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How much do you think the Wii U will sell the whole month of Dec.

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#41 storabajskorven



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Posted 30 December 2013 - 06:11 AM

VGChartz says 173000 for 1st week and 264000 for 2nd week. Third week should be slightly higher than 2nd week and 4th week around the same. So in total, I'd say somewhere around 1 million. Perhaps a bit below.

#42 Pjsprojects


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Posted 30 December 2013 - 07:21 AM

Well I added to the rare UK 'U' owners by purchasing a second premium.
At E3 I really wanted the PS4 but now I'm happy with WiiU and PC.

In a couple of years with some first party games and a bundle I'll pick a PS4 up. As for Xbone its erm no.
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Add me on Miiverse !! I'm from England but the world is a lot smaller online!

#43 Leland


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Posted 30 December 2013 - 08:14 AM

I'm going to guess 1 million worldwide, it seemed to be out of stock a lot of places over the holidays.

#44 Poptartboy



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Posted 30 December 2013 - 09:13 AM

Well first feel free to whenever you see my username skip my post and read the next one we all will survive believe me. the post has a reference. Nintendo had 7 years to look at the HD market and see what was going on. Look at the games how they looked and i am sure they had talks with(i hope) developers to see where games were going. So it would have been fine if Iwata didnt say anything. But Nintendo built this console and no one else. They had years to look at game engines, and how HD gaming works. In all of this he comes out and says he doesnt understand why people think the Wii U is underpowered. Really its an opinion its mine you may think differently good for you. TO EACH HIS OWN... different people, different thoughts, different opinions

At this point, what are you even saying? I don't know whether you are saying it's underpowered or not. If you're not saying that then what are you talking about?

The games on Wii U look pretty nice, so what else do you want?

#45 GAMER1984



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Posted 30 December 2013 - 09:27 AM

At this point, what are you even saying? I don't know whether you are saying it's underpowered or not. If you're not saying that then what are you talking about?

The games on Wii U look pretty nice, so what else do you want?

Don't worry about it the tread will keep on. We have different thoughts you disagreed with me its over

#46 Raiden


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Posted 30 December 2013 - 10:05 AM

The CPU doesn't matter as much as the GPU; which if you listen to reason all point to the Evergreen GPU.  While not as powerful as the 7xxx series of GPU found on the PS4/X1 is still better than those found on the PS360.  Besides the Wii U's CPU, as far as I know isn't that bad. Especially if one considers it's cache, OOE, and embedded memory!!! Also, there is nothing the PS4/X1 showed at launch that was mind blowing!!! They failed to convince me that  Wii U and PS360 (I have a 360 love it!!!) is truely obsolete or dated!!!LVJek.jpgsuper-mario-3d-world-3.jpgKnack-9.jpg

Oh the picture is to show that the games still look quite similar between each other.  The next-gen jump isn't really there for me yet for the PS4/X1!!!

Not very fair to use a screen of a late 7th gen game to early 8th gen games. Take a late 6th gen to a launch 7th gen and was not a huge leap either. Yes the gap truly is smaller than ever before but the point stands. When in 6-7 years then compare Halo 4 to late 8th gen games. Might not be as small  as we think.

#47 Goodtwin


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Posted 31 December 2013 - 01:35 PM

Hope VGchartz is correct because that would mean 750k sold after the first three weeks.  We really might see Wii U sell a million for the month of December.  That would be incredible.

#48 Scumbag



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Posted 31 December 2013 - 03:53 PM

According to this, Wii U sold more globally than Xbone in the week before Christmas. 3ds still beasting.



#49 ElderKnight77


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Posted 01 January 2014 - 01:54 AM

That's it I called it...Wii U sells at minimum 900K worldwide in December!!! It has the potential to break 1mil meaning it should hit above 5.5mil sold worldwide before Jan 2014.  I am still predicting 500K-550K Jan sales, 450K and 400K for Feb and march so selling 7-7.5mil units in the 15 months that the system had been out (out of 9 mil that Iwat predicted)!!!  I'm gonna issue a challenge to Patcher that the Wii U will have an install base of 20.5-21 mil units sold by March2015.  He predicted less than 20 mil by 2016 so let's see who will get closer to the sales.  I am gonna quit this site if that rainbow of an analyst gets closer to his prediction than me.  Then again I'm not a "professional" like he is!!! :blink:

Not very fair to use a screen of a late 7th gen game to early 8th gen games. Take a late 6th gen to a launch 7th gen and was not a huge leap either. Yes the gap truly is smaller than ever before but the point stands. When in 6-7 years then compare Halo 4 to late 8th gen games. Might not be as small  as we think.


Well my point was that there is no real reason yet to pick up these "next/current-gen" systems as there haven't evolved past what "last/current-gen" systems are able to do!!!  It wasn't fair for people to compare the all new Wii U first gen games with late gen games from PS360 but it still happened.  I really don't get why that is such an issue anyways?  Anyways, I doubt the PS4/X1 will have the generation leap the PS3 and X360 enjoyed compared to PS2/Xbox!!!

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