Played it as a kid and loved it. Play it now the game is freaking HORRIBLE! Ok Nice music and nice visuals for NES but the level design is often pointless and not hard in the awesome challenge sense but just horrendous design sense. Konami really really f'd up the first round and got it right after that with the future TMNT games.
Like the game was not balanced at all. Raph was useless and Mike was not much better. Don was the only useful one. Also you go in one area only to fight enemies to lose half your life get half a shell to refill your life but lose that half again to get out and this is required to get to the next area. Then top it off next area gives you a bullet hell of random pattern enemies everywhere. If you can get through that then it's the water level. None of the enemies are even from the show! There is hard games based on good design and challenge and then there is a broken mess and TMNT on NES is a broken mess. Keep the nostalgia don't play the game now. I played it all the time as a kid but replayed it recently. It sucks. Oh god does it suck.
Retro City Rampage homage to the game did a better job.
Edited by DreamCat, 23 April 2014 - 10:40 PM.