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things get serious... X gameplay coming up now!

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#21 dark_rabbid


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 04:29 PM

Figured it was just solo. Also never could under stand the monster hunter idea. By there logic anything with big monsters is monster hunter. Example skyrim has dragons, gotta be monster hunter

#22 Raiden


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Posted 11 June 2014 - 04:45 PM

The scale is INSANE. Is there anything that compares? Some fool on Neogaf tried to tell me red dead redemption tops this... HA!

Yes. Just in size and not a MMO. Elder Scrolls II. Not saying in detail but ESII is one of gaming's largest worlds. It makes  Xenoblade look small and Xenoblade is larger than Skyrim.

#23 3Dude



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Posted 11 June 2014 - 04:51 PM

Yes. Just in size and not a MMO. Elder Scrolls II. Not saying in detail but ESII is one of gaming's largest worlds. It makes  Xenoblade look small and Xenoblade is larger than Skyrim.

around 130,000 square miles iirc.

Unfortunately its draw distance is only a couple hundred feet.

Transferred my decades old save over to my phone, and play via dosbox XD



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