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Dylan Farrow: Woody Allen sexually abused me

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#1 Zinix



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Posted 01 February 2014 - 06:00 PM

(A note from Nicholas Kristof: In 1993, accusations that Woody Allen had abused his adoptive daughter, Dylan Farrow, filled the headlines, part of a sensational story about the celebrity split between Allen and his girlfriend, Mia Farrow. This is a case that has been written about endlessly, but this is the first time that Dylan Farrow herself has written about it in public. It’s important to note that Woody Allen was never prosecuted in this case and has consistently denied wrongdoing; he deserves the presumption of innocence. So why publish an account of an old case on my blog? Partly because the Golden Globe lifetime achievement award to Allen ignited a debate about the propriety of the award. Partly because the root issue here isn’t celebrity but sex abuse. And partly because countless people on all sides have written passionately about these events, but we haven’t fully heard from the young woman who was at the heart of them. I’ve written a column about this, but it’s time for the world to hear Dylan’s story in her own words.)


What’s your favorite Woody Allen movie? Before you answer, you should know: when I was seven years old, Woody Allen took me by the hand and led me into a dim, closet-like attic on the second floor of our house. He told me to lay on my stomach and play with my brother’s electric train set. Then he sexually assaulted me. He talked to me while he did it, whispering that I was a good girl, that this was our secret, promising that we’d go to Paris and I’d be a star in his movies. I remember staring at that toy train, focusing on it as it traveled in its circle around the attic. To this day, I find it difficult to look at toy trains.

For as long as I could remember, my father had been doing things to me that I didn’t like. I didn’t like how often he would take me away from my mom, siblings and friends to be alone with him. I didn’t like it when he would stick his thumb in my mouth. I didn’t like it when I had to get in bed with him under the sheets when he was in his underwear. I didn’t like it when he would place his head in my naked lap and breathe in and breathe out. I would hide under beds or lock myself in the bathroom to avoid these encounters, but he always found me. These things happened so often, so routinely, so skillfully hidden from a mother that would have protected me had she known, that I thought it was normal. I thought this was how fathers doted on their daughters. But what he did to me in the attic felt different. I couldn’t keep the secret anymore.

When I asked my mother if her dad did to her what Woody Allen did to me, I honestly did not know the answer. I also didn’t know the firestorm it would trigger. I didn’t know that my father would use his sexual relationship with my sister to cover up the abuse he inflicted on me. I didn’t know that he would accuse my mother of planting the abuse in my head and call her a liar for defending me. I didn’t know that I would be made to recount my story over and over again, to doctor after doctor, pushed to see if I’d admit I was lying as part of a legal battle I couldn’t possibly understand. At one point, my mother sat me down and told me that I wouldn’t be in trouble if I was lying – that I could take it all back. I couldn’t. It was all true. But sexual abuse claims against the powerful stall more easily. There were experts willing to attack my credibility. The





Sick Wiis in Hollywood. 


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#2 Expansion Pak

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Posted 01 February 2014 - 06:11 PM

Ahh humanity....

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#3 LinkKennedy


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Posted 01 February 2014 - 08:31 PM

That's hollywood really and it's just disgusting that this guy gets standing ovations.

#4 Hunter



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Posted 02 February 2014 - 01:43 AM

That's hollywood really and it's just disgusting that this guy gets standing ovations.


He gets standing ovations because he is a legend and a brilliant filmmaker (or rather, used to be). Innocent until proven guilty.

#5 Ninty64X



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Posted 02 February 2014 - 10:54 AM

He gets standing ovations because he is a legend and a brilliant filmmaker (or rather, used to be). Innocent until proven guilty.

Gotta agree with you, the report is still really disturbing and shocking, but it's best not to pick a side in something as serious as this. Better to see how it plays out first, then say your thoughts. I think it's going to be hard to watch one of his classics after this though.

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#6 Hunter



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Posted 02 February 2014 - 12:04 PM

Gotta agree with you, the report is still really disturbing and shocking, but it's best not to pick a side in something as serious as this. Better to see how it plays out first, then say your thoughts. I think it's going to be hard to watch one of his classics after this though.

But this isn't anything new. These accusations came from his partner during a custody battle in the 90s and an investigation found them to be inconclusive. Unless there is some new evidence that has come to light then this appears to just be a continuation of the accusation following Allen's lifetime achievement award. The fact is we don't know and will probably never know the truth about what happened and whether it was true or not, therefore we have to assume that woody is innocent.

I believe he is innocent anyway from what i have read (and also because I am a big fan and hope that he is innocent) but obviously I don't have all the evidence. Some people will always say "he got away with it because he is famous" but I think this is rarely the case when it comes to these sort of allegations (just look at the "operation yewtree" arrests in the UK).


This is an interesting read about it all from the director of a woody allen documentary if you have the time.


Did this event actually occur? If we’re inclined to give it a second thought, we can each believe what we want, but none of us know. Why does the adult Malone say it happened? Because she obviously believes it did, so good for her for speaking out about it in Vanity Fair. Her brother Ronan believes it happened, so good for him for sticking up for his sister in 140 characters or less. They’ve both grown up in a household where this scenario has been accepted as indisputable fact, so why shouldn’t they believe it?

I know I’m treading a delicate path here, and opening myself up to accusations of “blaming the victim.” However, I’m merely floating scenarios to consider, and you can think what you will. But if Mia’s account is true, it means that in the middle of custody and support negotiations, during which Woody needed to be on his best behavior, in a house belonging to his furious ex-girlfriend, and filled with people seething mad at him, Woody, who is a well-known claustrophobic, decided this would be the ideal time and place to take his daughter into an attic and molest her, quickly, before a house full of children and nannies noticed they were both missing.


Edited by Hunter, 02 February 2014 - 12:10 PM.

#7 LinkKennedy


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Posted 02 February 2014 - 02:25 PM

Didn't he merry his adopted daughter? Yeah I think ill side with the victim in this one plus Hollywood is known for protecting their celebrities.

No one is questioning his mastery of his medium(not really a fan of his films but people love em) but to really not look at how hollywood hides crap like this all the time and just say innocent till proven guilty is a joke to me. That's like saying Michael Jackson and OJ are innocent of their crimes.

#8 Hunter



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Posted 02 February 2014 - 02:48 PM

Didn't he merry his adopted daughter? Yeah I think ill side with the victim in this one plus Hollywood is known for protecting their celebrities.

No one is questioning his mastery of his medium(not really a fan of his films but people love em) but to really not look at how hollywood hides crap like this all the time and just say innocent till proven guilty is a joke to me. That's like saying Michael Jackson and OJ are innocent of their crimes.


Nope. He married his girlfriends step daughter who was 20 when they started going out.


And nothing was ever proven with MJ. Have you never heard of innocent until proven guilty, no?

#9 Zinix



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Posted 02 February 2014 - 04:11 PM

Didn't he merry his adopted daughter? Yeah I think ill side with the victim in this one plus Hollywood is known for protecting their celebrities.

No one is questioning his mastery of his medium(not really a fan of his films but people love em) but to really not look at how hollywood hides crap like this all the time and just say innocent till proven guilty is a joke to me. That's like saying Michael Jackson and OJ are innocent of their crimes.

Michael Jackson was innocent though. One of the boys came out shortly after his death saying that his family made up the accusations for money.  Sure, he settled, but I THINK he was about to go on  tour/ or continue the Dangerous tour. The boy also said he was circumcised and the police provided he wasn't.  Its all on wikipedia, but there's until credible sources though that proved he was innocent.. OJ was definitely guilty  though. 

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