I have a couple friends at school who don't even want to hear about the wii u its so annoying i don't understand why. there favorite console with almost all of them is the xbox 360 which is one of the worst in my opinion because it has less to offer when it comes to games and mostly everything except online . One guy especially is stuck on the thing and says the wii sucks for know reason. I personally own one myself but its not as great as people think . microsoft milks you for money on the thing when it comes to a lot of their accessorys. the wireless adapter was 100 bucks alone which is the price of a gamecube! and $60 for live each year which is just ridiculous. i understand a lot of companys do this strategy but i just find it stupid to think its one of the best consoles out there when you have sony and nintendo. Im definately not a hater but it doesnt make any sense to why people are so stuck on their specific peice of tech when it comes to anything.
Phones and computer fans especially have this. People hate on apple the same way when imo they make the most reliable pcs since ive had this mac laptop for more than 3 years and its still in perfect condition and holds a great charge unlike my sony laptop with windows 
So what do you think about Tech fanboys/girls and haters? let me know with a reply
Ok, first, this is pretty much completely biased XD Everyone has their own opinion, but I really do hate people who don't like summet for no reason... especially with nintendo... >

I do agree that microsoft completely rips you off with accessorys and stuff (NO, THAT IS NOT BIASED

), but I still prefer an X360 to a PS3.
As with computers, apple sucks, get used to it XD jks, I prefer PCs, I think macs are pretty pathetic and expensive... lol, dunno why I think they're pathetic though... you know, I think I might just be like one of those people who hate nintendo for no reason, just with apple instead, I hate ipods and iphones aswell XD HTC FTW!!... meh, eveyones got summet they hate for no reason XD
So there ya go, my completely UNBIASED different opinion to you.
Edited by GeneralCraezy, 03 December 2011 - 03:16 PM.