guys, it's simple really. Nintendo has dug themselves into a hole and they need to dig themselves out of it, not pretend it doesn't exist.
E3 is actually pretty straightforward:
1) controller redesign
2) cross game chat announced
3)improved Miiverse
4) 2/3rds of time spent on games needs to be spent on 3rd party (Mighty No. 9, Project CARS, other bigger titles that are third party that the Wii U actually has and can be hyped up (not indies)) This is to start giving the correct impression that the Wii U has a library outside of nintendo content.
5) opening presentation with full reveal of Monolith Soft's X and closing the show with Zelda announcement. (Metroid Prime or F-Zero announced/teased a swell)
Once E3 is over, nintendo needs to make sure that the stuff they talk about is other developers games 2/3rds of the time in Nintendo Directs and youtube videos, etc. They need to start securing releases of games like Star Citizen and Kingdom Come Deliverance, racing games, and just going after every gaming market that isn't first person shooter and EA Sports addicts.
They do need to slowly build their way to where they have those games, and need to talk about the multiplatform support and games they do have. and constantly be reminding people that they have 80% of the games the other two consoles have, and then their exclusive stuff as well. That's all it really takes, hype your system, release new and better features for it constantly, and lavish the third party support you have with praise and attention. Notice how these are things that 1) Nintendo can do really easily in their own way and 2) Sony and Mircisoft already do with their system. and 3) notice how nintendo doesn't have to change any of their game development philosophies in the slightest. So they aren't really changing that much.
Edited by lucario23, 09 April 2014 - 12:05 PM.