes [100.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 100.00%

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#1 Julio93


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:07 AM

They are in the same day as the next gen launch games, I'm worried about Mario & Sonic. Goodbye crossover.






#2 Julio93


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:07 AM

They are in the same day as the next gen launch games, I'm worried about Mario & Sonic. Goodbye crossover.






#3 Merky Water

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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:28 AM

I'm not sure how they'd be effected.  If people want a game, another console being released isn't gonna sway that.


Personally, i'll be getting Mario.  But not until Christmas.  Too many other SP games to chip at before then and most of that time is getting sucked away by the MP games.


Sochi I'm still on the fence about.  Getting close to commiting though.  About as many events have me interested as turn me off.  But I guess that's one of it's charms same as the actual Olympics: something for everyone.  Either way, same as Mario 3D, this will have to wait 'til Christmas if it makes my list due to just too many games on my plate.  ...all the people who've said the U doesn't have games need to stop by sometime.  How am I ever gonna get through enough in time for MK8?(which WILL be a day one pickup for me)


#4 Gaymer


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:33 AM

I was never a fan of those Mario and Sonic Olympic games, but obviously the PS4 will make everyone forget about it. As for Mario 3D World and Zelda, they'll be taking a backseat for me for the Xbox One. I still want to get them. I don't get the whole "destroying" thing, but okay. People take games too seriously these days, it's not even about fun anymore. It's all about crushing the competition.

#5 itogi



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:42 AM

what Gaymer said, It's all about crushing the competition. Gamers this day take game way too seriously for what? Cause one opinion or how they view gaming.


#6 AdmiralClassy


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:43 AM

Well ninty may have done the right thing, they stated they weren't aiming for the same crowd as ms and sony so ps4 and xb1 might not eat into the sales of games like m&s

question is are the crowd ninty are aiming for still here in dregs?

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#7 Hound of God

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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:44 AM

It would make sense for new consoles to outshine new games. I doubt people walk in to game stores debating between one game and a system that they can use to expand their collection much further.

But these things are for different audiences, I think, so there's not much competition to begin with.


So outshine, yes, but not destroy.


#8 Mitch



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 10:57 AM

Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games is the AAA game the world has been asking for and will crush Sony and the PS4 launch...


People all over the world have been cancelling their PS4 preorders and using the $399 they would have given to Sony to buy multiple copies of Mario and Sonic 

#9 3Dude



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Posted 09 November 2013 - 11:04 AM

I seriously doubt these events will affect each other.



#10 Pjsprojects


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Posted 09 November 2013 - 11:12 AM

Who knows how well the other consoles will sell, yes they have the hype, but a lot of pre orders will need to be paid for.
Time to pay is crunch time! I have had two people I work with offer me there pre order because they can't afford the console. Both put twenty quid down and would just let it go.
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