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HATERS?(in general)

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#1 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 01:25 PM

I have a couple friends at school who don't even want to hear about the wii u its so annoying i don't understand why. there favorite console with almost all of them is the xbox 360 which is one of the worst in my opinion because it has less to offer when it comes to games and mostly everything except online . One guy especially is stuck on the thing and says the wii sucks for know reason. I personally own one myself but its not as great as people think . microsoft milks you for money on the thing when it comes to a lot of their accessorys. the wireless adapter was 100 bucks alone which is the price of a gamecube! and $60 for live each year which is just ridiculous. i understand a lot of companys do this strategy but i just find it stupid to think its one of the best consoles out there when you have sony and nintendo. Im definately not a hater but it doesnt make any sense to why people are so stuck on their specific peice of tech when it comes to anything.
Phones and computer fans especially have this. People hate on apple the same way when imo they make the most reliable pcs since ive had this mac laptop for more than 3 years and its still in perfect condition and holds a great charge unlike my sony laptop with windows :P

So what do you think about Tech fanboys/girls and haters? let me know with a reply

Edited by hardcoreUfan, 30 November 2011 - 01:54 PM.


#2 aaron



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Posted 30 November 2011 - 02:05 PM

Well, it depends on the type of person, really, if they are stuck up you should be really nice to them and let them know you are concerned for them, if they are really nice, you have nothing to worry about because anyone can be friends with someone who is nice!

by chance

#3 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 02:35 PM

lol true everyone has their own opinion


#4 Gruff



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Posted 30 November 2011 - 05:06 PM

Yes they are definitely fanboys. They get stuck in there ways and won't change... believe me I know... I'm a fanboy too... I really only like Nintendo, but I have played the other systems too. But Nintendo I have come to like love. You can't change over to another console because you come to like the ones your use to. That is probably the case with them too. The difference with me is don't insult what others like. If someone likes the Xbox that's great they have every right to like it, and I won't insult them. Your friend on the other hand seem to not be too nice when it comes that subject. They seem to hate on Nintendo because of what reason they hate it for (I'm guessing from what you said it's the tech of the systems). Personally, I would let them hate and like what ever they want, because I know and you know they will be missing out a really good system. That being said, I won't be closed minded. I may not want to get a PS4 or NextBox, but I would definitely check them out and see what they are like. So that is my opinion.

Edited by Wii8461, 30 November 2011 - 05:11 PM.

Villager.jpgBleh eh eh.

#5 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 30 November 2011 - 07:45 PM

i feel the same way for the most part i love nintendo mostly but have had a lot of other company's consoles.


#6 Doc


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Posted 01 December 2011 - 11:19 AM

lemme tell ya something:


If you're too lazy to click on my profile, I am Pikmin Pie/Typical.

#7 Jumbo Worm

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Posted 01 December 2011 - 01:36 PM

People are going to continue to believe that Nintendo is just kiddie games with terrible graphics. These same people play nothing but Call of Duty all day and think that they are hardcore gamers because they do so. These people are scared of vibrant games, and would rather play games with dull and bland environments. They bash every Mario and Kirby game for being childish because of their easy difficulty and brighter characters. These are the people I argue with everyday, and I'm tired of it. As for the Wii U? People aren't even giving it a chance. Whenever I bring up the console, they just laugh and continue talking about World War Shooting 87. Seriously, it's got to end. I'm an all around guy. I own a Wii and a 360. If I had the money, I would own a PS3 too. People just don't like to try new things and would rather mock people who do. *sigh*...
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#8 HaoSenVastForest


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 03:34 AM

I hate these dumb haters! I have dealt with so many before it make me sad even! They don't quite know what a good game is! I noticed thIs too that most of the haters are the ones that sit down playing COD thinking that it will somehow fill a gap in there hearts but then look at kirby he really warms your heart right? And Nintendo was here first and it all started with a Playimg card company! They know what yhey are doing! They wouldn't listen! By the way I think that Sony is just a tad more greedy because look at the PS move! Remind ya of anything? And they peiced the counsle way too high! Oh well to me Nintendo is the only one with any creativity at all.

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#9 Katana


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 04:03 AM

Well a fanboy is created as soon as someone walks in to a shop and spends loads on a console and games,then they have to argue,put down,other systems to reassure themselves they made the right decision.The worst type of fanboys will go on a forum for example and read a review of a game not related to their system then start pulling that system to pieces,these guys suck bad because of their massive insecurity issues.
Haters will hate,trolls will troll,flamerz will flame and insecure dog turds should not be allowed near the internet.
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#10 GeneralCraezy


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Posted 03 December 2011 - 03:14 PM

I have a couple friends at school who don't even want to hear about the wii u its so annoying i don't understand why. there favorite console with almost all of them is the xbox 360 which is one of the worst in my opinion because it has less to offer when it comes to games and mostly everything except online . One guy especially is stuck on the thing and says the wii sucks for know reason. I personally own one myself but its not as great as people think . microsoft milks you for money on the thing when it comes to a lot of their accessorys. the wireless adapter was 100 bucks alone which is the price of a gamecube! and $60 for live each year which is just ridiculous. i understand a lot of companys do this strategy but i just find it stupid to think its one of the best consoles out there when you have sony and nintendo. Im definately not a hater but it doesnt make any sense to why people are so stuck on their specific peice of tech when it comes to anything.
Phones and computer fans especially have this. People hate on apple the same way when imo they make the most reliable pcs since ive had this mac laptop for more than 3 years and its still in perfect condition and holds a great charge unlike my sony laptop with windows :P

So what do you think about Tech fanboys/girls and haters? let me know with a reply

Ok, first, this is pretty much completely biased XD Everyone has their own opinion, but I really do hate people who don't like summet for no reason... especially with nintendo... > :(
I do agree that microsoft completely rips you off with accessorys and stuff (NO, THAT IS NOT BIASED :P), but I still prefer an X360 to a PS3.
As with computers, apple sucks, get used to it XD jks, I prefer PCs, I think macs are pretty pathetic and expensive... lol, dunno why I think they're pathetic though... you know, I think I might just be like one of those people who hate nintendo for no reason, just with apple instead, I hate ipods and iphones aswell XD HTC FTW!!... meh, eveyones got summet they hate for no reason XD
So there ya go, my completely UNBIASED different opinion to you. :P

Edited by GeneralCraezy, 03 December 2011 - 03:16 PM.

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#11 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 04 December 2011 - 08:41 AM

I prefer PCs, I think macs are pretty pathetic and expensive...

lolol it comes packed with its own version of microsoft office XD that stuff is expensive ! plus you get a lot more when you buy a mac in box then you do a pc. when was the last time you bought a good 800 dollar pc? never lol


#12 GeneralCraezy


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Posted 04 December 2011 - 12:00 PM

lolol it comes packed with its own version of microsoft office XD that stuff is expensive ! plus you get a lot more when you buy a mac in box then you do a pc. when was the last time you bought a good 800 dollar pc? never lol

¬.¬ *fanboy war riling up...* I have an extremely good 300 quid PC. It was an absolute bargain and has lasted me sooo long :/ with macs, your just paying for the fancy looks :P

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#13 Robotic Sunshine Commander

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Posted 04 December 2011 - 04:18 PM

not mine. im not a fanboy i prefer macs i dont care its just a computer either way. just that my 1 mac computer has lasted longer than any other pc ive owned . so i like them more. if you think macs r fancy ur mistaken lol

Edited by hardcoreUfan, 04 December 2011 - 04:18 PM.


#14 Fzerowii



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Posted 05 December 2011 - 09:08 AM

well, i hate all the shooter games as mentioned before, but i'm also a little dissapointed in the wii u. mainly because it won't play gc games and that it's a lot of money for pretty much a copy cat of the origional wii. plus the games so far seem very dull and have no replay value but if they do release an fzero game for it i'd buy it then...

#15 Waller


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Posted 06 December 2011 - 01:16 AM

well, i hate all the shooter games as mentioned before, but i'm also a little dissapointed in the wii u. mainly because it won't play gc games and that it's a lot of money for pretty much a copy cat of the origional wii.

Someone is confusing the Wii remodel with the Wii U, or someone is badly informed. Take one or two.


#16 Fzerowii



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Posted 06 December 2011 - 12:42 PM

lol well maybe i am but i KNOW for a fact gc games won't play on the wii u and that was my main concern...

#17 Finesthour


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Posted 09 December 2011 - 04:33 PM

Well, haters are like trolls.

If you ignore them, they die off.

So just enjoy what you enjoy.

Don't let anyone take that from you.

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