RUMOR: Wii U version of Watch Dogs cancelled.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 01:46 AM
They can't of done all that development on WiiU version to not release, waste of cash.
This is one of the games I'm into buying on WiiU.
Maybe they are taking lessons from EA. Ha!
Posted 24 January 2014 - 01:56 AM
My amazon said something about not knowing if it were coming out and that i hadn't been charged etc. Brushed it off until now. I'm hoping watch dogs will be the testing ground to see if it's worth supporting Wii U as they are currently market leaders and also close in sales to the others. It will be a good test for all publishers to see if there's any point in supporting Wii U.
Fingers crossed the game is surprisingly successful! I know I got a Wii U partially because Watch Dogs was coming out on it combined with excellent first party
Edited by Penguin101, 24 January 2014 - 01:58 AM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:06 AM
My amazon said something about not knowing if it were coming out and that i hadn't been charged etc. Brushed it off until now. I'm hoping watch dogs will be the testing ground to see if it's worth supporting Wii U as they are currently market leaders and also close in sales to the others. It will be a good test for all publishers to see if there's any point in supporting Wii U.
Fingers crossed the game is surprisingly successful! I know I got a Wii U partially because Watch Dogs was coming out on it combined with excellent first party
Ubi testing ground was splintercell blacklist and ACIV they didn't do too well.. So its up in the air.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:24 AM
Ubi testing ground was splintercell blacklist and ACIV they didn't do too well.. So its up in the air.
Really, AC3 did brilliantly considering it was a launch game. ACIV I don't know, but I still think it did OK for the install base. Splinter Cell wasn't right for the Wii U audience.
For some reason I think Watch_Dogs is an alright fit, considering the lack of titles like it on the Wii U.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:39 AM
i think the developement has gone too far to cancel it now. but i guess if they wouldve known earlier that no one buys ubisoft games (except ray) on wii u they might have not developed it for wii u at all. I think at this point its cheaper to just finish the wii u version n live with the fact that it might sell as bad as splinter cell (the buggiest piece of crap ive seen for a long time). Anyway ive been lookin forward to watchdogs since the first day so i hope ubi doesnt screw us
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Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:47 AM
Really, AC3 did brilliantly considering it was a launch game. ACIV I don't know, but I still think it did OK for the install base. Splinter Cell wasn't right for the Wii U audience.
For some reason I think Watch_Dogs is an alright fit, considering the lack of titles like it on the Wii U.
How much did AC3 sale? ACIV isn't doing well. I can guarantee WiiU accounts for less than 10% of its sales. I mean don't think they will cancel Watchdogs (hope not plan on getting) but nothing will surprise me when it comes to a 3rd party and Nintendo.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:47 AM
I bought Splinter Cell Blacklist I'm starting to think 95% of us really are Nintendrones uninterested in anything but Nintendo first party, not bothered with anything third party has to offer :-( I really hate that stereotype, I've been fighting against it, but statistically the percentage of third party, specifically in the action-shooter gencre are abysmal.
If I were a publisher I'd certainly think twice about releasing an action shooter in the future. The only way i'd do it is I'd officially set up a petition on my site and if I got a profitable amount of signatures in a set amount of time pledging to buy that version. Only then would I even consider it, because statistically Nintendo fans are making it quite clear that they don't want anything in the likes of Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty, GTA etc. It's only a few of us craving games and suffering for it.
Maybe I'm overreacting but I keep on seeing fellow Nintendo fans saying "we don't want your COD" "keep your generic action games off our console" and I want to scream at them because it's those kind of set in their way Nintendo puritains dragging Nintendo down.
Nintendo need all types of games including generic action shooters like COD alongside first party titles. It needs a spectrum of games to keep the system alive, and while i'm not a COD fan, I do like other games that i've heard abuse from other Nintendo fans such as Splinter Cell, Metal Gear Solid, Grand Theft Auto to name a few off the top of my head. Far from generic shooting games, yet get branded as such from a lot of Nintendo fans and i've had quite enough. So much in fact i've noticed i'm rambling and probably not making the slightest bit of sense
Posted 24 January 2014 - 02:56 AM
How much did AC3 sale? ACIV isn't doing well. I can guarantee WiiU accounts for less than 10% of its sales. I mean don't think they will cancel Watchdogs (hope not plan on getting) but nothing will surprise me when it comes to a 3rd party and Nintendo.
If ACIV accounts for 10% of its sales then it's doing well. Considering the Wii U is way less than 10% of the install base of the consoles that that game launched on. PS4=3 million or so. XBO = 2 million or so. PS3 = 80 million. Xbox 360 = 80 million. Wii U = 5 million. Put those all together = 170 million. 170 million divided by 5 million = 34. The Wii U accounts for roughly one 34th of the install base of all the consoles it launched on. That's exactly 2.94117847059%. If it's done 10% of its sales then it's done 3.333333333 times better than every other version (on average).
Math is fun! Not really. I hate it.
Edited by R00bot, 24 January 2014 - 03:15 AM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 03:03 AM
If ACIV accounts for 10% of its sales then it's doing well. Considering the Wii U is way less than 10% of the install base of the consoles that that game launched on. PS4=3 million or so. XBO = 2 million or so. PS3 = 80 million. Xbox 360 = 80 million. Wii U = 5 million. Put those all together = 170 million. 170 million divided by 5 million = 34. The Wii U accounts for roughly one 34th of the install base of all the consoles it launched on. That's exactly 2.94117847059%. If it's done 10% of its sales then it's done 3.333333333 times better than every other version (on average).
Maths is fun! Not really. I hate it.
Well to be honest I was being generous with the 10%. There was one game believe COD WiiU version sold less than "1" percent of the sales. Your equation though it sounds good 3rd parties don't think of it like that. If they did we would be getting a lot more support on the U. At this point I have come to accept what my WiiU offers. Whatever I get in 2014 and beyond I am good with.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 03:18 AM
Well to be honest I was being generous with the 10%. There was one game believe COD WiiU version sold less than "1" percent of the sales. Your equation though it sounds good 3rd parties don't think of it like that. If they did we would be getting a lot more support on the U. At this point I have come to accept what my WiiU offers. Whatever I get in 2014 and beyond I am good with.
Makes you question why they're still releasing on the PS4 and XBO. They, too, have low install bases. Lower than that of the Wii U. Maybe they're thinking about the attach rate. Even though the Wii U attach rates are generally pretty good, they're probably expecting what happened with the Wii to happen again (terrible attach rates).
Posted 24 January 2014 - 03:32 AM
Is there a phone number we can call to get a straight answer from Ubisoft? Just because I think that we're panicking over one rumour from one gamestop in Italy. I'm not saying it COULD be true, but if I were Ubisoft I probably would have decided I may as well try and claim back some losses on the development cost of the Wii U rather than have wasted my money in the first place. I know that th 360 and PS3 alone could do that, but then where's the harm in finding out if after the holidays with roughly equal sales if the Wii U does similar to PS4 and XBO sales of the game?
Posted 24 January 2014 - 03:50 AM
Why not just tweet Ubisoft? The mere fact it's on their website should hold a lot of weight.
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Posted 24 January 2014 - 03:52 AM
I doubt this will be cancelled for the Wii U, but I do think it is the last AAA games we'll be getting from Ubisoft.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 04:24 AM
I doubt this will be cancelled for the Wii U, but I do think it is the last AAA games we'll be getting from Ubisoft.*
*Unless Nintendo fans actually put money where their mouth is and buy Watch_Dogs
If even 2.7 million out of the 5.5 million+ Wii U users buy Watch_Dogs in the first month of release It's a good indicator, not only that but it will be the fastest Wii U title sold, in fact it will probably be the highest selling Wii U title ever!
Edited by Penguin101, 24 January 2014 - 04:27 AM.
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:03 AM
*Unless Nintendo fans actually put money where their mouth is and buy Watch_Dogs
If even 2.7 million out of the 5.5 million+ Wii U users buy Watch_Dogs in the first month of release It's a good indicator, not only that but it will be the fastest Wii U title sold, in fact it will probably be the highest selling Wii U title ever!
well i will buy it i even preordered the special edition (which got cancelled for wii u) just to support that shiat
Why not just tweet Ubisoft? The mere fact it's on their website should hold a lot of weight.
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Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:09 AM
I've tweeted Ubisoft and Ubisoft UK, no reply yet, anyone else up for tweeting Ubisoft?
- Dr.Legendaddy likes this
Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:12 AM
sorry got no twitter
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Posted 24 January 2014 - 05:52 AM
*Unless Nintendo fans actually put money where their mouth is and buy Watch_Dogs
If even 2.7 million out of the 5.5 million+ Wii U users buy Watch_Dogs in the first month of release It's a good indicator, not only that but it will be the fastest Wii U title sold, in fact it will probably be the highest selling Wii U title ever!
Realistically what are the chances of this happening? There have been some very good third party titles released on the Wii U and those games haven't sold at all well. What makes you think Watch dogs will buck this trend?
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