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#1 Gimbal



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 10:44 PM

Zoe Quinn:

Probably slept with five guys to make money off a fake noble game and Patreon. Caused a ton of hate to be sent towards depressed virgins.(yes really) She did this while using her gender as a shield as more came to defend her without questioning anything. Formerly made porn videos(again, yes really) and is claiming people are harassing her by sharing what she shared.

Respected people and publications(Kotaku, Vice, Jim Sterling, Egoraptor) have been defending her without question. Jim even goes so far as to say it's wrong to question her. Watch the video and click the links for more information.


But more? 






And ho? 



^Read the comments and see who's convinced. 


Evil pathetic virgins. 



But hey we can still trust the smaller guys to tell us what's what right?


Thanks Jim Sterling(and YOU'RE the one who calls out rainbow?)



Egoraptor: https://twitter.com/...853183627370496






This is pretty great. Really it is. At first I was just mad but now I'm just happy it's out there. I should really get some sleep. I need to be at work in 4 hours.

Edited by Gimbal, 20 August 2014 - 12:07 AM.

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"So if Zero Suit Samus is fanbait for guys, where is the fanbait for girls? Why isn’t Captain Falcon wearing a thong or sporting a chest twice the size of his last model? Why doesn’t Mario have an absurd crotch buldge holding in his 10 inch slice of manhood? Why doesn’t Yoshi look like a Fist of the North Starcharacter.
That, my friends, is why the design is sexist."~Angelo M. D'Argenio-4/17/2014
"Yes, because owning only 1 game in this series makes you qualified to have an opinion on it"~PyroKinesis-5/7/2014


"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014


#2 Raiden


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 10:56 PM

Want to know a dark sad secret. This kinda rainbow goes on all the time in AAA devs studios. The industry is not kind to women developers. This is not a isolated thing with a few dicks. It's an industry wide problem.

#3 Gimbal



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:02 PM

Want to know a dark sad secret. This kinda rainbow goes on all the time in AAA devs studios. The industry is not kind to women developers. This is not a isolated thing with a few dicks. It's an industry wide problem.


I literally have zero respect for you right now. I make it a point to avoid saying things like that but if you think that's what this was about...


EDIT: nevermind. I take all that back. You just didn't click the links and thought my sarcasm was serious. Sorry. I'm bloody tired and can't sleep yet. Watch the video.

Edited by Gimbal, 19 August 2014 - 11:04 PM.

"So if Zero Suit Samus is fanbait for guys, where is the fanbait for girls? Why isn’t Captain Falcon wearing a thong or sporting a chest twice the size of his last model? Why doesn’t Mario have an absurd crotch buldge holding in his 10 inch slice of manhood? Why doesn’t Yoshi look like a Fist of the North Starcharacter.
That, my friends, is why the design is sexist."~Angelo M. D'Argenio-4/17/2014
"Yes, because owning only 1 game in this series makes you qualified to have an opinion on it"~PyroKinesis-5/7/2014


"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014


#4 Raiden


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:09 PM

Pretty tired myself and kinda reacted. Sorry. Just women in the gaming industry get harassed and mistreated all the time and it's very upsetting. Look more into this when I wake up. Can give maybe a more relevant response.

#5 Gimbal



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:24 PM

Pretty tired myself and kinda reacted. Sorry. Just women in the gaming industry get harassed and mistreated all the time and it's very upsetting. Look more into this when I wake up. Can give maybe a more relevant response.


You fell for it. That's all there is to say.

Edited by Gimbal, 19 August 2014 - 11:24 PM.

"So if Zero Suit Samus is fanbait for guys, where is the fanbait for girls? Why isn’t Captain Falcon wearing a thong or sporting a chest twice the size of his last model? Why doesn’t Mario have an absurd crotch buldge holding in his 10 inch slice of manhood? Why doesn’t Yoshi look like a Fist of the North Starcharacter.
That, my friends, is why the design is sexist."~Angelo M. D'Argenio-4/17/2014
"Yes, because owning only 1 game in this series makes you qualified to have an opinion on it"~PyroKinesis-5/7/2014


"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014


#6 grahamf


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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:44 PM

I've glazed over your posts and haven't watched the video, but the game does seem interesting.

Heh. A lot of the points ended up striking pretty close to home. results

Edited by grahamf, 20 August 2014 - 12:07 AM.



#7 Gimbal



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Posted 19 August 2014 - 11:59 PM

I've glazed over your posts and haven't watched the video, but the game does seem interesting.






*sigh* Yeah sure. I bloody hated that "game" when I went through it months ago. This isn't about the "game". It's about her using sex to make money and showing the corruption in the games industry. I guess I'll update the first post.


By the by if you finished the "game" that fast you did it wrong.

Edited by Gimbal, 20 August 2014 - 12:09 AM.

"So if Zero Suit Samus is fanbait for guys, where is the fanbait for girls? Why isn’t Captain Falcon wearing a thong or sporting a chest twice the size of his last model? Why doesn’t Mario have an absurd crotch buldge holding in his 10 inch slice of manhood? Why doesn’t Yoshi look like a Fist of the North Starcharacter.
That, my friends, is why the design is sexist."~Angelo M. D'Argenio-4/17/2014
"Yes, because owning only 1 game in this series makes you qualified to have an opinion on it"~PyroKinesis-5/7/2014


"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014


#8 grahamf


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 12:12 AM

*sigh* Yeah sure. I bloody hated that "game" when I went through it months ago. This isn't about the "game". It's about her using sex to make money and showing the corruption in the games industry. I guess I'll update the first post.

I'm not so sure about that. A lot of the points in the game seem pretty accurate, though admittedly it does seem incomplete. Once you get past a certain point in the scenario that could be a "wake up call" where one might try to get help, the options are pretty restricted and pretty much all choices have effectively the same result.


I don't know anything about the controversy surrounding this game, but it has been interesting.

Edited by grahamf, 20 August 2014 - 12:13 AM.



#9 Socalmuscle


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 01:35 AM

Well that is one ugly girl who just ruined her career for a short shot at "glory." Lol

Honesty is the best policy.

Work hard and work honest kids. And you'll go far.

Pull this crap and you'll just become a joke.

#10 Gimbal



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 03:36 AM

I'm not so sure about that. A lot of the points in the game seem pretty accurate, though admittedly it does seem incomplete. Once you get past a certain point in the scenario that could be a "wake up call" where one might try to get help, the options are pretty restricted and pretty much all choices have effectively the same result.


I don't know anything about the controversy surrounding this game, but it has been interesting.


I said I hated the "game". That's not up for debate.  The game basically says "there is no help and you'll never get over your depression, medication and therapy will just make you feel like more of a loser," so no. 

Well that is one ugly girl who just ruined her career for a short shot at "glory." Lol

Honesty is the best policy.

Work hard and work honest kids. And you'll go far.

Pull this crap and you'll just become a joke.


Seems unlikely if most people just assume. "Woman"? "Gaming"? Must be oppression. "Hmmm interesting game for good cause"

Edited by Gimbal, 20 August 2014 - 03:37 AM.

"So if Zero Suit Samus is fanbait for guys, where is the fanbait for girls? Why isn’t Captain Falcon wearing a thong or sporting a chest twice the size of his last model? Why doesn’t Mario have an absurd crotch buldge holding in his 10 inch slice of manhood? Why doesn’t Yoshi look like a Fist of the North Starcharacter.
That, my friends, is why the design is sexist."~Angelo M. D'Argenio-4/17/2014
"Yes, because owning only 1 game in this series makes you qualified to have an opinion on it"~PyroKinesis-5/7/2014


"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014


#11 3Dude



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 04:20 AM

I was really hoping this unicorn tongue wouldnt come here.

The jimquisition video is still right, even if this ends up being true, as it was a general video that just used Zoe as an example. Even if Zoe was completely full of rainbow, which is about as unlikely as her being a perfect angel, because shes actually just a flawed human being like the rest of us.... It wouldnt matter=, because its not like this one instance proves that no woman anywhere has ever been harrassed.

Zoe Quinn actually WAS harrassed, in fact, wizardchan PROVED it. You even have a link to the proof in one of your image links. It just wasnt done by wizard chan, but rather some members from something called the cwcforums, which for some reason has a hard on for trolling the wizard forums. The person who gave Zoe the 'Heads up' that it was this wizard chan, was undoubtedly part of the harrassment campaign. Yes Zoe believed it, apparrently she believed it 'hook line and sinker', because shes not psychic.

But the constant attempts to use Zoe, as the template for ALL women is ridiculous and stupid Also ridiculous and stupid is the belief that a vag is a mind control device. That once a mans pegasus generator enters a womans vag, he has to do their bidding. That is so incredibly stupid and insulting it defies description.

There is also this belief that there is some kind of quality control on steam that would prevent a 'game' like depression quest from ever getting greenlit unless Zoe used her mind control vag to command the sjw hordes, to greenlight her game, which would guarantee her FAME and FORTUNE!!!! Seriously? Steam is a cesspool that is flooded with crap. Depression quest isnt even CLOSE to the worst offender on steam, and Im NOT saying that because I think depression quest is a good game, STEAM is just that bad. And getting on steam is worth NOTHING. There is not even remotely close to a guarantee that because your game got greenlit for steam that you now got it made. I just posted an inside piece about that like a day ago. Steam, is WORTHLESS for 90% of the games in it, precisely because any steaming pile of crap can get green lit. Mostly what this devolves down into, is digging around in Zoe's private life, which is just creepy. And pointless. Because, not only will nothing here ever really be able to be proven one way or another, the only thing you would EVER be able to prove is that Zoe Quinn is an individual human being, who can mistakes. She doesnt represent the entirety of females everywhere, and she sure as hell wouldnt suddenly prove that no female has ever been harrassed for being female anywhere, and it was all just a big conspiracy.

Zoe Quinn, and her vag, are far, far far, far, FAR from the problems plauging this industry, and the media that covers it, no matter WHERE this story goes. Her vag is completely and utterly inconsequential to the problems actually plauging the gaming media, and the industry itself.



#12 Tom


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 07:55 AM

This is why the creatures from the social justice corner of Tumblr should not be doing anything aside from brooding with each other.


Especially not getting involved with making video games.


#13 Raiden


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 08:02 AM

What a bunch of poppycock the entire situation is. I don't like it,not at all.

#14 Big Boss

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Posted 20 August 2014 - 01:37 PM

doesn't matter, industry still sucks

#15 Socalmuscle


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:10 PM

I said I hated the "game". That's not up for debate. The game basically says "there is no help and you'll never get over your depression, medication and therapy will just make you feel like more of a loser," so no.

Seems unlikely if most people just assume. "Woman"? "Gaming"? Must be oppression. "Hmmm interesting game for good cause"

Actually it was simply a case of someone doing underhanded things to get ahead and it came back to bite her. So learn your lesson now kids.

Especially if you aspire to public facing career.

People will find out. And they won't be nice about it.

And it's not harassment to call out someone for being an immoral mess.

She cheated with her MARRIED boss in addition to other things.

I for one am certainly glad for the wife that she now knows how her husband really feels about her. Now she can correct that mistake and move on to better things.

Edited by Socalmuscle, 20 August 2014 - 02:14 PM.

#16 3Dude



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:17 PM

Actually it was simply a case of someone doing underhanded things to get ahead and it came back to bite her. So learn your lesson now kids.

Especially if you aspire to public facing career.

People will find out. And they won't be nice about it.

And it's not harassment to call out someone for being an immoral mess.

She cheated with her MARRIED boss in addition to other things.

I for one am certainly glad for the wife that she now knows how her husband really feels about her. Now she can correct that mistake and move on to better things.

Except it wasnt, and that was all fabricated bs that never had any real proof whatsoever.



#17 Socalmuscle


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 03:32 PM

Except it wasnt, and that was all fabricated bs that never had any real proof whatsoever.

Actually.. Some of the stuff he posted was true and verifiable...

Which lends credence to more of what was said.

Be interesting to see this play out.

Doesn't look good for her.

#18 3Dude



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 03:48 PM

Actually.. Some of the stuff he posted was true and verifiable...

Which lends credence to more of what was said.

Be interesting to see this play out.

Doesn't look good for her.

No, it doesnt lend credence to jack crap.

And of course it doesnt look good for her. Shes constantly being flooded by arse holes with no lives constantly creating accounts for every manner of social media on the internet just to harass her, about the powers of her mind, time, and space controlling vagoo.



#19 Socalmuscle


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 04:40 PM

No, it doesnt lend credence to jack crap.And of course it doesnt look good for her. Shes constantly being flooded by arse holes with no lives constantly creating accounts for every manner of social media on the internet just to harass her, about the powers of her mind, time, and space controlling vagoo.

Thus the reason I lend my GI joe end of cartoon moral virtues to the innocent kiddos before they make the same mistakes.

And knowing is half the battle...

#20 Gimbal



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 04:57 PM

I was really hoping this unicorn tongue wouldnt come here.

The jimquisition video is still right, even if this ends up being true, as it was a general video that just used Zoe as an example. Even if Zoe was completely full of rainbow, which is about as unlikely as her being a perfect angel, because shes actually just a flawed human being like the rest of us.... It wouldnt matter=, because its not like this one instance proves that no woman anywhere has ever been harrassed.

Zoe Quinn actually WAS harrassed, in fact, wizardchan PROVED it. You even have a link to the proof in one of your image links. It just wasnt done by wizard chan, but rather some members from something called the cwcforums, which for some reason has a hard on for trolling the wizard forums. The person who gave Zoe the 'Heads up' that it was this wizard chan, was undoubtedly part of the harrassment campaign. Yes Zoe believed it, apparrently she believed it 'hook line and sinker', because shes not psychic.

But the constant attempts to use Zoe, as the template for ALL women is ridiculous and stupid Also ridiculous and stupid is the belief that a vag is a mind control device. That once a mans pegasus generator enters a womans vag, he has to do their bidding. That is so incredibly stupid and insulting it defies description.

There is also this belief that there is some kind of quality control on steam that would prevent a 'game' like depression quest from ever getting greenlit unless Zoe used her mind control vag to command the sjw hordes, to greenlight her game, which would guarantee her FAME and FORTUNE!!!! Seriously? Steam is a cesspool that is flooded with crap. Depression quest isnt even CLOSE to the worst offender on steam, and Im NOT saying that because I think depression quest is a good game, STEAM is just that bad. And getting on steam is worth NOTHING. There is not even remotely close to a guarantee that because your game got greenlit for steam that you now got it made. I just posted an inside piece about that like a day ago. Steam, is WORTHLESS for 90% of the games in it, precisely because any steaming pile of crap can get green lit. Mostly what this devolves down into, is digging around in Zoe's private life, which is just creepy. And pointless. Because, not only will nothing here ever really be able to be proven one way or another, the only thing you would EVER be able to prove is that Zoe Quinn is an individual human being, who can mistakes. She doesnt represent the entirety of females everywhere, and she sure as hell wouldnt suddenly prove that no female has ever been harrassed for being female anywhere, and it was all just a big conspiracy.

Zoe Quinn, and her vag, are far, far far, far, FAR from the problems plauging this industry, and the media that covers it, no matter WHERE this story goes. Her vag is completely and utterly inconsequential to the problems actually plauging the gaming media, and the industry itself.


I actually laughed. I expected it from you. This is about her and five men. Sorry for disrespecting all women. It's not like there are women that disapprove of her either. It's not like she ruined a production for women or anything.(I admit I haven't really researched that part but I checked a lot of other stuff out and there's a very very slim chance of it all being fake) It's not like the guys from wizardchan that had nothing to do with it were "harassed" too including by she herself..

Edited by Gimbal, 20 August 2014 - 05:05 PM.

"So if Zero Suit Samus is fanbait for guys, where is the fanbait for girls? Why isn’t Captain Falcon wearing a thong or sporting a chest twice the size of his last model? Why doesn’t Mario have an absurd crotch buldge holding in his 10 inch slice of manhood? Why doesn’t Yoshi look like a Fist of the North Starcharacter.
That, my friends, is why the design is sexist."~Angelo M. D'Argenio-4/17/2014
"Yes, because owning only 1 game in this series makes you qualified to have an opinion on it"~PyroKinesis-5/7/2014


"He is a game dev, critic, games media writer, and candidate for a phd by the way. So, LMFAO."~3Dude 9/4/2014


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