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FFXV Trailer does it's best Xenoblade impression

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#41 3Dude



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Posted 22 September 2014 - 08:17 AM

Nah, this game can no longer be even remotely compared to X.
Devs confirm no playable female characters, must be learning from Ubisoft.

So weve come full circle:

Ithink the real damning evidence that this shouldnt even be considered even ff any more, much less comparable to X was Tabata confirming exactly what I said it was going to be.

Not an rpg, but just a derivitive bubblegum blockbuster AAA roller coaster ride with little substance.

Cutscene, get in the car, listen to stupid babble while driving on rails past 'attractions' like roadside monsters, game tells you to get off, gives mission, go complete scripted events, get back in car, repeat, game done.



#42 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 22 September 2014 - 08:20 AM

Not in RPG's with party systems. And no RPG party system needs to have variety in character and play styles,that's the point in the first place to have it. Square doesn't really understand FF anymore or the genre they have not for a long while.

So you're saying rpg's with parties have to have girls in them? If they have diversity in other ways, why is this necessary?






#43 NintendoReport



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Posted 22 September 2014 - 08:31 AM

So you're saying rpg's with parties have to have girls in them? If they have diversity in other ways, why is this necessary?


No, he is saying it is Better.

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#44 Raiden


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Posted 22 September 2014 - 09:12 AM

So you're saying rpg's with parties have to have girls in them? If they have diversity in other ways, why is this necessary?

Answer is above your post. Yes the whole point for a party system is different races,classes,genders. It makes the game mechanically work better and narrative better. You take that away and you get something shallow. It just doesn't work well.

Edited by Ryudo, 22 September 2014 - 09:15 AM.

#45 KeptMyWiiUAndLeftTheForums



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Posted 22 September 2014 - 10:14 AM

Answer is above your post. Yes the whole point for a party system is different races,classes,genders. It makes the game mechanically work better and narrative better. You take that away and you get something shallow. It just doesn't work well.

My bad, I misread.

All the same; I agree that diversity is better, and the point of parties in RPG's,, but I just don't think that gender is one of these necessary differences. I think personalities, powers, etc. are more important differences.






#46 Raiden


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Posted 22 September 2014 - 01:23 PM

That's the thing tho lol. Square isn't very good about diversity.


Tho I will say this now when XBX comes out and when XV comes out in maybe 2016 see which is the better game. Likely be XBX because they were a good part that made Squaresoft and made some of the best stuff Square ever had. They simply understand the fundamentals what makes a RPG and what makes it great. Square struggles with this they just do not understand mechanics or narrative or diversity.

FFXV looks really off in that way. I don't think it's going to be a game that offers alot of depth.I mean we can compare XV and Type 0
 Type 0 has a cast of characters, each with vastly different motivations that defines who they are and how they fight. Why you choose to play as one of these characters, why you choose to pair these characters is all important to the player because the player themself is given a reason to.You choose your playstle and who you want to suceed.FFXV looks like you just play as Noctis, and it's got just 3 supporters of his.In reality FFXV only has 1 character, 1 playstyle, and 1 point of view

#47 Elric


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 05:46 PM

Yeah, I always have a soft spot for reality based fantasy too.

People arent comparing the games, just the visual themes, which 15 very blatantly 'borrowed' from Xenoblade and X.

Its pretty conspicuous too. The game was shown off many times before, had nothing remotely X like about it. It dissapears for an extended period of time after X is shown off, and resurfaces with a new director and X styled imagery duct taped all over it. Thats what we are comparing.

And while we are mocking the blatant copying and car full of beleiber fanboys a little, I know I would be lying if I said aping X wasnt working, it appeals to me much, MUCH more than it did pre X copying.

UNFORTUNATELY, unlike X... Its not looking like its going to be remotely close to X in terms of open world exploration... Or even open world at all.

Given all of the interviews, and now the latest trailer, it does indeed look to be styled after the action games Nomura keeps likening it too, complete with an on rails adventure, and that highway looks like its your rails, looks like you get off when the game tells you can, tells you to go do your scripted events in the scripted areas and missions, and then get right back on the rails to go to the next attraction.

​I don't know if it's going to be on rails, but that might not be a bad thing considering the scale of the game. This is something new  for the final fantasy series, I don't believe that they have a story quite like this one (based on reality with fantasy). I mean if you think about it, Kingdom Hearts, one of the most successful square enix game is kind of on rails. You go to a world, complete task, repeat. It might not be a bad thing, I guess there is only one way to find out. 




#48 Raiden


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Posted 23 September 2014 - 05:50 PM

No rails is terrible for a RPG. KH is kinda bad and FF X wasn't very good and FF13 was putrid garbage. No in a RPG you need to explore the world. It's one of the fundamentals in a RPG. Now you can sorta deviate in a 2D side view. Putting huge fields in a game just to be on rails is counterproductive. Like a racing game you can't steer the car or a Platformer that auto jumps.

#49 NintendoReport



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Posted 24 September 2014 - 07:26 AM


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#50 Raiden


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Posted 24 September 2014 - 12:02 PM


#51 3Dude



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Posted 24 September 2014 - 08:11 PM

​I don't know if it's going to be on rails, but that might not be a bad thing considering the scale of the game. This is something new  for the final fantasy series, I don't believe that they have a story quite like this one (based on reality with fantasy). I mean if you think about it, Kingdom Hearts, one of the most successful square enix game is kind of on rails. You go to a world, complete task, repeat. It might not be a bad thing, I guess there is only one way to find out. 

There were lots of games like that before rpgs, in fact they were the vast majority before ultima video gamed table top rpg's, and Nintendo refined persistant world action adventure games and made history.

RPG's full of large worlds without rails and leashes, games that played mechanically like action games, but did more than simply traveled left to right killing everything became popular because people wanted more from their experience than mindless passive entertainment.

Back when Squeenix was called squaresoft, they were part of the pioneers creating the path of more than just passive entertainment. Now they clearly arent. They believe there is far more money to be made off the low hanging fruit.

For the record, i have a rather poor opinion on kh. Its a poor action game, consisting of simple, sloppy, repetitive action, its a poor rpg, simplified to the point of insult in all aspects, from stat progression to world/progression design, and the story is absolutely cringworthy.

And this looks worse on all fronts save for visual presentation and story.

I dont want to go on a theme park ride that dramatically depicts the things I used to actually do. To me, that is the worst thing you can do. There is literally no reason to spend money on a game like that, simply watch it on youtube.



#52 Marcus



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Posted 01 October 2014 - 08:14 AM

what happened to turn based RPG?


Haha they perfected it in FFX so thought the best next move would be to just completely ditch the concept that they'd invented and perfected.

#53 Raiden


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Posted 02 October 2014 - 02:20 PM

Haha they perfected it in FFX so thought the best next move would be to just completely ditch the concept that they'd invented and perfected.

Grandia series perfected Turn Based. FFIV took it to ATB. CT polished it. Grandia revitalized and perfected it.


Edited by Ryudo, 01 October 2014 - 08:23 AM.

#54 tboss



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Posted 03 October 2014 - 09:55 PM

so they are going for xenoblade, without the environments, doubtfully a comparable story, combat reduced to assassin's creed quality, A joke list of characters, on rails

#55 DarkMagician77


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Posted 03 October 2014 - 11:29 PM

Grandia series perfected Turn Based. FFIV took it to ATB. CT polished it. Grandia revitalized and perfected it.




Last Grandia game I played was for the Dreamcast!!!  Man I loved that system...just like the Wii U the console is much loved by the few who own them!!!

#56 3Dude



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Posted 06 October 2014 - 09:45 AM

so they are going for xenoblade, without the environments, doubtfully a comparable story, combat reduced to assassin's creed quality, A joke list of characters, on rails

Yes. Yes they are. Backed by enough marketing to garuntee a tidal wave of positive reviews, enough hype to get all the clueless to buy day 1... And then a month later op disillusioned dissapointment threads across the internet.



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