What would you do?
I would..
- Buy Capcom
> Bring back Mega Man and proper Resident Evils
> Possibly older titles, and make a new Eternal Darkness game (?)
- Push Nintendo into Mobile
> Apparently they have this Kirby Epic yarn picture modifier, and that would've been a good app.
- Improve Club Nintendo / Nintendo Network
> Keep the rewards, but just have a general store.
- Create a Zelda Maker, and expand Mario Maker both through DLC
> Such as Music creation.
- Nintendo Coloring Book on Wii U
- Pay 1/4 of dev cost for third parties to publish games on Wii U.
- Expand games, give games like Punch Out, Excite, Wars more presence.
- Give the eShop better UI.

If you were in charge on Nintendo...
Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:14 PM
Stupid Snowmads!
Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:52 PM
Going mobile doesn't make profit. It's not 2009. The bubble burst there. Hundreds of thousands of app games get lost and 99% trash even the 1% rarely get noticed. It's just like Atari in 1983 but worse. Square,Capcom even don't do that great but it's easy so they do it.
That said IF the company feels it can do it yeah go after Capcom. Invest in PG becoming second party as well as Mistwalker.
Next this is all saying if financially possible Either hire Crytek USA which is Darksiders series devs formerly known as Vigil and they are in Austin Texas..well expand Retro.
Games tied to accounts not consoles. Cross Buy/Play WiiU/3DS Region free. Folders for WiiU. Mother 3 VC USA. Video sharing services with Twitch or Video support on Miiverse that can be shared on Youtube. Publish Dragon Quest 7 for the west. Lock up the next Dragon Quest for WiiU. Keep up working with some third parties from locking up stuff like Devils Third for new IP's to working with other devs in stuff like Hyrule Warriors meaning spinning existing series into something new. Fatal Frame V in the US.
Last Marketing very aggressive Marketing, TV,Internet,Print,Billboards.
Posted 30 June 2014 - 06:56 PM
Would probably Wii everything up. I have no idea how to run a company.
- Guy Fieri, Mitch, Azure-Edge and 3 others like this
Posted 30 June 2014 - 07:31 PM
Going mobile doesn't make profit. It's not 2009. The bubble burst there. Hundreds of thousands of app games get lost and 99% trash even the 1% rarely get noticed. It's just like Atari in 1983 but worse. Square,Capcom even don't do that great but it's easy so they do it.
I'm not saying they'll make a big profit off it, but some stuff like a Miiverse app, the Kirby Epic Yarn picture editor (add kirby patches to your pictures) thats online, eShop app. I'm not talking about games, though maybe some mini games wouldn't hurt, like Sega does with Sonic, and Ubi with Rayman, both do pretty well, maybe even the digital coloring book I suggested. Nintendos a big name company, and it is a frequent request, they'll fare well with some small stuff.
I agree with the cross buy, wii u folders, and accounts.
- Raiden likes this
Stupid Snowmads!
Posted 30 June 2014 - 10:14 PM
- Push Nintendo into Mobile
Going mobile doesn't make profit. It's not 2009. The bubble burst there. Hundreds of thousands of app games get lost and 99% trash even the 1% rarely get noticed. It's just like Atari in 1983 but worse. Square,Capcom even don't do that great but it's easy so they do it.
They wouldn't have to necessarily have to create new content for mobile when they have an entire library of classic games they could just port to IOS and Android, porting all those classic NES and SNES games could easily turn them a profit.... there is absolutely no reason why they shouldn't be doing this already
Posted 30 June 2014 - 10:31 PM
Yes there is. Mobile is full of emu's people get free. Capcom and Square port big names all the time doesn't do jack esp when Nintendo has Eshop also no buttons screw on screen buttons. They belong on a Nintendo system only.
- TheDoctor_13 likes this
Posted 30 June 2014 - 10:45 PM
I'd make a Nintendo smartphone/handheld hybrid
Posted 30 June 2014 - 11:22 PM
Posted 01 July 2014 - 12:57 AM
Im not a business man so ill just talk my fantasies. Inside what is possible I'd:
- Open Nintendo Network to latin america in general and open Club Nintendo latin america
- Make a 50US$ premium subscription for Club Nintendo where you get a free classic or indie game monthly and some discounts
- Change Marketing Campaign to target (for real) Hardcore gamers
- Change way of thinking to a more modern and inclusive way without changing philosophy of the company
- Go partially mobile. open nintendo e-shop that works with Nintendo Network ID for smartphones to download mobile exclusive apps to customize your phone, chat, access Miiverse (upload pics from your phone to Miiverse), charge money to your e-shop, bring some NES and SNES games for smartphones and option to try some demos but NOT MAKE GAMES FOR MOBILES.
- Give veteran fans what they want (Starfox, F-Zero, etc etc... new games from classic franchises) and also games for kids. In general never leaving behind the classic franchises despite the next point:
- Open a division to develop M rated games creating new franchises for hardore gamers, hence, start a new FPS franchise with massive multiplayer to compete with Halo, new action adveture franchise with a new character that will also represent Nintendo (competing with Kratos and Masterchief)
- Get games from last gen that the Wii missed out for purchase on e-shop (eg: Darksiders Bulletstorm, Far Cry 3, Skyrim, GTA IV, Metal Gear, Dead Island, Resident Evil 5 and 6, etc)
- Make e-shop downloaded games cross through Wii U and 3DS.
- Once all this is done get all the 3rd party support (Activision, Konami, Bethesda, Blizzard, Rockstar, Capcom, etc) except for EA.
- Holidays 2016 release new handheld
- Holidays 2017 release new home console without completely closing support for Wii U for 1 more year. Make new system backwards compatible and with the option to migrate NNID to new console and add achievements system.
''GAMER SINCE 1990''
Posted 01 July 2014 - 01:43 AM
What would you do?
I would..
- Buy Capcom
> Bring back Mega Man and proper Resident Evils
> Possibly older titles, and make a new Eternal Darkness game (?)
- Push Nintendo into Mobile
> Apparently they have this Kirby Epic yarn picture modifier, and that would've been a good app.
- Improve Club Nintendo / Nintendo Network
> Keep the rewards, but just have a general store.
- Create a Zelda Maker, and expand Mario Maker both through DLC
> Such as Music creation.
- Nintendo Coloring Book on Wii U
- Pay 1/4 of dev cost for third parties to publish games on Wii U.
- Expand games, give games like Punch Out, Excite, Wars more presence.
- Give the eShop better UI.
You would bankrupt nintendo
I personally, would keep it as it is, 1 desktop console and 1 handheld. But I would offer a strong desktop console and for more than 5 years. I dont understand their logic into life spans... I would keep built quality up, expandable machines (a wii U that can get upgrades, such us more ram and a dual gpu for feature games) and the lifespan would be 10-15 years, if I had nintendo. I would preffer instead of focusing in attractive cheap hardware, to offer a platform for many years and invest in games, instead of research in new ways of play... lol
I would focus in open world games and new franchises, for both casual and hard core. And I would buy a western studio, because nitendo is all about eastern culture and gameplay. They luck in western likes. Everything has to do with elfs, moon and turtles. An example is Crytek right now is in the brick of bankruptcy, I would buy crytek and Konami (because Konami has the football game, also Mr. Snake).
I would also make a series of metroid games, like a mass effect series and style...
I am against mobility, so no interest of pushing nintendo into mobile... even my personal mobile phone is 12 years old.. lol
Edited by Plutonas, 01 July 2014 - 01:48 AM.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:29 AM
You would bankrupt nintendo
I personally, would keep it as it is, 1 desktop console and 1 handheld. But I would offer a strong desktop console and for more than 5 years. I dont understand their logic into life spans... I would keep built quality up, expandable machines (a wii U that can get upgrades, such us more ram and a dual gpu for feature games) and the lifespan would be 10-15 years, if I had nintendo. I would preffer instead of focusing in attractive cheap hardware, to offer a platform for many years and invest in games, instead of research in new ways of play... lol
I would focus in open world games and new franchises, for both casual and hard core. And I would buy a western studio, because nitendo is all about eastern culture and gameplay. They luck in western likes. Everything has to do with elfs, moon and turtles. An example is Crytek right now is in the brick of bankruptcy, I would buy crytek and Konami (because Konami has the football game, also Mr. Snake).
I would also make a series of metroid games, like a mass effect series and style...
I am against mobility, so no interest of pushing nintendo into mobile... even my personal mobile phone is 12 years old.. lol
The making new franchises part is a great idea but, the ''upgrading'' consoles is a bad idea,you would be doing what Sega did with the Genesis and the 32x and Sega CD add ons to improve the system. in the end they overwhelmed the consumer and the system end up failing after their first years of glory when it was just... Genesis. After losing money on those add ons and consumer trust, they released a half baked console (Sega Saturn) and totally lost it there making them have to rush to release the Dreamcast and ending up losing dramatically against the PS2 one year later... you would also make Nintendo go to bankrupsy.
Stik with the making new franchises thing and everythings gonna be fine lol.
''GAMER SINCE 1990''
Posted 01 July 2014 - 09:35 AM
Saturn was far from half baked. It's problem was overbaked. When SEGA heard about the specs of PS1 the Saturn was nearly complete and ready to ship so they added a second CPU and beefed up the GPU but that made things much more complicated. The system was a beast power wise but easier to get Ron Jeremie's dick in a cheerio than develop games for Saturn.
However when use right Saturn could more than hold it's own power wise.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 11:31 AM
You would bankrupt nintendo
I personally, would keep it as it is, 1 desktop console and 1 handheld. But I would offer a strong desktop console and for more than 5 years. I dont understand their logic into life spans... I would keep built quality up, expandable machines (a wii U that can get upgrades, such us more ram and a dual gpu for feature games) and the lifespan would be 10-15 years, if I had nintendo. I would preffer instead of focusing in attractive cheap hardware, to offer a platform for many years and invest in games, instead of research in new ways of play... lol
I would focus in open world games and new franchises, for both casual and hard core. And I would buy a western studio, because nitendo is all about eastern culture and gameplay. They luck in western likes. Everything has to do with elfs, moon and turtles. An example is Crytek right now is in the brick of bankruptcy, I would buy crytek and Konami (because Konami has the football game, also Mr. Snake).
I would also make a series of metroid games, like a mass effect series and style...
How would I? the Apps like kirby will be a $ and its already made, the general store for nintendo items (tote bags, posters) is still more money, Coloring book / Music add on dlc, more money but only a $1-$5, the nintendo network and eshop apps are needed. The only things I can understand is buying capcom and paying for part of dev cost, maybe 1/8 or so. Though a risk, that could lead in more money like Wii U sales equels to then more game sales.
Stupid Snowmads!
Posted 01 July 2014 - 03:23 PM
The making new franchises part is a great idea but, the ''upgrading'' consoles is a bad idea,you would be doing what Sega did with the Genesis and the 32x and Sega CD add ons to improve the system. in the end they overwhelmed the consumer and the system end up failing after their first years of glory when it was just... Genesis. After losing money on those add ons and consumer trust, they released a half baked console (Sega Saturn) and totally lost it there making them have to rush to release the Dreamcast and ending up losing dramatically against the PS2 one year later... you would also make Nintendo go to bankrupsy.
Stik with the making new franchises thing and everythings gonna be fine lol.
then locked hardware and unlocking when the time comes with new bios.. I am against the low lifespan of a console, if the console have potential. If wii was a better hardware, nintendo could still keep that and the 110million users! Unlock more potential and keep going.
I grow with super nintendo, so I ave experienced the 32x... it was not a big deal, thats why it failed. The games was not a big difference! I remember 32x came out and nintendo made the donkey kong that looked even better! But it had hardware accelerator inside the cartridge! So u see? Its not the 32x, it was just not a big deal.
I also think nintendo used a 32fx chip or something, inside some games... I cant remember, so many years. But it worked out!
Edited by Plutonas, 01 July 2014 - 03:28 PM.
Posted 01 July 2014 - 03:46 PM
then locked hardware and unlocking when the time comes with new bios.. I am against the low lifespan of a console, if the console have potential. If wii was a better hardware, nintendo could still keep that and the 110million users! Unlock more potential and keep going.
I grow with super nintendo, so I ave experienced the 32x... it was not a big deal, thats why it failed. The games was not a big difference! I remember 32x came out and nintendo made the donkey kong that looked even better! But it had hardware accelerator inside the cartridge! So u see? Its not the 32x, it was just not a big deal.
I also think nintendo used a 32fx chip or something, inside some games... I cant remember, so many years. But it worked out!
SNES was sorta built to have FX chip from the start. SNES was just an amazing piece of hardware.. What you keep describing in what you want has been done. It never ends well. No 32X put Genesis on life support as did Sega CD. They began SEGA's financial turmoil that went down for years they could not recover from. Changing a hardware that much and then shipping it back out is a bad bad bad idea.
Just ask this guy
Or this guy
Or even this guy
The method just does not work. It's an act of desperation that doesn't work.
Edited by Ryudo, 01 July 2014 - 03:48 PM.
Posted 10 July 2014 - 06:13 PM
I would call it the Eff U before using Wii again.
Make your God Damn dev kits 5 YEARS before launch and get a Damn Metriod, a Mario, and a Zelda game out for launch (hell, throw a Pikmin in there too).
Yes Nintendo, You used to be able to launch a system with 3 total games for the first month or 2. Those days are long gone.
Since your are launching with actual games Nintendo fans love, market the Damn thing to Nintendo fans. No more casual BS. Keep it real, Then you have a chance of getting new gamers if you make some old school style games with modern tech. Your games are to easy.
My 4 year old loves Pikmin. He has beat most bosses in that game since he was 3 1/2.
When a 3 year old can beat your bosses your have lost your way.
Which brings me to my next idea. Market to the dad who wants to share good games with his kids. I am not Playing CoD wIth my 3 year old. But I let him watch/play Pikmin, Mario etc.
He loves Nintendo characters.
So what am I saying. ..mmm. ..
Launch with real games.
Market to hard-core Nintendo fans (not kids or college students. .. try the dad who loves the old games and wants something tasteful too share with kids)
Increase challenge so games aren't for soccer moms and 3 year olds.
There is probably more but i am not getting paid for this so I am losing interest.
Plus, as with all the other stuff I have been right about here, You guys will just call me an idiot. This should be enough material for that. 8).
Lol. The irony about that is by the time the next wave of consoles come out, physical media will going out and everything will be streamed.
Edited by Dharmanator, 10 July 2014 - 06:25 PM.
Posted 11 July 2014 - 04:16 PM
I personally would bring GCN games into virtual console on Wii U eShop, even though its only two generations old.
Nintendo Network ID: Awesomesocks | Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 1032-1712-2862
PM me if you add me on any of the above.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 08:58 AM
I would drop the Wii name faster then (insert funny joke here).
I would call it the Eff U before using Wii again.
Make your God Damn dev kits 5 YEARS before launch and get a Damn Metriod, a Mario, and a Zelda game out for launch (hell, throw a Pikmin in there too).
Yes Nintendo, You used to be able to launch a system with 3 total games for the first month or 2. Those days are long gone.
Since your are launching with actual games Nintendo fans love, market the Damn thing to Nintendo fans. No more casual BS. Keep it real, Then you have a chance of getting new gamers if you make some old school style games with modern tech. Your games are to easy.
My 4 year old loves Pikmin. He has beat most bosses in that game since he was 3 1/2.
When a 3 year old can beat your bosses your have lost your way.
Which brings me to my next idea. Market to the dad who wants to share good games with his kids. I am not Playing CoD wIth my 3 year old. But I let him watch/play Pikmin, Mario etc.
He loves Nintendo characters.
So what am I saying. ..mmm. ..
Launch with real games.
Market to hard-core Nintendo fans (not kids or college students. .. try the dad who loves the old games and wants something tasteful too share with kids)
Increase challenge so games aren't for soccer moms and 3 year olds.
There is probably more but i am not getting paid for this so I am losing interest.
Plus, as with all the other stuff I have been right about here, You guys will just call me an idiot. This should be enough material for that. 8).
Lol. The irony about that is by the time the next wave of consoles come out, physical media will going out and everything will be streamed.
I'm a college kid. To which games are you referring that should be marketed towards you and not us? Metroid? F-Zero? Smash Bros? Heck, even Mario Zelda or fire emblem? You want these olde games back and you think college kids dot want that too? Very person at college I've talked to wants the old school Nintendo games back yet you say don't market to us? Please clarify...
Posted 12 July 2014 - 11:42 AM
Im not a business man so ill just talk my fantasies. Inside what is possible I'd:
- Open Nintendo Network to latin america in general and open Club Nintendo latin america
- Make a 50US$ premium subscription for Club Nintendo where you get a free classic or indie game monthly and some discounts
- Change Marketing Campaign to target (for real) Hardcore gamers
- Change way of thinking to a more modern and inclusive way without changing philosophy of the company
- Go partially mobile. open nintendo e-shop that works with Nintendo Network ID for smartphones to download mobile exclusive apps to customize your phone, chat, access Miiverse (upload pics from your phone to Miiverse), charge money to your e-shop, bring some NES and SNES games for smartphones and option to try some demos but NOT MAKE GAMES FOR MOBILES.
- Give veteran fans what they want (Starfox, F-Zero, etc etc... new games from classic franchises) and also games for kids. In general never leaving behind the classic franchises despite the next point:
- Open a division to develop M rated games creating new franchises for hardore gamers, hence, start a new FPS franchise with massive multiplayer to compete with Halo, new action adveture franchise with a new character that will also represent Nintendo (competing with Kratos and Masterchief)
- Get games from last gen that the Wii missed out for purchase on e-shop (eg: Darksiders Bulletstorm, Far Cry 3, Skyrim, GTA IV, Metal Gear, Dead Island, Resident Evil 5 and 6, etc)
- Make e-shop downloaded games cross through Wii U and 3DS.
- Once all this is done get all the 3rd party support (Activision, Konami, Bethesda, Blizzard, Rockstar, Capcom, etc) except for EA.
- Holidays 2016 release new handheld
- Holidays 2017 release new home console without completely closing support for Wii U for 1 more year. Make new system backwards compatible and with the option to migrate NNID to new console and add achievements system.
This is the best thing I've read all day! I especially like the last one, it would be very smart.
Edited by BananaCheese, 12 July 2014 - 11:42 AM.
Nintendo Network ID: Awesomesocks | Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 1032-1712-2862
PM me if you add me on any of the above.
Posted 12 July 2014 - 02:01 PM
Nintendo fans will probably already own I from either Eshop or Wii shop channel, mobile gamers won't be interested it in and people who do want it probably already own an emulated version on their mobile. So they won't bother buying it.
Well, I've finally found my Starfox, and I love it.
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