No we are not talking Epic or Bungie or Irrational or anything like that.
I am talking a dev at a decent size can help with console development like Retro and even assist on others.
Also can be some smaller teams for handheld as well.
For me I would like them to get Shin'en for they can take Fast Racing and turn it into a bigger project this way and maybe Retail as a F-Zero game. heck maybe they can bring back StarFox.
Next Level Games small but can do a lot of work for 3DS.
Next might be a bit iffy as they have yet to really prove themselves but niether did Retro before getting bought.
Redbutton. When retro was bough they were former Iguana guys. Turok-Turok 2. Redbutton form ND guys but mainly the guys from the PS1 PS2 era.
Retro could maybe esp benefit from Redbutton and vice versa as two studio's in the west working together. New IP's or old.
I know a couple of these are exclusive to Nintendo anyway but that's not really the point. Point would be they could do so much more with Nintendo under thier wing. Retro as the main example. In Japan look at Monolith.