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Co-Founder Of Sledgehammer Games Says Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare Won’t Be Com

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#1 Cozmo


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 08:53 AM

Michael Condrey, the Co-Founder of Sledgehammer Games and developer behind Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, says that the highly anticipated game won’t be coming to Wii U. Condrey says it was Activision’s decision and that the team are concentrating on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC versions of the game. Condrey also confirmed that Treyarch won’t be making a version.

source and tweet:http://mynintendonew...oming-to-wii-u/

#2 Raiden


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 08:55 AM


#3 3Dude



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 08:56 AM




#4 NintendoReport



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 08:59 AM

Ya can't constipate on ps4 and xbox 1 when there is still a 360 and ps3 version

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#5 alex15810



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 09:01 AM

Big letdown. I love the CoD games, I've spent 100s of hours on BO2 for Wii U. I was already considering getting a PS4 this fall this makes my decision easier.


I've been so letdown by the lack of 3rd party support. When I bought my Wii U shortly after launch I was expecting to get all these ports.


Not getting GTA 5 hurt badly, then it was not getting SP: Stick of Truth or a Zombi U sequel. Now we aren't even getting CoD games. What a huge dissapointment.

Edited by alex15810, 20 August 2014 - 09:26 AM.

#6 GCD


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 10:00 AM

Could not care less, i only just bought Ghost recently on the wii-u when i found it on sale for under 20 quid, but apart from that i am done with the franchise on all platforms now, Ghost will simply use up the last dregs of interest i have in the cod games.

#7 Thugbrown


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 11:34 AM

As of lately i wonder why all the 3rd parties are pulling out of the Wii U development circle with their possible heavy hitters.  Yeah I know all we get are gimped versions anyhow but it is like all these 3rd party publishers are trying to muscle Nintendo out of the hardware business.  The Wii U isn't weak and is a capable machine when effort is put towards it but it these greedy publisher that only want games on systems they believe if relevant versus fulfilling the fanbase needs on all platforms and putting as much time and energy into all versions.  I really want a game that would really set the bar beyond expectations on the Wii U.  I know that Zelda is a great example of this but I want something to go even beyond that like a game engine just to make every 3rd party publishers look stupid I'm talking about and exclusive Wii U game engine made just for the console that would rival some of the best game engines that can supposedly be done only on the ps4 and xbone then we can all give these greedy publishers the finger and tell them to have a nice day. 

#8 DéliopT



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Posted 20 August 2014 - 02:01 PM

No Assaissin`s Creed, no Batman, no Call of Duty...

If you exclude exclusive games Nintendo paid for, you have Trap Team, Just Dance and Disney Infinity for you 3rd party offerings for this year.


The only way that Wii U could sell these franchises would be to have exclusive games of each brand. People who own other consoles won`t buy - and didn`t - buy an inferior version and wouldn`t leave the online community or friends to buy the game on Wii U.

Nintendo is paying heavily the price of Wii, this generation. Wii created a new market, but abandoned all those who were core gamers and now that userbase is in a steady relationship with Xbox and PS.


And i really wanted to play this game. dang...



#9 Ecorsbie


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 06:11 PM

I am getting worried that Nintendo will die now.  At first I didn't think so, but without 3rd party support it will be hard for nintendo to stay afloat.  

#10 iEatTacos


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 10:48 PM

Nintendo will never die. Times like these only strengthen Nintendo's first and second party development teams.

#11 Raiden


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Posted 20 August 2014 - 10:55 PM

I am getting worried that Nintendo will die now.  At first I didn't think so, but without 3rd party support it will be hard for nintendo to stay afloat.  

 They have enough to lose $250 Million a year for 40 years before going bankrupt. They are sitting fine. Sony will die before Nintendo.

#12 Socalmuscle


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:23 AM

I am getting worried that Nintendo will die now.  At first I didn't think so, but without 3rd party support it will be hard for nintendo to stay afloat.

They'll manage.

But I'm betting on on some third party liaison business going on right now and a big spec push for the next machine.

#13 Mewbot


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:33 AM

 They have enough to lose $250 Million a year for 40 years before going bankrupt. They are sitting fine. Sony will die before Nintendo.

While I don't want sony to die, it'd be funny to see them die just to shut up the playstation fans.


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#14 Keviin



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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:15 AM

>highly anticipated


I don't see any hype for AW. There was a huge marketing campaign and social media hype for Ghosts, but they've done next to nothing to promote AW.

Edited by Keviin, 21 August 2014 - 03:15 AM.

No sig.

#15 DéliopT



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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:42 AM

One thing`s for sure, the lack of 3rd party content will be even more damaging next year when Nintendo starts shifting staff to developing the new handheld and games for it. If you think Wii U suffered a drought, just wait until Nintendo has 2 Wii Us (in terms of specs) on it`s hands.


This lack of 3rd party will make Nintendo go one of two ways: either go Sony and MS route or develop cross platform games for both next HH and HC. That way can release enough games per year to support their consoles on their own. Which might also push Nintendo to allocate staff to develop new genres (see Splatoon) and new franchises.



#16 Mewbot


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 03:45 AM

what a dyke


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#17 alex15810



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Posted 21 August 2014 - 05:30 AM

Yeah I know all we get are gimped versions anyhow but it is like all these 3rd party publishers are trying to muscle Nintendo out of the hardware business.


I actually feel the opposite. I feel Nintendo is forcing me to go to Sony. I bought a Wii U shortly after launch planning for it to be the only system I owned...believing Nintendo when they said we'd get 3rd party support this gen. Now because of a few major screw ups on Nintendo's part, a seemingly lack of interest in marketing the Wii U or dedication in convincing 3rd parties to develop they've ran off 3rd party support. So now I'm being forced to spend an extra $400 on a second console. I do feel shafted, not gonna lie.


Nintendo's exclusives are second to none, no doubt. But they're all short games pretty much all of them are very beatable in 1-3 weeks. Less than a week if you really go on a gaming marathon. There's just not enough gameplay in the major 1st party nintendo games alone to allow me to stick with Nintendo exclusively unfortunately. And I'm not even a hardcore gamer. Some weeks I don't play at all. Most weeks I'm between 5-15 hours of play time.


I probably post more negative posts than most on this board and I try not to as I love Nintendo but I've just been so dissapointed by so many of Nintendo's bonehead moves this gen that it's hard not to be. Nintendo should be owning the industry right now, their 1st parties are heads above everyone elses. If they'd just get the 3rd party support it would be game over. Sony and Microsoft wouldn't have a chance.


OK /end rant.

Edited by alex15810, 21 August 2014 - 06:01 AM.

#18 Akazury


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 06:28 AM

Nintendo should be owning the industry right now, their 1st parties are heads above everyone elses. If they'd just get the 3rd party support it would be game over. Sony and Microsoft wouldn't have a chance.
OK /end rant.

We can't blame you for feeling that way and acting on it. I'm the same kind of gamer as you but I'm getting all the third party support that I need. Besides that I'm not going to buy a PS4 when this gen is over in three years and I'm sure Nintendo's big releases will keep me tied down so long.

But what you said above I think is a big reason for third party's to shy away from Nintendo. They know that should Nintendo get back on top they'd be screwed like in the past when Nintendo was able to make crazy demands because there were almost no other (good selling) consoles.

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#19 Raiden


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 07:15 AM

I actually feel the opposite. I feel Nintendo is forcing me to go to Sony. I bought a Wii U shortly after launch planning for it to be the only system I owned...believing Nintendo when they said we'd get 3rd party support this gen. Now because of a few major screw ups on Nintendo's part, a seemingly lack of interest in marketing the Wii U or dedication in convincing 3rd parties to develop they've ran off 3rd party support. So now I'm being forced to spend an extra $400 on a second console. I do feel shafted, not gonna lie.


You do realise Nintendo did everything to get 3rd party support? I feel like a broken record hjere but ok here it goes.


When they released 3DS on purpose at launch window Nintendo let third parties release games in that window and few if any 1st party. Many of those games were just ports or half assed. Didn't help 3DS at all. So Nintendo had to step in with OoT to get 3DS going. When Wii launched Nintendo once again let 3rd parties step in the launch window and release thier games. Problem is EA gave us gimped ME3 a year after release instead of ME trilogy and other gimped ports. Nintendo even published Ninja Gaiden. EVen when Nintendo gave them every opportunity 3rd parties gave half assed efforts gimped versions and left out DLC. This is just a flat fact. These companies have a wierd nonsensical agenda. Nintendo did everything to accomodate them since the complaints in the past has been Nintendo 1st party is hard to compete against so they gave them a free window twice and both times 3rd parties blew it. Oh and hey Ubi screwed us on Rayman Legends at launch.

#20 Thugbrown


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Posted 21 August 2014 - 08:48 AM

I actually feel the opposite. I feel Nintendo is forcing me to go to Sony. I bought a Wii U shortly after launch planning for it to be the only system I owned...believing Nintendo when they said we'd get 3rd party support this gen. Now because of a few major screw ups on Nintendo's part, a seemingly lack of interest in marketing the Wii U or dedication in convincing 3rd parties to develop they've ran off 3rd party support. So now I'm being forced to spend an extra $400 on a second console. I do feel shafted, not gonna lie.


Nintendo's exclusives are second to none, no doubt. But they're all short games pretty much all of them are very beatable in 1-3 weeks. Less than a week if you really go on a gaming marathon. There's just not enough gameplay in the major 1st party nintendo games alone to allow me to stick with Nintendo exclusively unfortunately. And I'm not even a hardcore gamer. Some weeks I don't play at all. Most weeks I'm between 5-15 hours of play time.


I probably post more negative posts than most on this board and I try not to as I love Nintendo but I've just been so dissapointed by so many of Nintendo's bonehead moves this gen that it's hard not to be. Nintendo should be owning the industry right now, their 1st parties are heads above everyone elses. If they'd just get the 3rd party support it would be game over. Sony and Microsoft wouldn't have a chance.


OK /end rant.

I agree but also disagree.  I too bought the Wii U at launch and there were a lot of bone head moves Nintendo did make with the lack of advertisement no 1st party game to really get us excited about the systems or show off the capabilities of the hardware not just the game pad.  But 3rd party also made a lot of the same by not putting forth any effort to their releases, leaving out content, and concentrating on the other versions over the Wii U so the Nintendo ver get delayed, or even canned, missing content over other versions even the weaker hardware versions of last gen and they wonder why we don't want the Wii U version.  They really never gave Nintendo a fair shot they deserved in the first place so now they want to up and close up shop like it is solely Nintendo's fault their games don't sell enough on it's hardware.  That's all right though bye.


OK/end my rant.


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