I don't think you've played second son then. One of the things that impresses you is that it's a living world and the amount of things going on who spidering the massive scale is very impressive. Tons of pedestrians. Lol. Actually watch dogs seems to be lacking there.i disagree fully,i think watchdogs looks WAY better than second son,much more going on in the game and whats there is all polished,second son looked great for the first segment of the game but was sparse and dead in the city,had hardly any pedestrians and was bland imo,even the gameplay was poop lol
very overated game,i would give it 6/10 as an overall gaming experience,was VERY disapointed personaly
The gameplay in SS is tight. But it is repetitive for sure. Even the powers are nearly basically reskins of the other.
Infamous also has vey nice animation. Watch dogs animation looks like old clay stop motion. In many scenes, you can actually see the movement/physics scripting points being executed with zero finesse at all.
Watch dogs character models just plain suck compares to SS. and the textures do too. The lighting and particle effects are also shining highlights of SS. on a technical and visual level, there is no comparison.
This is more a matter of technical prowess than goals for the game.
Edited by Socalmuscle, 14 May 2014 - 05:30 PM.