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#101 BanjoKazooie


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Posted 30 May 2014 - 01:31 PM

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze

League of Legends


I was once known here as KillerMario, but since I really like Banjo-Kazooie, I changed my display name to show them my respect :)

#102 3Dude



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Posted 30 May 2014 - 01:52 PM

Mk8. Surprise.



#103 EskobarM92



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Posted 30 May 2014 - 02:51 PM

Wolfenstein (XB1)

Watch Dogs (XB1)

Mario Kart 8 (Wii U)

Trine 2 (Wii U)


Wii U: EskobarM92, Xbox One: Eskobar M92, PS4: Eskobar-M92

#104 syks-1


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Posted 30 May 2014 - 03:37 PM

battlefield 4 (ps4)

warframe (ps4)



mk8 (wii u) AND LOVING IT!!!!!!! :)

Edited by syks-1, 30 May 2014 - 03:37 PM.

#105 DexterousGecko


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Posted 31 May 2014 - 03:12 AM

Still keep coming back to Modded Minecraft. Nothing beats a true sandbox game.

Also picked up Watch Dogs (I know, I know, I'm a horrible human being) , seems pretty cool, will be trying it tomorrow.


#106 Mewbot


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Posted 31 May 2014 - 03:23 AM



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#107 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 31 May 2014 - 06:48 AM

MK8 of course

League on and off






#108 Waller


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Posted 31 May 2014 - 09:39 AM

Because it's a good game. Why would you waste money on that moe garbage?


... I guess it'd be a good game if you have a thing for superflous dialogue, unoriginal settings, extremely low difficulty, one dimensional characters and awful pacing in your jrpg's. I personally can't stand it.


About Yggdra Union, the game has a severe case of art style dissonance. The storyline is much darker than the puni plush character design would imply. Either way I'm not playing it for the story, I'm playing it because it's an innovative game that tries to do something different from the established Tactics Ogre/Fire Emblem srpg formula.


#109 Raiden


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Posted 31 May 2014 - 02:38 PM

... I guess it'd be a good game if you have a thing for superflous dialogue, unoriginal settings, extremely low difficulty, one dimensional characters and awful pacing in your jrpg's. I personally can't stand it.


About Yggdra Union, the game has a severe case of art style dissonance. The storyline is much darker than the puni plush character design would imply. Either way I'm not playing it for the story, I'm playing it because it's an innovative game that tries to do something different from the established Tactics Ogre/Fire Emblem srpg formula.

Shush. I dare you try Trails in the Sky if you hate dialogue. Why do people assosiate dark as better?

Also Goldensun is meant to be a more innocent RPG in fact it has some Dragon Quest in it DQ6 to be more precise. Also feels alot like SEGA CD Game Arts type of games which is no suprise as the talent behind it worked on Shining Force series which was SEGA's answer to Fire Emblem back on Genesis and Sega CD.

#110 Scumbag



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Posted 31 May 2014 - 03:01 PM

MK8 and wrecking monsters in G Rank MH3 with heavy bow gun.

#111 Waller


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Posted 31 May 2014 - 05:58 PM

Shush. I dare you to try Trails in the Sky if you hate dialogue.


I don't hate dialogue, I hate meaningless dialogue, which is about the only kind of dialogue there is in Golden Sun. If Trails in the Sky is anything like Golden Sun, then I'll have to decline your offer. I'm not going to waste any more of my time on verbal diarrhea.


Why do people assosiate dark as better?


I never said dark was better. I never said anything about something being better than another thing, but you apparently imagined I did since your next line seems to be defending Golden Sun for not being dark and edgy like Yggdra Union.


Also Goldensun is meant to be a more innocent RPG in fact it has some Dragon Quest in it DQ6 to be more precise. Also feels alot like SEGA CD Game Arts type of games which is no suprise as the talent behind it worked on Shining Force series which was SEGA's answer to Fire Emblem back on Genesis and Sega CD.


What's your point? None of that excuses the game for being poorly written, and none of that excuses the game for being boringly easy. It just sounds like you have nostalgia glasses.

Edited by Miss Understanding, 31 May 2014 - 05:58 PM.


#112 Raiden


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Posted 15 June 2014 - 02:45 PM

Hard to have nostalgia glasses with no nostalgia lol. You don't like it fine but the game is good in the 20 hours I put in thus far. I play many RPG's and love a lot but also dislike a good few as well. This game is not that. I know 2 has  issues so I plan to skip that game. It's not the best RPG I played but it's not FFXIII crap either lol


You don't like I spent 9$ on a game and enjoying it. Well guess what



June 15 2014

Xenoblade Chronicles X got me on such a Xenofever and sci fi and mech been watching anime and popped in Xenoblade. Switching between one file I had early in the game and one of 2 New game + I had that was nearyl complete. 600+ hours cheezus man lol.

Edited by Ryudo, 31 May 2014 - 06:30 PM.

#113 AdmiralClassy


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Posted 16 June 2014 - 03:33 PM

Xenoblade chronicles 

Super Smash Bros Melee

Twilight Princess 

Shing Shong For Smash 4!

Honk For Ponk!

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Psn AdmiralClassy

Steam AdmiralClassy

#114 Bort


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Posted 16 June 2014 - 08:22 PM

-Getting 100% in Xenoblade (holy crap)

-Playing MK8 online when I need a break

-Random 3DS games, mainly Pokemon and MK7

#115 Raiden


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Posted 21 June 2014 - 04:12 PM

God I need Phantasy Star Online 2 back online.

Meantime I played some Quake 3 Arena and my Vita been playing some Blazeblue and Ys Memories of Celceta.

Oh also popped in Phantasy Star IV.

#116 Portal



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Posted 21 June 2014 - 04:37 PM

I'm playing a bunch, mainly WiiU. MarioKart 8(online), The Wind Waker HD, and Pushmo World. Not really sure what I'm playing on 3DS. I SHOULD finally put some serious time into Night Sky, and I SHOULD beat Kirby's Adventure 3D/Kirby's Dreamland back to back, but instead I started a new play through of ALBW and I might make some more progress in EOU. Oh, and did I mention a new play through of Pokemon Ruby to see if I want Alpha Sapphire? I just don't know...

Some people always have a cellphone on them. I'm so awesome I always have a 3DS.
Check out my blog! Portal's Portal

#117 3Dude



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Posted 21 June 2014 - 04:54 PM

Heh, I have both Golden Sun and yggdra union on my android. Also got GS on my wii u. The miiverse integration was enjoyable.

Enjoy Golden sun much more. The dialog is extremely verbose, but it and the story is just as solid as yggdra union. Which is nowhere near compelling enough to make the games worthwhile without some solid game to back them up.

Golden sun has an interesting combat system, fun flashy battle graphics, fantastic world design, fantastic exploration, fantastic rewards for exploring, and great town and dungeon design.

Yggdra union has an interesting combat system, No world design, no exploration, no towns, irritating but very necessary item management... And some REALLY questionable character designs. I like how they simulate each character as being in charge of a battallion, and having to manage morale.

And since I cant stomach any more of bravely defaults truly atrocious end game... now Im going back to my Xenoblade replay.



#118 Waller


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Posted 22 June 2014 - 02:36 AM

Heh, I have both Golden Sun and yggdra union on my android. Also got GS on my wii u. The miiverse integration was enjoyable.

Enjoy Golden sun much more. The dialog is extremely verbose, but it and the story is just as solid as yggdra union. Which is nowhere near compelling enough to make the games worthwhile without some solid game to back them up.

Golden sun has an interesting combat system, fun flashy battle graphics, fantastic world design, fantastic exploration, fantastic rewards for exploring, and great town and dungeon design.

Yggdra union has an interesting combat system, No world design, no exploration, no towns, irritating but very necessary item management... And some REALLY questionable character designs. I like how they simulate each character as being in charge of a battallion, and having to manage morale.

And since I cant stomach any more of bravely defaults truly atrocious end game... now Im going back to my Xenoblade replay.


I really don't know where you're getting that Golden Sun's storyline is on par with Yggdra's. Granted, Yggdra Union's story isn't really anything to rave about (much less validate the entire game), but at least it's functional and consistent, which is way more than can be said about Golden Sun's filler&sidetracking story.


I disagree about the combat system. It's just too unbalanced and devoid of challenge to consider it interesting. Yggdra Union fluctuates a lot in terms of difficulty, but the game at least tries to push you into properly learning the system.


The dungeon design didn't really do anything for me. At first I thought it was great, but the game recycled the pushing puzzles so much that I lost all interest on it by the time I was done with the mercury lighthouse. Didn't really help that the game has a fetish for samey-looking caves, either. I do appreciate that they tried to do something besides just linear dungeons though, so that's something to praise about it.


As for Yggdra Union lacking exploration... well, it's an srpg. No exploration is pretty standard for the genre, so I don't really think it's anything to hold against it. It sounds like you place a lot of value in exploration. It's not like I don't get why people like Golden Sun, it's just that the opinion on this game is so one-sided that I feel compelled to point out its flaws.


#119 Guy Fieri

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Posted 23 June 2014 - 11:01 PM

Been playing MK8 online every other day or so. Also playing Knack and Mercenary Kings. 

#120 3Dude



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Posted 24 June 2014 - 06:18 AM

I really don't know where you're getting that Golden Sun's storyline is on par with Yggdra's. Granted, Yggdra Union's story isn't really anything to rave about (much less validate the entire game), but at least it's functional and consistent, which is way more than can be said about Golden Sun's filler&sidetracking story.

Golden suns story is perfectly functional and consistant in comparison to yggdra union. Its not like we are talking disc one of Xenogears or Xenoblade level story here. And the simple fact it actually has SOME manner of stage direction to go along with the dialog and events, makes it much better than portraits and text.

I disagree about the combat system. It's just too unbalanced and devoid of challenge to consider it interesting. Yggdra Union fluctuates a lot in terms of difficulty, but the game at least tries to push you into properly learning the system.


Opinon invalidated on basis of ignorance. Good luck spamming the same single element classes, summon spams and other junk you used for the cannon fodder on the secret bosses.... And seeing someone who thinks like that get an eye openeing smackdown in the battle mode is always amusing.

Ygdrra union doesnt have a particularly interesting battle system once the novelty wears off... ANd the game drags on for an eternity after that point. Its a shallow and pretty transparent finite state machine. The game in General is heavily outdone several times over by series like fire emblem, with the sole exception of the fairly interesting player 'interaction' and special move aspect.... I cant even really give props for the 'ganging up/linking' strategy... I feel fire emblem also does a much better job with this with its own take. It really just isnt interesting or varied enough to make up for the poor map design, and complete and absolute lack of player agency, and the hours upon hours it drags on.... ANd of course, Ive always had a distate for the card thing style. 


The dungeon design didn't really do anything for me. At first I thought it was great, but the game recycled the pushing puzzles so much that I lost all interest on it by the time I was done with the mercury lighthouse. Didn't really help that the game has a fetish for samey-looking caves, either. I do appreciate that they tried to do something besides just linear dungeons though, so that's something to praise about it.

I find it amusing that you complain about repitition and golden suns dungeons not having enough variety visually... Whilst comparing it to yggdra union. Which is a consistant, constant, and far greater offender in this category.


As for Yggdra Union lacking exploration... well, it's an srpg. No exploration is pretty standard for the genre, so I don't really think it's anything to hold against it. It sounds like you place a lot of value in exploration. It's not like I don't get why people like Golden Sun,

Fire Emblem has great exploration. To the effect of

A. Finding information leading to secret campaigns.
B. Finding and recruiting characters for your army
C. Finding Finding great weapons
D. Finding tactically advantadgous avenues of approach.

Its called ensuring the player is able to act upon their own agency.

People who enjoy Golden sun are very, very, VERY well aware of the series shortcomings. Which is why Golden sun 2 is such a huge deal, as its damn near perfection for the series, fixing every problem Golden sun had (Except the extremely verbose dialog), and improving and adding on a massive scale. And also why they find Golden sun 3 so dissapointing.

it's just that the opinion on this game is so one-sided that I feel compelled to point out its flaws.

Funny, your one sided opinion compelled me to do the same.



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