I can assure you the ps4 controller won't give you any cramps like the x1 did. Oh and I've tried both controllers and the x1 gave me fits till I just got use to it.
Well got my PS4 today and played it extensively,especially with the free games for PS Plus. Really great bang for your buck that subscription is.
I have tried the Dualshock 4 for a little while before but I feel it's the superior controller compared to Xbone. The annoying cramp I get with XBone is gone using Dualshock 4, the sticks and triggers have the perfect balance of resistance making it feel more satisfying and responsive. Xbone pad is not crap but not as good as I once thought, going back to using it's sticks and triggers feel loose and hollow.
The groove where your middle finger rests is curved more on Dualshock 4 and longer handles with better rumble are welcome. Xbone just feels too cramped and the D-Pad is the worst this gen again, I feel a revision from Microsoft coming at some point.
I know why the Xbone pad has better battery life and I dare anyone to contest this. Basically they took the rumble from 360 and moved half of them to the triggers, that's why the rumble in the pad itself is so poor.
Anyway, Battlefield 4 on PS4 has much less jaggies and aliasing due to higher res. Online just as smooth as Xbone with fewer crashes i.e picking conquest and the game sends you to domination or something.
Resogun is fun as hell, looks gorgeous and is addictive to boot. Maybe a little short, being free is a nice touch.
Warframe looks nice but doesn't play that good. Not really into it but will give it another chance online.
Trine 2. Wow. 1080p 60fps and the touch pad really shines here as does the D-Pad.
Overall, I like the new consoles (PS4 more, I admit selling my Xbone did cross my mind but won't) and look forward to their exclusives. One important thing I want to add is I think Wii U is still very relevant this gen. I can't stress enough to my friends that don't own to go and buy the damn thing especially for next year! Got my bro Mario 3d World today for Xmas and had the most fun playing co-op than any multiplayer game in a long time.
My PS4 username is Toilet_Snaker if anyone wants to add me.