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CoD: Black Ops II or CoD: Ghosts

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#1 Akazury


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 03:54 AM

So simply question. I've never played a CoD before and was thinking about picking one up, I only have the WiiU so keep that in mind. Which would you recommend and why?

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#2 Pjsprojects


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 04:09 AM

Ghosts for story and big map slower pace multiplayer.

Blops2 for hectic multiplayer action on smaller maps. Story not to good.
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#3 3Dude



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Posted 19 January 2014 - 07:36 AM

Why ruin a perfect record?



#4 meitantei_conan



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Posted 19 January 2014 - 08:33 AM


Why ruin a perfect record? 





I would say Blops 2. In my opinion Blops 2 is overall superior to ghosts. On the other hand the online is probable dead on blops 2 so not much choice there..... 

#5 Akazury


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 10:10 AM

Why ruin a perfect record?

I don't get it :S

I would say Blops 2. In my opinion Blops 2 is overall superior to ghosts. On the other hand the online is probable dead on blops 2 so not much choice there.....

Overall superior is a bit empty, could you explain yourself a bit?

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#6 Raiden


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 11:11 AM

I don't get it :S


They are terrible games. Really generic. Might be fun with friends online but the series is so bland and generic and they cut so many corners re using scenes and textures from past games. If you have Steam snag Serious Sam HD. Any of them really. Tough as nails. fast paced frantic fun. Has multilayer as well I believe. It's cheap and not very demanding of a PC but still looks nice.

#7 Akazury


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:06 PM

Okay, that I got. Well it isn't like there is another shooter like for example battlefield on the WiiU so I'm bound to settle. Besides that I'd like to expierence why so many/certain people like it so I'm willing to try.

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#8 SailtheSeas


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:22 PM

Black Ops II is a better all-round game.


The campaign mode is much better than Ghosts and is also longer, the multiplayer is more balanced, more fair and rewards skilled players. The only thing Ghosts has going for it is the extinction mode and even then that's nothing spectacular.


I'd go for Black Ops II, it's cheaper, has a more enjoyable single player and a more balanced multiplayer mode.

#9 xile6



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Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:33 PM

niether but thats just me. i dont like cod to much. Battle field is better in every way imo.



I do have cod bo2 on the wii u and got cod ghost for the ps4 (xmas gift)


I will say that ghost story line is better. And since its newer the online and game modes are better. And more people online.

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#10 Dr.Legendaddy


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 12:35 PM

i played em both A LOT and i say better over all is blops 2


but it depends:

ghosts is faster paced, less health, bigger maps, sooner or later more players, better story mode, assault rifles op, people will spawn behind u VERY often if your team doesnt control the enemy spawn

blops 2 smaller (imo) better maps, u wont die that fast so a good connection is slightley less important, emblem editor and theater mode included, submachine guns op, more competitive and less hardcore glitches like in ghosts people go under the map n stuff

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#11 Akazury


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 01:45 PM

Okay so I did a bit off inventory before going to bed;




  • Better Story
  • Extinction mode


  • Bigger maps -> Slower paced (Pjsprojects)
  • Fast pace (Dr. Legendaddy)
  • Better online/game modes
  • Less health (?)
  • (More/lots of people online)

Black Ops II


  • Better/Longer Campaign


  • Smaller maps (hectic)
  • Balanced/fair/rewards skilled players
  • Competitve
  • (Dead Online)

All round better and less glitchy


Any additions I'll see in the morning.

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#12 Hunter



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Posted 19 January 2014 - 02:04 PM

Why ruin a perfect record?


lol it's not that bad.


The multiplayer can be entertaining.

#13 DanJiblets


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Posted 19 January 2014 - 02:10 PM

I say just get Ghosts, any COD is easy to pick up and play, so may as well get the newest one with more people online. I like the maps better in Ghosts personally.

#14 Kyle1503



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Posted 19 January 2014 - 02:28 PM

Ghosts is better purely for the lack of dlc on wii u didn't give you anything good on blops2 whereas ghosts gives you lotes like a good story, great extinction map ect,

#15 tboss



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Posted 19 January 2014 - 06:01 PM

okay simple version: both suffer almost equaly from lag, ghosts cna get worse but can also get better than anything you can get form black ops 2. aka lag is more varied on ghosts. 


ghosts has more playable gamemodes, aka you can find more things to play and more of them play better. 


ghosts map design is improved MW3 map design. both have rainbowty spawning, ghosts map design strongly encourages smart and tactical play. maps size varies, this game actualy features big maps, which were non existant in BO2. 


BO2 map design is more hectic. there are 3 roughts in most maps, and msot can be played by running down the path and shoot who pops up. anyone can pick this game up and do okay. in ghosts, playing poorly or stupidly will much more severely punish you.  


ghosts features exintion, BO2 has zombies. id go with extinction, they did a better job than the zombie map they released for BO2, which is one of the worst. 


as for weapon balance, ghosts is a little better, almost every gun class is useable, no pistol rape all BS like in BO2. ghosts does has some OP guns though. 

#16 Akazury


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Posted 21 January 2014 - 02:20 AM

I think I'll be going for Ghosts. I've taken all of your opinions in consideration and seeying as I first of all be playing Singleplayer before anything else I feel that Ghosts is the better way to go. And I figure that the heavy glitches etc. will be fixed in a patch.

Thx everybody

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#17 Dr.Legendaddy


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Posted 21 January 2014 - 04:34 AM

good choice for the singleplayer! but the glitches wont be fixed they gave up supporting the wii u version i guess. even if the glitches get fixed there will be new ones and at some point they will handle it like blops 2 (not givin a f bout wii u anymore). just take that into consideration. and dont play the map "freight" or some 12 year old kid will go glitch under the map and kill your whole team thinkin he a good player

if you going to the online mp make sure to check out our clan if u lookin for friendly people to play with. website is my signature

wario_land_4__animated_miniwario_avi_set[7HzG] Our clans website please feel free to check us out or to join us: http://7hzg.webs.com/

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#18 Akazury


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Posted 22 January 2014 - 02:50 PM

So I picked it up today together with the Triton Headset and after sinking two/three hours into story I must admit it's quite an amazing game. The game introduces the controls at a nice pace whilst setting up the story. It's a nice change of genre and that weighs heavily in my enjoyment off the game, cause neither Pikmin, Zelda nor AC and Batman you just don't get to shoot somebody that often. I guess that if you play these games every year you find the flaws and irritations much quicker while for gamers like me who'd be playing (an FPS) for the first time might just fall in love.


Tomorrow I might get into some MP, with some luck my bro wouldn't mind trying some extinction, but that's another day.

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#19 JOCx420


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Posted 01 February 2014 - 10:24 AM

Personally I like bo2 multiplayer better and there is still plenty of people playing the popular modes I was on last night and this morning!

#20 tboss



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 11:31 PM

good thing you like it, now im wondering which controls you use.

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