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Sold my wii u

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#1 SoldMyWiiU



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:17 AM

after a year+ with this dissapointment of a Zelda machine I was lucky enough to sell it for a reasonable price. I spent what I got from the sales and got a ps4, I am rather enjoying having 3rd party games to play and a really sweet blu ray player.


Nintendo you're still my favourite.. but all this time with the Wii U was like watching someone who has a PHD work a McDonalds.. so much wasted potential.


If only you gave me a glint of HD metroid.. I'll pick the Wii U up second hand in a few years dirt cheap when metroid  is hopefully released, until then.

#2 Colinx



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:38 AM

was like watching someone who has a PHD work a McDonalds



i gotta use tht 1!!


#3 Fiery



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 06:46 AM


UnchainedGoku, is that you?

#4 iEatTacos


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 07:31 AM

It's in a better place. A place where it can be appreciated, taken car of, and loved.

#5 Scumbag



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 07:34 AM

after a year+ with this dissapointment of a Zelda machine I was lucky enough to sell it for a reasonable price. I spent what I got from the sales and got a ps4, I am rather enjoying having 3rd party games to play and a really sweet blu ray player.

Nintendo you're still my favourite.. but all this time with the Wii U was like watching someone who has a PHD work a McDonalds.. so much wasted potential.

If only you gave me a glint of HD metroid.. I'll pick the Wii U up second hand in a few years dirt cheap when metroid is hopefully released, until then.

Cheer up. Is this you?

Great exclusives just round the corner for Wii U, you might regret selling so soon.

Edited by Toilet_Snaker, 15 February 2014 - 07:48 AM.

#6 Hank Hill

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 07:40 AM


I've said it before, and I'll say it again.


If you actually bought the good games for the system, you'd realize how much bullcrap there is in the whole "wii u has no gaem" brainwashed ideology.



The post above was certified to be simply smashing by the Wii U Forum Staff.





#7 Azure-Edge


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 07:57 AM

Well then I guess you have no need to be here anymore, laterz. 


#8 Expansion Pak

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 09:03 AM

after a year+ with this dissapointment of a Zelda machine I was lucky enough to sell it for a reasonable price. I spent what I got from the sales and got a ps4, I am rather enjoying having 3rd party games to play and a really sweet blu ray player.


Nintendo you're still my favourite.. but all this time with the Wii U was like watching someone who has a PHD work a McDonalds.. so much wasted potential.


If only you gave me a glint of HD metroid.. I'll pick the Wii U up second hand in a few years dirt cheap when metroid  is hopefully released, until then.

I respect your decision and I think it was a good one.  Wii U is struggling and Nintendo always gives the same excuse, "When *insert triple A title here* comes out Wii U will pick up in sales and 3rd parties will flock to it."  But, those titles should have came out sooner.  The only things keeping me from selling mine are SSB4 and Watch_Dogs.  Also, we probably won't see HD Metroid for a while (...Retro...) so until then enjoy your PS4 :)  Again good decision.

I shower you with coconut cream pies.

#9 KingBoo



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 09:12 AM




-keeps Wii U all this time waiting for killer games

-sells it right before all the 2014 games hit

-buys a PS4 with barely any games yet so he is still waiting....

-will re-buy a Wii U. 


you sir, are a melon. 


#10 Nollog


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 09:18 AM

Have fun playing ..........


But srs, good for you. One less asshat complaining about nothing.

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#11 dark_rabbid


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 09:24 AM

UnchainedGoku, is that you?

No he used the money for a ps3 and gta.

#12 tboss



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 10:05 AM

or just use multiple consuls/ systems. 


PC+wiiU makes great combo.


PS4+wiiU works well to, PS3+wiiU is still better atm. 


as long as you dont go X1+PS4, most useless combo you can get. would only recemend if your a gamer who already has everything else, and a but load of money.

#13 Merky Water

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 10:44 AM

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.


If you actually bought the good games for the system, you'd realize how much bullcrap there is in the whole "wii u has no gaem" brainwashed ideology.



I respect your decision and I think it was a good one.  Wii U is struggling and Nintendo always gives the same excuse, "When *insert triple A title here* comes out Wii U will pick up in sales and 3rd parties will flock to it."  But, those titles should have came out sooner.  The only things keeping me from selling mine are SSB4 and Watch_Dogs.  Also, we probably won't see HD Metroid for a while (...Retro...) so until then enjoy your PS4 :)  Again good decision.

I'll agree partially.  Nintendo should have put forth a good engulfing multiplayer first party game about a year after console release.  Much earlier and not enough ppl would have the system to play it upon release.  A year would have been the sweet spot. ...especially leading up to a holiday season!  ...but even if MK8 and SSB are a bit late, they'll still be the hits that the console needs to get others to join the ranks.  ...and hopefully 3rd parties will flock... but ya never can tell with that lot.  3rd parties anymore tend to prefer baking with cookie cutters... and nintendo's dough doesn't roll out flat enough for such things.  Not a slight against nintendo though... without their signature innovation, Nintendo would lose all steam.  What I'd like to see are some more risky 3rd party devs ...that want to explore that additional screen and/or motion.  So far, Ubisoft's playing nicely with that extra screen... so Watch Dogs will stay on my list for U purchase... despite another release delay.  I hear some of the other consoles they're looking at playing around with adding tablet screens... but i'm without a tablet so the U will still be choice.  I'll give Activision some slight props for keeping at it with motion option in the CoD games. ...but while Ubisoft will toss out some DLC to their titles, activision is pretty well done with their games once they're sold.  ...but i digress.



To the OP.  Sounds like the right decision for you ...not sure why it's my business though


#14 Nollog


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 10:54 AM

or just use multiple consuls/ systems. 
PC+wiiU makes great combo.
PS4+wiiU works well to, PS3+wiiU is still better atm. 
as long as you dont go X1+PS4, most useless combo you can get. would only recemend if your a gamer who already has everything else, and a but load of money.

I concur on all points, except PS4+U, if you were going that route I'd wait a year for both a price cut on the p4, and some actual games worth owning to come out on it.

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#15 SailtheSeas


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 10:59 AM

As much as I wanted to trade in my Wii U after seeing this latest Nintendo Direct, I'd have to be bonkers to trade it in. 


I highly doubt that the PS4 or XB1 will have games as good as Mario Kart 8, Super Smash Bros, X and Bayonetta 2. Hell neither the PS4 or the Xbox One have a game as good as the Wonderful 101. 


If you like sports games, brown shooters and interactive movies then those consoles are for you. 

#16 Chaos


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:14 AM

ok baiiiiiii

#17 Raiden


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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:50 AM

#18 Kokirii



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:55 AM

Which games did you get for PS4 that aren't last-gen ports available on a system $200+ cheaper?

Edited by kokirii, 15 February 2014 - 11:55 AM.

Games of The Moment

New Super Mario Bros. 2

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

#19 Happy Monk

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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:57 AM

At this point in time, the Wii U is actually one of my favourite consoles. It has so many good games already, with more coming.


It's fair enough to buy a PS4 though, that thing has Octodad: Dadliest Catch - the best thing on the console.

Bring the noise.

#20 NintendoReport



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Posted 15 February 2014 - 11:59 AM

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.


If you actually bought the good games for the system, you'd realize how much bullcrap there is in the whole "wii u has no gaem" brainwashed ideology.


This is the post of the Wii U life cycle

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